Skrivene junakinje

Skrivene junakinje 2016


Dok se SAD borio da prije Rusije pošalje čovjeka u svemir, NASA je pronašla neiscrpan talent u grupi afro-američkih matematičarki koje su bile mozak iza jedne od najvećih operacija u ljudskoj povijesti. Temeljeno na nevjerojatnoj istinitoj priči o ove tri žene znane kao "ljudska računala", pratimo te žene i njegov brzi uspon unutar NASA-e uz neke od najvećih umova u povijesti. Njihov je zadatak da izračunaju putanju kojom će se astronaut John Glenn lansirati u orbitu i kojom će se sigurno moći vratiti.


Tajni život kućnih pomoćnica

Tajni život kućnih pomoćnica 2011


Skeeter je djevojka s juga koja se vraća s fakulteta odlučna da postane pisac. Okreće živote svojih prijatelja i mali Mississippi naopačke kada odluči intervjuirati crnkinje koje su provele svoje živote brinući za istaknute južnjačke obitelji. Aibileen je Skeeterina najbolja prijateljica, domaćica, koja se na užas njenih prijatelja u usko povezanoj crnačkoj zajednici usudila progovoriti prva. Unatoč tome što njihovo dugotrajno poznanstvo visi u zraku, ona i Aibileen nastavljaju suradnju, a uskoro dolaze i druge sumještanke koje žele ispričati svoju priču.



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Vozeći gospođicu Daisy

Vozeći gospođicu Daisy 1989


Daisy Werthan je oštroumna, ali ostarjela Židovka koja skrivi lakšu automobilsku nesreću pa joj sin Boolie unajmi privatnog vozača Hokea Colburna. Starica se ne može pomiriti s činjenicom što ovisi o drugima pa pruža otpor pri svakom kontaktu sa strpljivim Colburnom. Ipak, među njima se razvija povjerenje koje nadilazi socijalne i rasne zapreke.


Amend: The Fight for America

Amend: The Fight for America 2021


When the United States of America was founded, the ideals of freedom and equality did not apply to all people. These are the stories of the brave Americans who fought to right the nation’s wrongs and enshrine the values we hold most dear into the Constitution — with liberty and justice for all.


Ku Klux Klan: An American Story

Ku Klux Klan: An American Story 2020


Since its birth in 1865, in the wake of the American Civil War, the history of the Ku Klux Klan has been inseparable from that of the United States. The debates over slavery, the populism in the roaring twenties, the struggle for civil rights in the sixties, the rise of the far-right in the early 21st century; the Klan seems to have always embodied the dark side of the nation, with its gray areas and blind spots.


The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow

The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow 2002


A landmark four-part series exploring segregation from the end of the civil war to the dawn of the modern civil rights movement. Lynchings and beatings by night. Demeaning treatment by day. And a life of crushing subordination for Southern blacks that was maintained by white supremacist laws and customs known as "Jim Crow." It was a brutal and oppressive era in American history, but during this time, large numbers of African Americans and a corps of influential black leaders bravely fought against the status quo, amazingly acquiring for African Americans the opportunities of education, business, land ownership, and a true spirit of community.


Shame of Chicago, Shame of the Nation

Shame of Chicago, Shame of the Nation 2024


How Chicago and its suburbs helped devise the nation’s most sweeping system of racially segregated communities, and how these policies diminished the lives of generations of Black families, creating the vast racial wealth gap that persists to this day.