Iron Man

Iron Man 2008


Ova filmska ekranizacija legendarnog Marvelovog superheroja, priča je o bogatom industrijalcu i genijalnom izumitelju, koji koristi svoj moćni oklop kako bi zaštitio svijet. Film je prvi dio već unaprijed isplanirane trilogije.


Naša majka

Naša majka 2010


Dvoje kanadskih blizanaca, Simon i Jeanne, nakon smrti svoje majke Nawal, dobivaju neobičnu oporuku. Umjesto materijalnih dobara, majka im ostavlja tajanstvena pisma koja ih upućuju na opasno putovanje na Bliski istok, u zemlju njihovih predaka. Navodi ih da pronađu svog oca i brata, za koje nisu znali ni da postoje, te da im uruče pisma. Tako započinje potresna i napeta odiseja u kojoj blizanci otkrivaju mračne tajne svoje porodice i sudjeluju u razotkrivanju nasilne prošlosti njihove majke


Ben Hur

Ben Hur 1959


Židovski princ Judah Ben-Hur (Charlton Heston) dobar je gospodar svojim robovima, ponosan čovjek dostojan titule koju obnaša na početku novog tisućljeća. Naznaka teških vremena za njega i njegovu obitelj dolazi povećavanjem broja rimskih vojnika u regiji. Nove snage dolaze u Jeruzalem pod vodstvom Massale (Stephen Boyd), Ben-Hurovog starog prijatelja prijatelja iz djetinjstva.


Dragulj s Nila

Dragulj s Nila 1985


Joan Wilder (K. Turner) i Jack Colton (M. Douglas) uživaju na svojoj jahti nakon pustolovine sa zelenim dijamantom. Joan pokušava napisati pustolovni roman, ali je u spisateljskoj krizi. Egipatski vlastodržac Omar tad joj ponudi da napiše njegovu biografiju, kako bi pobila negativne napise američkih medija. Joan pristane, a Jack time nije nimalo zadovoljan. Kad se nađe u Egiptu, Joan shvati da su sve glasine o državnikovoj okrutnosti bile istinite i da je postala njegova zatočenica. Jack i Ralph (D. DeVito) pohrle joj u pomoć.



Neprilagođeni 2021


Richard Pace je lopov, poprilično jednostavan i neposredan. Iako je ponosan na činjenicu da krade samo od onih koji imaju osiguranje, jer na ih na taj način ne šteti direktno, ipak je činio greške svom životu. Žena ga je napustila, kćer mu se zamjerila, a na sve to, gotovo uvijek biva uhvaćen. Nakon bježanja iz zatvora i jurnjave automobilima ulicama Los Angelesa, Pace zapada za oko Neprilagođenima – modernoj verziji Robin Hood družine. Oni mu nude mogućnost da pobjegne FBI-u pod uslovom da im se pridruži u najvećoj pljački koju je svijet vidio, a koja će uključiti pojavu terorističke organizacije, davno izgubljene kćeri Muslimanskog bratstva, lažnih identiteta, pranja novca, eksploziv, kamile...


Hidden Strike

Hidden Strike 2023


Jackie Chan i John Cena zvijezde su ovog filma o dvojici vojnika koji moraju prebaciti civilne na sigurno kroz zonu koja vrvi pucnjavom i eksplozijama.



Beirut 2018


Diplomat SAD-a pobjegne iz Libanona nakon tragičnog događaja u njegovom domu. Deset godina kasnije CIA-ina agentica ga zove u ratom okupirani Beirut kako bi pregovarao za život prijatelja koji je tamo ostao…


Zohan je zakon!

Zohan je zakon! 2008


Zohan Dvir je agent izraelskog Mossada koji sanja o tome da postane modni frizer. Na zadatku da uhvate Phantoma, poznatog terorista, on iskorištava kaos obračuna i lažira vlastitu smrt. Naoružan svojim škarama i svojom traženom knjigom popularnih frizura, on kreće u Ameriku. Kada ga svi otmjeni frizerski saloni u New Yorku odbiju, on se proslavi u jednom manje poznatom. Glasine o njegovoj iznimnoj posvećenosti detaljima se brzo prošire gradom i ubrzo žene stoje u redu kako bi sjedile u Zohanovoj stolici.


Aladin: Povratak Jafara

Aladin: Povratak Jafara 1994


Grupa nesposobnih bandita predvođenih Abisom Malom se dočepa velikog blaga no prije nego što uspiju uživati u ukradenom plijenu dočekaju ih Aladdin i Abu. Oni im oduzmu zlato i s njim se vrate u Agrabah gdje ga podijele siromašnima. U međuvremenu u pustinji, papagaj Jago se pobuni protiv Jafara koji sad živi kao duh u čarobnoj svjetiljci i odlazi u Agrabah potražiti Aladdina kako bi mu se iskupio. No, Jafarovu svjetiljku nađe Abis Mal koji će pomoći Jafaru da se osveti Aladdinu.



Bodyguard 2018


A troubled war veteran is assigned to protect a controversial politician who may be the target of a terror plot.



Tyrant 2014


The story of an unassuming American family drawn into the workings of a turbulent Middle Eastern nation. Bassam "Barry" Al Fayeed, the younger son of the dictator of a war-torn nation, ends a self-imposed 20-year exile to return to his homeland, accompanied by his American wife and children, for his nephew's wedding. Barry’s reluctant homecoming leads to a dramatic clash of cultures as he is thrown back into the familial and national politics of his youth.


The Honourable Woman

The Honourable Woman 2014


Nessa Stein, the daughter of a Zionist arms procurer who as a child witnessed his assassination. Now an adult, Nessa inherits her father's company and changes course from supplying arms to laying data cabling networks between Israel and the West Bank. Her efforts to reconcile the Israelis and Palestinians lands her an appointment to the House of Lords and creates an international political maelstrom.



Magi 2012


This story is about the flow of fate and the battle to keep the world on the right path. Aladdin is a boy who has set out to explore the world after being trapped in a room for most of his life. His best friend is a flute with a djinn in it named Ugo. Soon enough, Aladdin discovers he is a Magi, a magician who chooses kings, and he was born to choose kings who will follow the righteous path, battling against those who want to destroy fate. Follow his adventures as he meets others from 1001 Arabian Nights, like Ali Baba and Sinbad, and fights to keep the balance of world in check!



Aladdin 1994


Aladdin is an animated television series made by Walt Disney Television which aired from 1994 to 1995, based on the original 1992 feature. It was animated at the Slightly Offbeat Productions Studios in Penrose, Auckland, New Zealand. Coming on the heels of the direct-to-video sequel The Return of Jafar, the series picked up where that installment left off, with Aladdin now living in the palace, engaged to beautiful and spunky Princess Jasmine. "Al" and Jasmine went together into peril among sorcerers, monsters, thieves, and more. Monkey sidekick Abu, the animated Magic Carpet, and the fast-talking, shape-shifting Genie came along to help, as did sassy, complaining parrot Iago, formerly Jafar’s pet but now an antihero. Jafar, having previously been destroyed in the second movie, returns in only one episode which also serves as a crossover with Hercules: The Animated Series.


The Girl from Oslo

The Girl from Oslo 2021


When her daughter is abducted, a Norwegian diplomat travels to the Middle East, banking on old friends — and a deep secret — to help free her.


House of Saddam

House of Saddam 2008


The intimate world of Saddam Hussein and his closest inner circle is in this gripping four-part drama that charts the rise and fall of one of the most significant political figures in recent history.


Our Girl

Our Girl 2014


Drama following the extraordinary adventures of female medics in the British Army.


Mobile Suit Gundam 00

Mobile Suit Gundam 00 2007


The year is 2307 A.D. Although fossil fuels have been depleted, humanity has obtained a new source of energy to replace them, in the form of a large-scale solar power generation system based on three huge orbital elevators. However, the benefits of this system are available only to a handful of major powers and their allies. In this world of never-ending conflict, a private armed organization appears, dedicated to the elimination of war through armed force. Its name is Celestial Being, and it is in possession of "Gundam" mobile suits.


Over There

Over There 2005


Gritty, intense, evocative and emotional, "Over There" takes you to the front lines of battle and explores the effects of war on a U.S. Army unit sent to Iraq on their first tour of duty, as well as the equally powerful effects felt at home by their families and loved ones.


Prisoners of War

Prisoners of War 2010


After 17 years in captivity, Israeli soldiers Nimrode Klein, Uri Zach, and Amiel Ben Horin return home to the country that made them national icons. They work to overcome the trauma of torture and captivity while settling back into their interrupted family lives. Meanwhile, the military psychiatrist assigned to them finds discrepancies in the soldiers' testimonies, and launches an investigation to discover what they are hiding.



Ambassadors 2013


Comedy-drama series set in the fictional Central Asian Republic of Tazbekistan where newly arrived British Ambassador Keith Davies is set the task of trying to secure a £2 billion helicopter contract for the United Kingdom.


Bluestone 42

Bluestone 42 2013


Bluestone 42 is a comedy drama about a British bomb disposal detachment in Afghanistan. So what’s the average working day for a hero? Make your keen young colleague deal with the boring paperwork? Wind up your fellow employees? Flirt with the new girl on the team? Or deal with an unseen enemy who’s trying to blow you up? Bluestone 42 is a comedy drama about a bunch of soldiers who just happen to be risking their lives diffusing hidden bombs. But who says they can’t have some fun alongside the serious professional stuff? This hilarious and often surprising series follows the adventures of a bunch of diverse characters living and working together at an army base in Afghanistan. This is a show about something easily forgotten; soldiers really enjoy being soldiers, but it’s not just a show for soldiers and it’s not just about the Army: it’s also a show for anybody who has ever fallen in love, experienced status battles at work or had a fear of failure. It is packed with the lively workmate banter and relationship minefields that most people will recognise. Even if they don’t face danger on a daily basis...


Future Folktales

Future Folktales 2020


In 2050 Riyadh, elder Asma's richly captivating storytelling transports her cherished grandchildren to fabled times where they learn that modern-day dilemmas are no match for the trials, tribulations and words of wisdom passed from generation to generation through their fascinating folktales.


One Thousand and One Nights

One Thousand and One Nights 2012


Shahrazad travels through desert searching for the man she loves and who she believes she has lost forever. She arrives at a castle, the home of a prince who kills anyone who dares enter. She convinces the prince to grant her one night to tell him a story, their story, a story that lasts one thousand and one nights...


Kaboul Kitchen

Kaboul Kitchen 2012


Kaboul Kitchen is a French comedy television series broadcast by Canal+. It was created by Marc Victor, Allan Mauduit and Jean-Patrick Benes. The series is based on the true story of Radio France Internationale journalist Marc Victor, who ran a restaurant for French expatriates in Kabul until 2008. The first series premiered on February 15, 2012 on Canal+ and ended on March 5, 2012. It set a ratings record for comedy series in the primetime slot on Canal+. A second series, which will have 12 episodes, has been commissioned. The series depicts the life of French expatriate Jacky who runs the popular restaurant Kaboul Kitchen in Kabul, Afghanistan. His daughter Sophie, who he has not seen in 20 years, arrives to do humanitarian work, while he is interested only in making money. The series won two Golden FIPA Awards at the 2012 Festival International de Programmes Audiovisuels: one for Best TV Series and one for Best TV Screenplay. It was screened at MIPTV and named fourth on The Hollywood Reporter's list of "MIPTV A-List Projects" for the most promising series screened at the event.


Once Upon a Time in Iraq

Once Upon a Time in Iraq 2020


With unique personal archive from civilians and soldiers from both sides of the conflict, this series takes viewers closer to the realities of war and life under Isis than they have ever been before.


Unveiling Arafat

Unveiling Arafat 2023


A portrait of Palestinian political leader Yasser Arafat (1929-2004).


On Wings of Eagles

On Wings of Eagles 1986


On Wings of Eagles is a NBC TV mini-series, starring Burt Lancaster - Richard Crenna and directed by Andrew V. McLaglen. The TV series was adapted from Ken Follet's novel of the same name. The plot is set during the Iranian revolution. During the takeover of Iran, the king is overthrown, and two executives of Electronic Data Systems are imprisoned on false charges. The head of the company, Mr. Perot, travels to Tehran to negotiate for their release. Meanwhile, a retired US Army Special Forces Colonel, Arthur Simons, is hired to develop a rescue plan at any cost.


The Long War: Iran, Israel, USA

The Long War: Iran, Israel, USA 2020


Today, Israel and the United States are Iran's enemies par excellence. Their reconciliation seems impossible. Is the history of these three countries the chronicle of a war foretold, delayed for decades but inevitable?