Dina: Drugi dio

Dina: Drugi dio 2024


Radnja nastavlja putovanje Paula Atreidesa, sada ujedinjenog s Chani i Fremenima, dok je na ratnom putu osvete protiv onih koji su uništili njegovu obitelj. Suočen s izborom između ljubavi svog života i sudbine poznatog svemira, nastoji spriječiti užasnu budućnost koju samo on može predvidjeti.


Ratovi zvijezda: Epizoda III - Osveta Sitha

Ratovi zvijezda: Epizoda III - Osveta Sitha 2005


Tri godine nakon bitke Geonosisa ratovi klonova se konačno privode kraju. Obi-Wan Kenobi sada ima zaduženje za uništenje ostalih separatista Count Dooku i Grievousa. Palpatine je postao korumpiran, proglašavajući se carem, a zajedno s Anakinom Skywalkerom započinje stvaranje svog novog galaktičkog kraljevstva. Budući da se Anakin naposljetku pretvara u zlog Dartha Vadera, Padme se odlučuje skriti sve do kraja rata kada će na vidjelo izaći novi sukob.


Ben Hur

Ben Hur 1959


Židovski princ Judah Ben-Hur (Charlton Heston) dobar je gospodar svojim robovima, ponosan čovjek dostojan titule koju obnaša na početku novog tisućljeća. Naznaka teških vremena za njega i njegovu obitelj dolazi povećavanjem broja rimskih vojnika u regiji. Nove snage dolaze u Jeruzalem pod vodstvom Massale (Stephen Boyd), Ben-Hurovog starog prijatelja prijatelja iz djetinjstva.


Sjeme svete smokve

Sjeme svete smokve 2024


U središte radnje obitelj gurnuta pod svjetlo javnosti nakon što njezin patrijarh Iman dobiva posao istražnog suca u Teheranu. Dok se politički nemiri šire ulicama grada, Iman shvaća da je njegov posao opasniji od očekivanog što ga odvodi u sve veću paranoju i nepovjerenje čak i kad su u pitanju njegova supruga Najmeh te vlastite kćerke Sana i Rezvan.


Pripravnik: Priča o Trumpu

Pripravnik: Priča o Trumpu 2024


U New Yorku 1970-ih, ambiciozni nekretninski mogul Donald J. Trump nastoji izaći iz sjene svog moćnog oca. Na početcima svoje karijere upoznaje Roya Cohna, političkog fiksera koji mu postaje glavni mentor. Cohn uči Trumpa kako steći bogatstvo i moć putem prijevare, zastrašivanja i medijske manipulacije. Ostatak je više od povijesti. To je trenutna stvarnost.


Crvena, bijela i kraljevska plava

Crvena, bijela i kraljevska plava 2023


Alex Claremont-Diaz, sin predsjednika Sjedinjenih Država, i britanski princ Henry imaju mnogo toga zajedničkog, ali se odnose s apsolutnim prezirom. Nakon javnog sukoba, kako bi izbjegli negativne posljedice za svoje zemlje, momci se moraju pretvarati da su u dobrim odnosima. Postupno se njihovo prisilno prijateljstvo razvija u nešto više.



Šakal 1997


Kada međunarodni ubojica izmakne svim naporima FBI-a, oni se obrate zatvorenom borcu IRA-e kako bi spriječili ubojicu u sljedećem poslu.



Reagan 2024


Ispričan glasom bivšeg agenta KGB-a Viktora Petroviča, čiji život postaje neraskidivo povezan s Ronaldom Reaganom kada je Reagan prvi put privukao pažnju Sovjeta kao glumac u Hollywoodu, Reagan svladava izglede da postane 40. predsjednik Sjedinjenih Država.



JFK 1991


Okružni tužitelj iz New Orleansa, Jim Garrison, počinje sumnjati u službenu verziju atentata na predsjednika Johna F. Kennedyja. Istražujući dokaze, Garrison otkriva niz nepravilnosti i kontradiktornosti koje ga navode na zaključak da je atentat bio rezultat urote. Njegova potraga za istinom vodi ga kroz labirint političkih spletki, obavještajnih agencija i sumnjivih pojedinaca, dok se bori protiv moćnih sila koje žele zataškati pravu istinu.


Zavedi me ako možeš

Zavedi me ako možeš 2019


Fred Flarsky (Seth Rogen) se, nenadano i nakon dugo vremena, ponovno susreće sa Charlotte Field (Charlize Theron), svojom prvom simpatijom iz djetinjstva, koja je trenutno političarka te jedna od najutjecajnijih žena na svijetu. Charlotte se sprema za kandidaturu za predsjednicu SAD-a, te Freda odluči zaposliti da joj piše govore za kampanju, ne znajući da će između njih dvoje uskoro profrcati iskre.



Novine 2017


Radnja je usredotočena na objavu pentagonskih dokumenata u Washington Postu, kojima su 1971. njegovi novinari otkrili istinu o Vijetnamskom ratu. Pentagonski dokumenti predstavljaju niz službenih dokumenata američkog ministarstva obrane koji su procurili tako što ih je vojni analitičar Daniel Ellsberg dostavio novinarima.


Plavuša uzvraća udarac

Plavuša uzvraća udarac 2003


Nakon što je Elle Woods, vječito veselu, modno avanturističku, slavnu plavušu s Harvarda otpustila njena odvjetnička tvrtka zbog protivljenja testiranju na životinjama, ona odvede borbu u Washington. Kao pomoćnica kongresnice Victorie Rudd, zalaže se za zakon o zabrani testiranja jednom zauvijek, ali vratar njezine zgrade je taj koji joj daje prave i najvrijednije savjete.


Neograničena moć

Neograničena moć 1997


Noć je uvriježeno radno vrijeme za legendarnog provalnika Luthera Whitneyja (Clint Eastwood). Obavljajući jednu teško izvedivu provalu u luksuzno zdanje zaštićeno brojnim alarmima, Whitney je iznenada prisiljen sakriti se. Zaštićen od pogleda nenadanih posjetitelja, on ubrzo svjedoči strastvenoj igri tajanstvenog para koja uskoro postaje nasilna. U sobu iznenada upadaju dva pripadnika tajne službe i otvaraju paljbu na ženu. Zaprepašteni lopov se potom iskrada iz velebne kuće, potresen spoznajom da je ljubavnik ubijene žene bio nitko drugi do - američki predsjednik (Gene Hackman)! Uskoro kreće istraga, a prvi osumnjičeni je upravo svjedok, Luther Whitney.



13th 2016



The Daily Show

The Daily Show 1996


The World's Fakest News Team tackle the biggest stories in news, politics and pop culture.


Meet the Press

Meet the Press 1947


Meet the Press is a weekly American television news/interview program airing on NBC. It is the longest-running television series in American broadcasting history, despite bearing little resemblance to the original format of the program seen in its television debut on November 6, 1947. Meet the Press is the highest-rated of the American television Sunday morning talk shows. It has been hosted by 11 moderators, beginning with Martha Rountree. Meet the Press and similar shows specialize in interviewing national leaders on issues of politics, economics, foreign policy and other public affairs.


PBS News Hour

PBS News Hour 1975


America's first and longest running hour-long nightly news broadcast known for its in-depth coverage of issues and current events.


Real Time with Bill Maher

Real Time with Bill Maher 2003


Each week Bill Maher surrounds himself with a panel of guests which include politicians, actors, comedians, musicians and the like to discuss what's going on in the world.


VICE News Tonight

VICE News Tonight 2016


VICE News' half-hour nightly newscast. We now interrupt your regularly scheduled worldview.


Off the Record

Off the Record 1970


Off the Record is a weekly, political talk program produced by Michigan public television station WKAR-TV in East Lansing, Michigan, and broadcast statewide on PBS member stations throughout Michigan. Off The Record is hosted by Michigan's senior capitol correspondent, Tim Skubick. The program covers the governor, legislature, political campaigns and state government. Off the Record has two segments, opening with a panel of reporters discussing recent news for 15 minutes followed by a roundtable interview with a politician or newsmaker.


Tout le monde en parle

Tout le monde en parle 2004


Host Guy A. Lepage brings together six to eight personalities from different milieus—sports, politics, stage productions and more—that are the subject of everyone’s conversations and/or are important figures in recent events. Participants are invited to speak freely, voicing their opinions on headline news or on a subject that is near and dear to them. 



Scandal 2012


Everyone has secrets and Olivia Pope has dedicated her life to protecting and defending the public images of the elite by keeping those secrets under wraps. Pope and her team are at the top of their game when it comes to getting the job done for their clients, but it becomes apparent that these "gladiators in suits," who specialize in fixing the lives of other people, have trouble fixing those closest at hand -- their own.



Capitol 1982


Capitol is an American soap opera which aired on CBS from March 29, 1982 to March 20, 1987 for 1,270 episodes. As its name suggests, the storyline usually revolves around the political intrigues of people whose lives intertwined in Washington, D.C.



Veep 2012


A look into American politics, revolving around former Senator Selina Meyer who finds being Vice President of the United States is nothing like she expected and everything everyone ever warned her about.


Kuruluş Osman

Kuruluş Osman 2019


The life of Osman Bey, the son of Ertugrul Gazi and the founder of the Ottoman Empire.


Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan 2013


Many years ago, the last remnants of humanity were forced to retreat behind the towering walls of a fortified city to escape the massive, man-eating Titans that roamed the land outside their fortress. Only the heroic members of the Scouting Legion dared to stray beyond the safety of the walls – but even those brave warriors seldom returned alive. Those within the city clung to the illusion of a peaceful existence until the day that dream was shattered, and their slim chance at survival was reduced to one horrifying choice: kill – or be devoured!


The West Wing

The West Wing 1999


The West Wing provides a glimpse into presidential politics in the nation's capital as it tells the stories of the members of a fictional presidential administration. These interesting characters have humor and dedication that touches the heart while the politics that they discuss touch on everyday life.


Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg

Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg 2022


The big names behind the big stories. Laura Kuenssberg talks to those making the news, inside and outside politics.


The Apothecary Diaries

The Apothecary Diaries 2023


Maomao lived a peaceful life with her apothecary father. Until one day, she's sold as a lowly servant to the emperor's palace. But she wasn't meant for a compliant life among royalty. So when imperial heirs fall ill, she decides to step in and find a cure! This catches the eye of Jinshi, a handsome palace official who promotes her. Now, she's making a name for herself solving medical mysteries!


Question Time

Question Time 1979


This topical debate series based on Any Questions? typically features politicians from at least the three major political parties as well as other public figures who answer pre-selected questions put to them by a carefully selected audience.


Le Chiffroscope

Le Chiffroscope 2012


This series ran weekly for three seasons (2012-2015) within the Canal+ channel's flagship international news show "L'Effet Papillon"



Q&A 2008


Hosted by Hamish Macdonald, Q&A puts punters, pollies and pundits together in the studio to thrash out the hot issues of the week. It's about democracy in action - the audience gets to ask the questions.


The Legend of Dugu

The Legend of Dugu 2018


“He who has Dugu, has the world”. Daughters of a court official, Dugu Banruo, Dugu Mantuo, and Dugu Jialou were always destined for greatness. Blessed with beauty, intelligence, and connections, the Dugu sisters grew up knowing they were the subjects of a prophecy that could someday tear them apart. Determined to remain loyal to each other, they vowed to always put their relationship first. But time has a way of changing things, and vows are easily broken.



Newscast 2020


In a televised version of the popular podcast, Adam Fleming, Chris Mason, and guests chat about the stories behind the news.