Teorija svega

Teorija svega 2014


Mladi Stephen Hawking dobiva medicinsku dijagnozu koja mu mijenja život i započinje ambiciozan studij, usput postavljajući nove znanstvene osnove zajedno sa suprugom i kolegicom Jane Wilde.


Putovanje na dno mora

Putovanje na dno mora 1961


Admiral Harriman Nelson konstruirao je najmoderniju atomsku podmornicu. Kapetan je Lee Crane čija je žena Cathy Connors Nelsonova tajnica. Admiralov najbliži suradnik je znanstvenik Lucius Emery. U podmornici se nalaze i gosti: političari i dr. Susan Hiller, koje admiral mora uvjeriti da je uistinu riječ o superpodmornici. Iznenada začuju zvuk poput eksplozije i primijete velike komade leda koji tonu. Podmornica izroni, a nebo doslovno gori. Preko televizije saznaju da gori cijela Zemlja zato što se iz neobjašnjivih razloga zapalio Van Alenov radioaktivni pojas koji okružuje zemaljsku kuglu. Admiral i Lucius se pridruže svjetskim znanstvenicima koji pokušavaju spasiti svijet. Ako žele pogoditi radioaktivni pojas, moraju otploviti do daleke točke u oceanu s koje će ispaliti projektil. Ako za šesnaest dana ne stigne do tog odredišta, više neće moći postići idealan kut za ispaljivanje rakete. Na svoju ruku krene s podmornicom prema cilju.


5ive Days to Midnight

5ive Days to Midnight 2004


A physicist discovers a briefcase containing postdated documents and evidence which indicate he will die five days in the future.


The Parallax Theory

The Parallax Theory 2015


Jonathan is a young physicist, who alone holds the knowledge of an imminent cataclysmic meteor strike. As he tirelessly warns the world of impending doom, he is ostracized by those who fear the truth, forcing him to choose between what may be a futile attempt to save humanity, or making the ultimate sacrifice for his family.


Uranium: Twisting the Dragon's Tail

Uranium: Twisting the Dragon's Tail 2015


A stunning new documentary series exploring the incredible story of uranium, from its creation in an exploding star to its deployment in nuclear weapons, nuclear power, and nuclear medicine. It’s a journey across nine countries and more than a century of stories, to discover the rock that made the modern world. It’s part science, part history, and all epic adventure. Join physicist and YouTube phenomenon Dr. Derek Muller as he reveals the untold story of the most wondrous and terrifying rock on Earth.