Auti 2

Auti 2 2011


Munjeviti i njegova kompletna ekipa skupa s novim šefom Šlepom zapute se na put oko svijeta kako bi sudjelovali u utrkama pravih šampiona koje se održavaju u pet različitih zemalja: Japanu, Njemačkoj, Italiji, Francuskoj i Velikoj Britaniji. Međutim, Šlep uskoro upadne u slučaj zamjene identiteta i, nakon što spasi britanskog tajnog agenta, potpuno neočekivano se nađe u svijetu međunarodne špijunaže...


Brzi i žestoki 7

Brzi i žestoki 7 2015


Nakon pobjede nad Owenom Shawom i njegovom ekipom Dominic Toretto i njegova banda uličnih trkača vraća se u SAD da napokon žive normalan život... Ili su barem tako mislili. Nisu ni slutili da Owenov stariji brat traži osvetu... Nastavljajući globalne podvige serijala građenog na brzini, Vin Diesel predvodi povratničku glumačku postavu „Brzih i žestokih 7“. Nakon pobjede nad Owenom Shawom i njegovom ekipom Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel), Brian O'Conner (Paul Walker) i ostatak ekipe vraćaju se u Sjedinjene Države da napokon žive normalan život... Ili su barem tako mislili. Nisu ni slutili da Owenov stariji brat Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham ) traži osvetu za smrt svog brata ponovno ugrožavajući Dominica i cijelu ekipu. U međuvremenu, ekipa kreće u potragu za čovjekom koji je ubio Hana prije nego što ih on prvi pronađe.



Auti 2006


Munjeviti Jurić šampion je automobilskih utrka, idol mladih i neustrašivi sportaš. Iako beskrajno samouvjeren i bahat, on zapravo ništa ne zna o stvarnom životu, a kao proslavljeni trkač, ne dopušta da ga bilo tko nadmaši. Tijekom posljednje utrke dogodi mu se nezgoda zbog koje još dva automobila istodobno s njim uđu na cilj. Da bi se proglasio pravi pobjednik, organizatori odluče upriličiti još jedno natjecanje, na velikom trkalištu u Kaliforniji. Putujući u kamionu prema odredištu, Juriću se dogodi nezgoda te on zaglavi u malom, zapuštenom zaselku. Očajan jer zbog oštećenja ne može otići, on je prisiljen ostati u zaselku, upoznati se s njemu neuglednim i neprimjerenim automobilima, no koji će mu pomalo postati dragi...


Povratak u budućnost

Povratak u budućnost 1985


U izmišljenom gradu Hill Valley, tinejdžer Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) slučajno otputuje u prošlost, točnije u 1955. godinu, u vremenskom stroju koji je izumio njegov prijatelj, znanstvenik dr. Emmett Brown (Cristopher Lloyd). Sve što Marty napravi u 1955. utjecat će na budućnost, a ugrozit će čak i vlastitu egzistenciju.


Povratak u budućnost II

Povratak u budućnost II 1989


Drugi nastavak trilogije započinje tamo gdje je prošli završio no ovoga puta destinacija je 2015. godina. Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox), Doc (Christopher Lloyd) i Jennifer (Lea Thompson) putuju 30 godina u budućnost gdje se susreću sa svojim budućim ja i djecom koja se tek trebaju roditi. Nakon što srede situaciju vraćaju se u sadašnjost uvidjevši da su se stvari promjenile.



Superbrzi! 2015


Vin Serento i ostatak njegove družine očekuju vas u ovoj izvrsnoj parodiji na serijal filmova Brzi i žestoki. Mješavina Lancea Armstronga umjesto hrabrosti, uličnih utrka i savršeno uvrnutog zapleta, kao i mnogo više toga učinit će vam ovu sjajnu parodiju za zabavnom.


Put bez povratka 4

Put bez povratka 4 2009


Ovaj nastavak prati tinejdžera koji izbjegne pogibiju na trkalištu, no dozna da smrt ne može izbjeći tako lako. Glume Shantel VanSanten, Bobby Campo i Hayley Webb. Ako nekako uspijete prevariti smrt, budite sigurni da će vas ona pratiti do kraja. Ovoga puta predosjećaj spašava Nicka O'Bannona (Bobby Campo) koji uspijeva, uz nekolicinu sretnika, izbjeći smrti na utrci. No smrt ne odustaje lako. Vizije ne prestaju, a preživjeli s trkališta, jedan po jedan pogibaju na sve gore načine. Sada Nick mora shvatiti kako izbjeći smrt jedanput za svagda prije negoli i on stigne na posljednje odredište.


Izazivač: Le Mans '66

Izazivač: Le Mans '66 2019


Matt Damon i Christian Bale glume u istinitoj priči o vizionarskom američkom konstruktoru automobila Carrollu Shelbyju i neustrašivom britanskom vozaču Kenu Milesu, koji su izgradili revolucionarni trkaći auto za „Ford Motor Company“.


Utrka života

Utrka života 2013


Spektakularna ekranizacija nemilosrdnog rivalstva između Jamesa Hunta i Nikia Laude. Smješten u sexy i glamurozno zlatno doba Formule 1, ovaj film predstavlja nevjerojatnu priču o rivalstvu zgodnog engleskog playboya Hunta i austrijskog perfekcionista Laude. Film nas osim na staze, vodi i u privatan život i zakulisna događanja utrka. Prvenstveno prikazuje dva vozača koji se dovode do ruba fizičke i psihičke izdržljivosti, u utrci u kojoj nema prečice do pobjede, a jedna pogreška znači smrt.


Nevjerojatan život psa Enza

Nevjerojatan život psa Enza 2019


Milo Ventimiglia, glumi Dennyja, vozača trkaćeg automobila, koji je posvećen svom duhovitom, mudrom, gotovo ljudskom psu, Enzu.Enzo je Dannyju više od kućnog ljubimca, on mu je najbolji prijatelj.Denny upoznaje Eve, učiteljicu koju glumi Amanda Seyfried; zaljube se, vjenčaju i dobiju dijete. Uz podršku Eve i Enza Denny uči kako biti obiteljski čovjek u kriznim trenutcima, koristeći lekcije koje je naučio na stazi. Ovu dirljivu i emotivnu priču je režirao Simon Curtis, a temelji se na bestseleru Gartha Steina.



Turbo 2013


Turbo je običan puž koji se usuđuje sanjati velike i brze snove. Nakon neobične nesreće on čudom dobiva moć super brzine. On zatim svoja sanjarenja ubacuje u petu brzinu i upušta se u izuzetan pothvat kako bi postigao naizgled nemoguće: pobjedu nad čuvenim vozačem Gasom Daskićem..


Seulska vibra

Seulska vibra 2022


U danima koji prethode Olimpijskim igrama u Seoulu 1988. godine skupina vozača i mehaničara ode na tajni zadatak kako bi razbila golemi lanac pranja novca.


Američki grafiti

Američki grafiti 1973


Nekoliko maturanata provodi posljednju noć krstareći ulicom sa svojim prijateljima prije nego što odu na fakultet.


Utrka za slavu: Audi protiv Lancije

Utrka za slavu: Audi protiv Lancije 2024


Istinita priča koja prikazuje intenzivnu bitku između dvaju automobilskih divova tijekom Svjetskog prvenstva u reliju 1983. godine, tijekom žestokog rivalstva između Njemačke (Audi) i Italije (Lancia). To je vrijeme čuvene Grupe B, kada je Audi razvio model Quattro s pogonom na sva četiri kotača i bio je rival kojeg su svi željeli pobijediti. Lancia je, međutim, stupila na scenu s modelom 037, nasljednikom legendarnog Stratosa, zadržavajući pritom stražnji pogon. Usprkos prednostima Quattra, dramatična je sezona pripala Lanciji, jer je njen sportski automobil bio sigurniji na određenim stazama, pri čemu su značajnu ulogu odigrali i sitni trikovi talijanskog tima.


Initial D

Initial D 1998


Takumi’s job as a tofu delivery boy has turned him into one of the most formidable drivers around. Behind the wheel of his Eight-Six, he’s one with the road—and his life shifts into high gear when the underground street racing world takes notice. Drivers from across the region are lining up for a shot at the new guy. Takumi’s not just focused on winning—he’s out to prove he’s the best.


Formula 1: Drive to Survive

Formula 1: Drive to Survive 2019


Drivers, managers and team owners live life in the fast lane - both on and off the track - during one cutthroat season of Formula 1 racing.


Street Outlaws

Street Outlaws 2013


From a 1969 Chevy Nova to a race-ready farm truck, the vehicles - and their drivers - come in all shapes and sizes and have one thing in common: the need for speed. But according to the STREET OUTLAWS of Oklahoma City - home to one of the largest undercover street racing rings in America – if you’re not on “the list,” you don’t matter. The “list” contains the 10 fastest street-racing cars in Oklahoma City and they are the best of the best. Not only will these guys will do anything -ANYTHING- to get ranked on this list, they’ll do whatever it takes to STAY ranked. Street racing comes first - before family, before friends and before work. The stakes are high and these drivers will put everything on the line to get to top, where there can only be one #1.





Japan adopts self-driving electric automobiles and renders most gas engines obsolete by 202X. The fastest cars find new life in the MFG, a racing circuit held on Japanese motorways. Drivers from around the world race for a shot at the title. Kanata Rivington returns from Britain to Japan for the MFG—and to find his father. Can he win the title and find answers? Buckle up and push it to the limit!



Appare-Ranman! 2020


During the back-end of the 19th century, the genius but socially awkward engineer Sorano Appare and the wise yet cowardly samurai Isshiki Kosame find themselves drifting in the sea between Japan and America. With no money, the duo decide to enter the Trans-America Wild Race to win the prize money so they can get home. The two encounter rivals, bandits, and challenges in the wilderness as they race through America, from the starting line in Los Angeles to the finish line in New York, in the steam-powered car they built.


Wangan Midnight

Wangan Midnight 2007


After losing a street race to Tatsuya Shima's legendary "Blackbird" Porsche 911 Turbo, high school student Akio Asakura purchases a heavily-modified first-generation Datsun S30 Fairlady Z from a junkyard. The car has a dark history of accidents, leading some to believe it's cursed; hence its nickname "Devil Z." Akio also discovers that the Z's first owner shared his first and last name, and was killed in the car during a race with the Blackbird. Meanwhile, fashion model Reina Akikawa joins the rivalry between Akio and Tatsuya with her modified Nissan Skyline GT-R R32.





Haruka Asahina is a high school teen racing in Formula 4. He crosses paths with a washed-up photographer, Kōya Madoka, who decides to help Haruka realize his dream and reach the podium. The heat is on, and competition is fierce. Racing for the family-run Komaki Motors team means Haruka must push the car, and himself, to the limits to catch the attention of top teams. Buckle up, it’s time to race!


The Perils of Penelope Pitstop

The Perils of Penelope Pitstop 1969


The Perils of Penelope Pitstop is an American animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions that premiered on CBS on September 13, 1969. The show lasted two full seasons, with a total of 17 half-hour episodes produced and released, the last first-run episode airing on January 17, 1970. Repeats aired until September 4, 1971. It is a spin-off of the Wacky Races cartoon, reprising the characters of Penelope Pitstop and the Anthill Mob. This show airs reruns on Cartoon Network classic channel Boomerang.


Blood Drive

Blood Drive 2017


Set in a near-dystopian future, a former cop is forced to take part in a death race where the cars run on human blood. You lose a leg and you lose your head.



Capeta 2005


Capeta is a Japanese sports manga and anime about kart racing by Masahito Soda. The manga won the Kodansha Manga Award for shōnen in 2005. The series consists of three separate arcs. The first is about Capeta's first experiences with kart racing at the age of 10. The next arc, which starts four years later, deals with Capeta trying to handle his growing financial issues due to the high cost involved in kart racing. The third is about Capeta trying to realize his dream of beating his rival and becoming a professional racer, venturing through into a more senior category: Formula Three. Both the anime and manga features numerous references and homages to Initial D and Best Motoring International references, as well as Formula One. In addition to this, there are many karting and racing references that not only add flesh to the story, but are also factual.


Bad Obsession Motorsport - Project Binky

Bad Obsession Motorsport - Project Binky 2013


In the first episode of Project Binky, we take a rotten old Austin Mini and strip it down to a bare shell. We then take an angle grinder to it and cut it to pieces. It's only then that the customised rebuilding process starts. We're trying to create one of the fastest Minis on the planet. We're going to rebuild it with the engine and running gear from a Toyota Celica ST185 GT4. Or at least that's the plan. Whether it comes off or not is another matter. We're filming this as it happens so what you see is only a few weeks behind where we're actually at so we're not sure yet whether we can do it. That's kind of the fun though. Stick with us through the highs and the lows of the project. Hopefully it'll be worth the agony and cash. Feel free to share it far and wide!



Drive 2007


Drive is an American action drama television series set against the backdrop of an illegal cross-country automobile road race, focusing on the willing and unwilling competitors and, as the plot develops, the unseen puppet masters who sponsor the race. Minear has described the show's thematic tone by saying "a secret, illegal, underground road race can be anything from Cannonball Run to The Game to North by Northwest to Magnolia-on-wheels. Ours is all those things."



GRAND PRIX Driver 2018


For the first time go inside McLaren, the most prestigious team in Formula 1 racing. Gain unprecedented access to the drivers, engineers, and leaders of McLaren to see what it takes to compete at the highest level.


Idris Elba: No Limits

Idris Elba: No Limits 2015


Follow Idris as he pushes himself to the max to master some of the toughest speed disciplines in the world, before taking to both land and air to participate in some of the most fiercely fought competitions in sport.


Idris Elba: King of Speed

Idris Elba: King of Speed 2013


Idris Elba travels from his childhood home in east London to 'Motor City' - Detroit - and then on to New Jersey where he delves into the history of the first boy racers and explores how the quest for high speed has shaped professional motorsport and popular culture.


Team Sonic Racing Overdrive

Team Sonic Racing Overdrive 2019


Team Sonic, Team Rose, and Team Dark compete on the Wisp Circuit course, while Dr. Eggman is up to his usual trickery.


Street Outlaws: America's List

Street Outlaws: America's List 2021


With names like Ryan Martin, Big Chief, Murder Nova, JJ Da Boss, Kye Kelley, Brian “Chucky” Davis, Birdman, Boddie, Johnny Quick, Mike Murillo and more, this is the moment viewers have been waiting for – the best drivers in America competing on a single night to determine once and for all who's the king of the streets.


Peking to Paris

Peking to Paris 2006


A 14,000 kilometer journey to re-enact one of the world’s greatest overland adventures – the most daring car race of them all.



Brock 2016


Brock is a dramatisation that follows the life of Australian motor racing legend, Peter Brock. From his early racing days to his tragic death in Perth, TEN's new drama traces the soaring highs and brutal lows of one of the country’s most beloved sportsmen.


Drift Lamborghini

Drift Lamborghini 2020


Mad' Mike Whiddett is addicted to building cars and his latest passion is converting a Lamborghini Huracan into a drift supercar. Will he have it ready for the 2019 Goodwood Festival of Speed?