
Blackhat 2015


Smješten u svijet globalnog cyber-kriminala, film prati osuđenika na uvjetnoj slobodi (Chris Hemsworth) i njegove američke i kineske partnere dok love vrhunsku mrežu cyber-kriminalaca od Chicaga do Los Angelesa, od Hong Konga do Jakarte. Nick Hathaway (Chris Hemsworth), iznimno talentirani, ali zastranio haker, pronalazi izlaz iz 15 godina zatvorske kazne kada se dijelovi računalnoga koda koji je napisao u mladosti pojave u zlonamjernom programu koji je izazvao teroristički napad u kineskoj tvornici. Ova prilika ujedinit će ga sa starim prijateljem, ali i uplesti u igru moći između američke i kineske vlade te s opasnim hakerom čiji identitet mora otkriti ako želi ostati na slobodi i na životu.


Policijska priča 3

Policijska priča 3 1992


Na zahtjev protu-narkotičkoga odjela Interpola, hongkonška Kraljevska policija šalje u akciju svojega najboljeg agenta Kevina koji si je svojim dotadašnjim pothvatima pribavio nadimak Superpolicajac. Njegova je zadaća razbiti veliki krijumčarski lanac moćnoga azijskoga narkobossa Chai Baa. Uz suradnju policije Narodne Republike Kine, Kevin dobiva novi identitet i lijepu kinesku policajku Huu za pomoćnicu te je ubačen među krijumčare. Put prepun uzbuđenja i smrtnih pogibelji vodi dvoje agenata u glasoviti "zlatni trokut" na tromeđi Burme, Tajlanda i Laosa, najveće svjetsko središte za proizvodnju droge, a zatim preko Hong Konga u Maleziju. U jednom su trenutku Kevin i Hua raskrinkani kao tajni agenti...


Povratak u raj

Povratak u raj 1998


Trojica mladih Amerikanaca John zvan Sheriff (V. Vaughn), Lewis (J. Phoenix) i Tony (D. Conrad) provode odmor u Maleziji prepuštajući se jednonoćnim vezama i uživanju lakih droga. Sheriff i Tony se vraćaju kući, a Lewis odluči otputovati u Indoneziju. New York, dvije godine poslije. Sheriffu pristupi odvjetnica Beth Eastern (A. Heche) obavijestivši ga da je Lewis zbog droge u Maleziji osuđen na smrtnu kaznu. Do izvršenja presude ostalo je samo osam dana, a Lewisu je jedini spas da i Sheriff i Tony priznaju posjedovanje droge kako ne bi bio osuđen kao krijumčar narkoticima. Sheriff i Tony nađu se pred najtežom odlukom u životu, a za priču se zainteresira i novinarka M. J. Major (J. Pinkett Smith).


MH370: The Plane That Disappeared

MH370: The Plane That Disappeared 2023


In 2014, a plane with 239 people aboard vanishes from all radar. This docuseries delves into one of our greatest modern mysteries: Flight MH370.


The Little Nyonya

The Little Nyonya 2020


Set in the 1930s, the drama spans across several generations of a wealthy Straits-born Chinese family in Malacca, and revolves around the feuds surrounding it. Yue Niang, a strong-willed Nyonya refuses to be consigned to her lowborn status in life and sets out to change her destiny, eventually succeeding as a businesswoman.


Malaysia Gourmet with Justine Schofield

Malaysia Gourmet with Justine Schofield 2024


Justine discovers the diverse blend of Malay, Indian, Chinese and indigenous cuisines as she explores Malaysia, from vibrant markets to serene beaches.


Stolen Taste of Malaysia

Stolen Taste of Malaysia 2023


Discover the diverse and delicious flavors of Malaysian cuisine with Jessica Liu and Juliana Ng. Each episode highlights a popular Malaysian dish and takes viewers on a culinary journey to visit unique and renowned eateries, while going behind the scenes to learn secrets from top chefs. Learn how to cook classic Malaysian dishes at home with tips on selecting ingredients, seasoning, and cooking techniques. Featured dishes include Bak Kut Teh, Laksa, and Kaya Toast.


Jason Can't Cook

Jason Can't Cook 2018


TV personality Jason Yeoh tries his hand at cooking by serving as an apprentice to various chefs. Can he acquire the skills to inject soul into the ingredients and whip up elegant dishes?


Jason's Market Trials

Jason's Market Trials 2018


Join Jason as he spends his mornings at wet markets across Malaysia. Discovering the origins, stories and processes of local foods, unearthing the markets’ histories and also the livelihood of the vendors.


Keluang Man

Keluang Man 1998


Set in Tampoi, Johor (near Johor Bahru), Keluang Man made his first appearance in an alley where a man is trying to rob a girl. Since then, Keluang Man has been media's most wanted. Keluang Man's real name is 'Borhan' and he is actually one of the mental patients in Tampoi Mental Hospital. The hospital security makes it hard for Keluang Man to act during daylight, so he decided only to fight for justice at night.



Kopitiam 1998


A young woman returns to Malaysia to take over her father’s old coffee shop. Along with inheriting the Kopitiam, she gains a kooky group of friends.


Unchained fate

Unchained fate 2016


A young trio aims to protect the world from evil, armed with magic crystals that allow them to control time, commune with spirits, and more.


Aerial Asia

Aerial Asia 2017


A rare glimpse of Asia’s most treasured landmarks, all seen from breath-taking heights. From busy cityscapes to natural wonders, this four-part series shot in stunning 4K captures the history and culture of this extraordinary continent and reveals a spectacular view of Asia that has never been seen before.