Sutrašnji rat

Sutrašnji rat 2021


Svijet se našao u čudu kada je grupa putnika kroz vrijeme stigla iz 2051. godine da bi nam uručila hitnu poruku. Po njoj, 30 godina u budućnosti, ljudska vrsta gubi rat protiv krvožednih vanzemaljaca. Jedina nada za opstanak je da se izabrani vojnici i ljudi iz sadašnjosti transportiraju u budućnost, kako bi se pridružili otporu. Među "izabranima" se nalazi i jedan srednjoškolski nastavnik i obiteljski čovjek Dan Forester. Odlučan da spasi svijet za svoju malu kćer, Dan se udružuje sa briljantnom naučnicom i njenim otuđenim ocem, u očajničkoj namjeri da spase sudbinu planete.


Dan poslije sutra

Dan poslije sutra 2004


Istraživanja klimatologa Jacka Halla pokazuju da bi globalno zagrijavanje moglo izazvati nagle i katastrofalne promjene u Zemljinoj klimi. Bušenje na Antarktiku pokazuje da se to već dogodilo prije 10 000 godina. Hall upozorava političke vođe na potrebu da odmah poduzmu mjere kako bi se to spriječilo. Ali njihova upozorenja dolaze prekasno. Sve počinje kad Hall svjedoči o ledenom bloku veličine Rhode Islanda koji se potpuno odvojio od Antarktika. Tada se niz neočekivanih vremenskih pojava počinje događati u različitim dijelovima svijeta: kuglice tuče veličine grejpa uništavaju Tokio, orkanski vjetrovi prolaze kroz Havaje, snijeg u New Delhiju i niz razornih tornada u Los Angelesu.


Ne gledaj gore

Ne gledaj gore 2021


Dvoje astronoma obrati se medijima kako bi čovječanstvo upozorilo na komet koji juri prema Zemlji. Odgovor nezainteresiranog svijeta: meh.


Zeleni Soylent

Zeleni Soylent 1973


Zemlja je u 2022. godini u potpunosti drugačija od današnje, prije svega zbog prenapućenosti. Populacija New Yorka iznosi vrtoglavih 40 milijuna. Efekt staklenika podigao je temperaturu do same granice izdržljivosti. Kako bi se spriječile goleme migracije, one su onemogućene zakonom. Bogati žive odvojeni od ostalog svijeta u luksuzno uređenim stanovima, u kojima su žene gotovo dio namještaja. No ni oni nisu pošteđeni opće nestašice prirodnih resursa, prije svega hrane. Meso, voće i povrće je vrlo rijetki luksuz pa većina stanovnika jede proizvode korporacije Soylent. Njih najnoviji proizvod je Zeleni Soylent, mala hranjiva pločica koja se navodno proizvodi od rijetke vrste planktona. Detektiv Robert Thorn radi na neobičnom slučaju ubojstva člana Soylent korporacije. Uskoro, detektiv doznaje pravo porijeklo njihovih proizvoda, a to nisu niti planktoni, niti soja kako se do tada mislilo.



Dolazak 1996


Charlie Sheen glumi astronoma koji misli da čuje signal iz svemira, ali kad ga donese svom šefu saznaje da se zbog smanjenja budžeta njegov odjel zatvara. Signal se ne može analizirati i zbog toga njegova teorija o signalu ostaje zanemarena. Nakon toga on više nikome ne govori šta se događa. Ne otkriva tajnu ljudima oko sebe. Ne može vjerovati što je otkrio i iskreno je uplašen pokazujući pravi ljudski karakter.



Home 2009



The Head

The Head 2020


In an isolated and inaccessible Antarctic research station in which winter has fallen on the South Pole and the sun will soon disappear for the next six months, a small team, known as the Winterers, remain at the Polaris VI Antarctic Research Station to continue their innovative research. Renowned biologist Arthur Wilde is determined to find a solution to climate change, but his quest turns into a nightmare when several of his esteemed scientists suddenly begin to die.


Our Planet

Our Planet 2019


Experience our planet's natural beauty and examine how climate change impacts all living creatures in this ambitious documentary of spectacular scope.


Extreme Dinosaurs

Extreme Dinosaurs 1997


In the present a team of four anthropomorphic dinosaurs, created by aliens, must stop three anthropomorphic velociraptors who want to cause a cataclysm that would speed up global warming and make Earth's climate pleasant for dinosaurs again.


What's Next? The Future with Bill Gates

What's Next? The Future with Bill Gates 2024


Join visionary philanthropist Bill Gates as he delves into pressing global issues and uncovers cutting-edge technologies that will transform the world.


Life Force

Life Force 2000


Two psychic children, two parentless siblings, and their environmentalist guardian try to rescue the globally warmed world of 2025, protect vulnerable lives, and stay ahead of an oppressive government in a dramatic sci-fi thriller.


Years of Living Dangerously

Years of Living Dangerously 2014


Featuring some of Hollywood’s most influential stars, Years of Living Dangerously reveals emotional and hard-hitting accounts of the effects of climate change from across the planet.



Mammals 2024


The series offers fascinating insights into the most successful animal group in the world. From the tiny Etruscan shrew to the giant blue whale, Mammals will reveal the secrets of their success, and how their winning design, incredible adaptability, unrivaled intelligence, and unique sociability have all contributed to their remarkable rise.


The Fire Next Time

The Fire Next Time 1993


In the near future, the unrelenting heat waves and coastal flooding brought on by the greenhouse effect are ravaging the Earth. While scientists and politicians argue and lay blame, ordinary citizens pay the price for a world sickened by pollution and economic disaster. The Fire Next Time is the story of an American family forced to confront this ruinous legacy. Emmy Award-winning actor Craig T. Nelson leads his embattled family through a Grapes of Wrath for the modern era. Through this harrowing odyssey, the Morgan family stands as a paradigm of courage, faith, and family unity in the face of adversity on a cataclysmic scale.


The Black Box on Earth

The Black Box on Earth 2023


In 2049, the only remaining data center "Black Box" on the planet rendered uninhabitable by climate disaster. The recorder who resides in "Black Box" accidentally brings out the documentary made by 2023 musicians... The last record on earth left with music on the fast-destroying earth, "The Black Box on Earth"!


Burn Up

Burn Up 2008


An oil industrialist, an environmental activist and a politician are in conflict in this drama set around a summit on climate change.


Big Oil v the World

Big Oil v the World 2022


The most important story of our time. 2022 is set to be a year of unprecedented climate chaos across the planet. As the world’s leading climate scientists issue new warnings about climate change and the soaring cost of fuel highlights the world’s ongoing dependence on fossil fuels – how did we get here?


Arctic With Bruce Parry

Arctic With Bruce Parry 2011


Bruce Parry presents this five-part documentary series set in the spectacular wilderness of the Arctic, where he explores the dramatic changes its people are experiencing


The Great Global Warming Swindle

The Great Global Warming Swindle 1970


The Great Global Warming Swindle is a polemical documentary film that suggests that the scientific opinion on climate change is influenced by funding and political factors, and questions whether scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming exists. The program was formally criticised by Ofcom, the UK broadcasting regulatory agency, which upheld complaints of misrepresentation made by David King. The film, made by British television producer Martin Durkin, presents scientists, economists, politicians, writers, and others who dispute the scientific consensus regarding anthropogenic global warming. The programme's publicity materials assert that man-made global warming is "a lie" and "the biggest scam of modern times." Its original working title was "Apocalypse my arse", but the title The Great Global Warming Swindle was later adopted as an allusion to the 1980 mockumentary The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle about British punk band the Sex Pistols. The UK's Channel 4 premiered the documentary on 8 March 2007. The channel described the film as "a polemic that drew together the well-documented views of a number of respected scientists to reach the same conclusions. This is a controversial film but we feel that it is important that all sides of the debate are aired." According to Hamish Mykura, Channel 4's head of documentaries, the film was commissioned "to present the viewpoint of the small minority of scientists who do not believe global warming is caused by anthropogenic production of carbon dioxide."