Ključna riječ Inspector
Istjerivač pravde 1976
Dok šutljivi i odlučni inspektor Harry Callahan (C. Eastwood) na uobičajeno grub način i uz nezadovoljstvo nadređenih provodi pravdu i San Francisco čisti od kriminalaca, na gradskoj periferiji teroristička organizacija Narodna revolucionarna vojska kreće u akciju. Predvođena psihotičnim i okrutnim vijetnamskim veteranom Bobbyjem Maxwellom (D. Bookwalter), skupina nemilosrdnih mladića i djevojaka otme kamionet gradske plinare, pritom hladnokrvno ubije njegova vozača i suvozača. Kad Maxwell sa svojim ljudima, među kojima su i neobuzdane djevojke Wanda (S. Doane) i Miki (J. Jones), uskoro krene u krađu raketnog bacača iz jednog vojnog postrojenja, u pokušaju da ih zaustavi smrtno je ranjen Harryjev partner i prijatelj Frank DiGiorgio (J. Mitchum). U međuvremenu, želeći povećati zastupljenost žena u redovima policije, Harryjevi šefovi kapetan McKay (B. Dillman) i poručnik Al Bressler (H. Guardino) čin inspektorice dodijele mladoj, bistroj i energičnoj Kate Moore (T. Daly).
Povratak Pink Panthera 1975
Slavni dijamant zvan Pink Panther ponovno je ukraden, ovaj put iz nacionalnog muzeja u Lugašu. Lopov pobjegne čuvarima muzeja, no ostavlja podsjetnicu: bijelu rukavicu sa zlatno izvezenim monogramom 'P'. Istragu vodi pukovnik Sharki iz tajne policije, no šah od Lugaša zahtjeva da se pozove i inspektor Jacques Clouseau, koji je trenutno suspendiran sa svog posla u Francuskoj. On je uvjeren da se iza pljačke krije slavni Fantom.
Klopka za inspektora Callahana 1973
Nakon što je riješio slučaj brutalnog Scorpia, Harry Callahan nađe se suočen s drugom vrstom kriminala, onom zaštićenom paravanom policijske značke. Zbog pravnih i tehničkih zavrzlama čovjek je oslobođen optužbi za ubojstvo, no uskoro je pronađen mrtav, zajedno sa svojim odvjetnikom, vozačem i tjelohraniteljem. Callahan i novi partner Early Smith (Felton Perry) počinju istraživati, ali ih u tome spriječi njihov šef, poručnik Neil Briggs (Hal Holbrook), čovjek kojeg Harry duboko prezire. Callahan i Smith, međutim, ne miruju, s obzirom na cijeli val krvavih ubojstava koji je zadesio San Francisco, a čija međusobna povezanost zapliće čvor sve do samog vrha policijske hijerarhije. Kada na njega pištolj potegne i sam šef, Harryju je jasno da su ovaj put ulozi mnogo veći.
辣手神探 1992
Gosford Park 2001
U studenom 1932. u kući sir Williama McCordlea (M. Gambon) i lady Sylvije (K. Scott Thomas) okupljaju se pripadnici visokog društva, koji su došli zbog lova. Posebno zanimanje dama, ali i posluge, izaziva dolazak holivudske zvijezde, glumca Ivora Novella (J. Northam). Dok se bogataši zabavljaju lovom i razgovorima uz večeru, posluga, na čelu s domaćicom Jane Wilson (H. Mirren), čini sve kako bi njihov boravak na imanju protekao bez problema. Druge večeri u kući se dogodi ubojstvo i na scenu stupa Scotland Yard, u liku nespretnog inspektora Thompsona (S. Fry).
Trag Pink Panthera 1982
Poznati skupocjeni dijamant Pink Panther ponovno je ukraden. Taj slučaj uspješno može riješiti jedino inspektor Clouseau (P. Sellers). On slijedi tragove u drugu državu, ali pritom nestane zrakoplov kojim je putovao. Svi su zabrinuti jer nitko ne zna što se s njim dogodilo, jedino je inspektor Dreyfuss (H. Lom) presretan što je Clouseau napokon mrtav. Novinarka Marie Jouvet (J. Lumley) pokreće niz intervjua s njegovim bivšim suradnicima i poznanicima kako bi gledateljima otkrila nešto više o tome kakva je osoba bio i u čemu je bila tajna njegovog uspjeha.
White Noise 2005
An Inspector Calls 2015
Osveta Pink Panthera 1978
Francuski kriminalac Phillip Douvier (Robert Webber) ima ozbiljan problem. Naime, nitko ga od njegovih kolega ne smatra vrijednim poštovanja, pa stvari odluči promijeniti naredbom da se ubije inspektor Jacques Clouseau (Peter Sellers), kojeg cijeli svijet smatra istražiteljskim genijem, osim inspektora Dreyfusa (Herbert Lom). Zahvaljujući neočekivanom spletu okolnosti, bomba u Clouseauovu automobilu raznese nekog kriminalca, a ne inspektora, ali zbog nemogućnosti identifikacije tijela, svi misle kako je slavni inspektor mrtav. Želeći ostati u potaji, kako bi lakše otkrio tko ga je i zašto pokušao ubiti, Clouseau nabavlja informacija od vjernoga Cata (Burt Kwouk) i Douvierove bivše tajnice i ljubavnice Simone (Dyan Cannon).
Bad Timing 1980
Death Line 1972
Rollercoaster 1977
Poulet au vinaigre 1985
Giallo 2010
Green for Danger 1946
Motu Patlu 2012
Inspired by the characters of Lot Pot Comics, Motu Patlu is a lively comic caper for the kids as well as the entire family. Set in the beautiful city of Furfuri Nagariya, the story is about Motu and Patlu, who are as similar as chalk and cheese. The Awesome Twosome are always on an adventurous expedition and have an uncanny ability to get into tricky situations every single day! It was premiered on 16 October 2012, beginning with the episode "John Banega Don". It focuses on two friends, Motu and Patlu, living in the fictional city Furfuri Nagar.
Homicide 1964
Homicide was an Australian television police drama series The series dealt with the homicide squad of the Victorian Police force and the various crimes and cases the detectives are called upon to investigate. Many episodes were based on real life crime cases.
Witse 2004
Witse is a Dutch language crime drama produced by Belgian broadcaster VRT and broadcast on their één channel. It is also shown on BVN. First broadcast in 2004, as of 2010 the programme comprises eight series with a ninth and final series planned for 2012. It stars Hubert Damen as the eponymous Witse, a driven inspector in the Belgian federal police based in Halle. It is one of the most popular Flemish television programmes with some 1.6 million viewers. There are also Witse books. The first three were based on the last two episodes of each season, but since 2010 every six months a brand new story is published, written and invented by established Belgian writers, as Bob Van Laerhoven and Bart Van Lierde. The music for Witse is composed by Steve Willaert.
Royal Secret Agent 2020
During the Joseon Dynasty, the Secret Royal Inspectors are the eyes and ears of the king. They travel the provinces undercover and listen to the plight of the common people, investigating abuses and corruption of government officials.
Dahaad 2023
Women are disappearing without a trace in Rajasthan and nobody seems surprised. But police officer Anjali Bhaati notices a similarity in the cases: long nightly phone calls and a boyfriend that no one in the neighbourhood has ever seen.
Raven 2018
Adam Kruk, a 40 year old police officer addicted to painkillers and psychotropic drugs, returns to the town he grew up in to find the paedophile who abused his friend Slawek years ago. Once there, he is unexpectedly called to investigate a new case: the kidnapping of a powerful man's grandson, which he undertakes to help set him free from his past mistakes. As he was unable to protect Slawek, he sees this case as a second chance to protect a child and an opportunity for justice. Adam must control the darkest corners of his mind to solve the kidnapping and as the case unfolds, he discovers answers which will reveal an unexpected link between these two cases.
Marks' Mountain 2010
20 years ago a half-frozen boy was rescuded in the mountains after his parents apparent sucide. He gets released from a mental institution and his girlfriend notices him talking about a dark mountain shadow. Meanwhile a murder happens in a residential area in Tokyo. Assistant Inspector Goda Yuichiro takes on the investigation. Soon an official of the Ministery of Justice gets murdered in a similar fashion pointing towards a serial killer. Yet, Goda receives a strange order from above: he's not to further investigate in this direction. He senses a huge mystery behind the case and starts chasing after the psychopath killer called Marks. Somehow a journalist's research about a corrupt construction magnate and another unsolved murder that happend in the mountains 13 years ago are also linked to the case.