Ključna riječ Motherly Love
Serial Mom 1994
Boys and Girls 2000
Freaky Friday 2003
U ime kralja 2007
„U ime kralja“ slijedi putovanje farmera od jednostavnog obiteljskog čovjeka do herojskog vođe. Kada krvoločna vojska pod vodstvom zlog Galliana opustoši nekad idilično i mirno mjesto, za sobom uništava sve što joj se nađe na putu i to s namjerom da svrgne kralja Konreida. Kad otmu farmerovu ženu Solane, a divljački ratnici zvani Krugs mu ubiju sina, farmer je prisiljen ustati i boriti se za sve što voli i živi.
Skakač 2008
David Rice je čovjek koji ne poznaje granice, Skakač, rođen sa neobičnom sposobnošću da se trenutno teleportira bilo gdje na Zemlji. Kada otkrije druge poput sebe, David je gurnut u opasan i krvoločan rat dok ga lovi zlokobna i odlučna skupina zelota koji su se zakleli uništiti sve Skakače. Sada, Davidov izvanredni dar može biti njegova jedina nada za preživljavanje!
A Wife's Nightmare 2014
Les Misérables 1958
개를 훔치는 완벽한 방법 2014
Les Misérables 1998
தளபதி 1991
Penelope 2006
The Real McCoy 1993
Joyride 2022
爸妈不在家 2013
Les Misérables 1978
வேலையில்லா பட்டதாரி 2014
Les Misérables 1982
Miracle Run 2004
227 1985
A housewife sits on the stoop of her apartment building in a black neighborhood of Washington, D.C., and discusses all manner of things with her neighbors.
A Mother's Love 2019
Lurdes is a mother of five who tirelessly seeks for Domenico, a child of hers who was sold by his own father 26 years ago; Thelma is an overprotective mother who finds out she has a terminal illness, and must race against time to make her dreams come true and prepare her son for a life without her presence; Vitória is a successful lawyer who sees the end of her marriage after countless failed attempts to have a baby and decides for adoption, but finds out she is pregnant during the process. In "A Mother's Love", the lives of these women are intertwined while they recognize themselves in the unconditional love provided by motherhood.