Građanski rat

Građanski rat 2024


U bliskoj budućnosti radnja prati skupinu novinara koji kreću na putovanje kroz SAD usred sve intenzivnijeg građanskog rata koji je zahvatio cijelu zemlju. Tijekom svog putovanja nailaze na nekoliko po život opasnih izazova. Istovremeno, vlada se pretvara u distopijski režim, a radikalne skupine često sudjeluju u političkom nasilju.


Spider-Man: Povratak kući

Spider-Man: Povratak kući 2017


Nakon događaja Kapetana Amerike: Građanski rat, Peter Parker, uz pomoć svog mentora Tonyja Starka, pokušava uravnotežiti svoj život kao obični srednjoškolac s borbom protiv kriminala kao Spider-Man. Pojavljuje se nova prijetnja, Vulture.


Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump 1994


Čovjek s niskim kvocijentom inteligencije postigao je velike stvari u svom životu i bio prisutan tijekom značajnih povijesnih događaja - u svakom slučaju, daleko nadmašujući ono što je itko zamišljao da može učiniti. No, unatoč svemu što je postigao, njegova jedina prava ljubav mu izmiče.


Hunter Killer

Hunter Killer 2018


Nastao prema romanu Firing Point, autora Georgea Wallacea i Dona Keitha, novi akcijski triler Hunter Killer, u režiji Donovana Marsha, donosi napetošću nabijenu filmsku priču suvremene tematike u kojoj jedan čovjek preuzima odgovornost sprječavanja eskalacije totalnog rata između SAD-a i Rusije. Duboko pod Arktičkim oceanom, Joe Glass, kapetan je američke podmornice Hunter Killer koja vodi potragu za američkim plovilima u nevolji. Kada otkrije da međunarodnom miru i svjetskom poretku prijeti tajni ruski vojni udar, s posadom i domovinom na kocki, kapetan Glass mora okupiti elitne trupe američke ratne mornarice Navy SEALs kako bi spasili otetog ruskog predsjednika, ušuljali se u neprijateljske vode i spriječili treći svjetski rat. Kada silom krenu protiv sile, pojavljuje se opasnost da započnu rat koji su htjeli spriječiti.



Armagedon 1998


Nakon što su New York oštetile stotine malih meteorita, NASA je otkrila asteroid veličine Teksasa na putu sudara sa Zemljom. Regrutiraju iskusnog bušača nafte (Bruce Willis) i njegov raznovrsni tim da spase planet.


Dobrodošli u zemlju zombija

Dobrodošli u zemlju zombija 2009


U svijetu punom zombija Columbus je preživio jer se boji gotovo svega. Revolveraš Tallahassee ničega se ne boji. Kada se njih dvojica udruže, ne znaju što je gore: postati žrtvom zombija ili oslanjati se jedan na drugoga.


Pad Olimpa

Pad Olimpa 2013


U ovom napetom akcijskom trileru bivši pripadnik specijalnih postrojbi Mike Banning morao je zbog posljedica tragične nesreće u kojoj su sudjelovali sam predsjednik i prva dama SAD-a odstupiti s mjesta predsjedničkog tjelohranitelja. Međutim, u trenutku kad teroristi preuzimaju Bijelu kuću Benning se nađe zatočen unutar njenih zidova. Nema drugog izbora već boriti se protiv moćno naoružanog neprijatelja kako bi spasio predsjednika i spriječio izbijanje općeg ratnog stanja.


Umri muški 4

Umri muški 4 2007


Kad kompjutorski hakeri upriliče „totalnu rasprodaju“, trozubi plan da se isključe sve komunikacije i sigurnosni sustavi po cijelom SAD-u, tko će im se bolje suprotstaviti od Johna McClanea?


Kapetan Amerika: Ratnik Zime

Kapetan Amerika: Ratnik Zime 2014


Dvije godine nakon događaja poznatog po imenu Osvetnici, Steve Rogers (Captain America) živi mirno u Washington DC-u, pokušavajući se prilagoditi suvremenom društvu. Međutim, nakon S.H.I.E.L.D. akcije jedan sunarodnjak je napadnut i Steve postaje upleten u misterij koji potencijalno može ugroziti zemaljsku kuglu. Zajedno s Natashom Romanoff, Kapetan Amerika pokušava otkriti tajnu misterija, ali ne očekuje da će mu se na njegovu putu naći snažan protivnik - Ratnik zime.


Plavuša uzvraća udarac

Plavuša uzvraća udarac 2003


Nakon što je Elle Woods, vječito veselu, modno avanturističku, slavnu plavušu s Harvarda otpustila njena odvjetnička tvrtka zbog protivljenja testiranju na životinjama, ona odvede borbu u Washington. Kao pomoćnica kongresnice Victorie Rudd, zalaže se za zakon o zabrani testiranja jednom zauvijek, ali vratar njezine zgrade je taj koji joj daje prave i najvrijednije savjete.


Goli pištolj 2

Goli pištolj 2 1991


Policajac Frank Drebbin (L. Nielsen) pokušava spriječiti okrutnog Quentina Hapsburga (R. Goulet) da uništi okoliš. Naime, vrhunski znanstvenik dr. Mainheimer (Richard Griffiths), namjerava svijetu obznaniti svoje otkriće omogućem novom izvoru energije u budućnosti. Time su ugroženi tradicionalni snabdjevaći naftom i njihova industrija, stoga Hapsburg otima dr. Mainheimerai na njegovo mjesto postavlja dvojnika, s mnogo pogodnijim izvješćem za javnost. Frank Drebbin treba spasiti stvar, uz pomoć svoje stare ljubavi Jane Spencer (P. Presley).



Salt 2010



Specijalni izvještaj

Specijalni izvještaj 2002


Washington DC, godina 2054. Policija koristi psihičku tehnologiju za uhićenje i progon ubojica prije nego što počine zločin. Budućnost je predvidljiva i krivce uhvati elitna jedinica Precrime prije nego što mogu počiniti zločin. Dokazi se temelje na "Pre-Cogs", tri psihička bića čija vizije o ubojstvima nikada nisu propala.


Nacionalno blago

Nacionalno blago 2004


Lovac na blago Benjamin Franklin Gates posvetio je svoj život pronalaženju legendarnog blaga vitezova templara, za kojega se tvrdi da je najnevjerojatniji vuč svih vremena i skrivenog negdje u Americi. Sedam generacija članovi obitelji Gates tražili su tragove koje su ostavili osnivači Amerike i putovali su u sve krajeve zemlje u potrazi za blagom. Sada je prevarant Ben napokon otkrio konačni trag koji će ga odvesti do blaga: mapu skrivenu na poleđini Deklaracije o neovisnosti. Postojanje mape upozorava na Gatesovog velikog konkurenta, Ian Howea, a Ben se suočava s teškom dilemom: Ili je on prvi koji je ukrao najvažniji američki dokument, koji je zaštićen najsofisticiranijim svjetskim sigurnosnim sustavom, ili on pustit će da padne u izuzetno opasne ruke.


Neograničena moć

Neograničena moć 1997


Noć je uvriježeno radno vrijeme za legendarnog provalnika Luthera Whitneyja (Clint Eastwood). Obavljajući jednu teško izvedivu provalu u luksuzno zdanje zaštićeno brojnim alarmima, Whitney je iznenada prisiljen sakriti se. Zaštićen od pogleda nenadanih posjetitelja, on ubrzo svjedoči strastvenoj igri tajanstvenog para koja uskoro postaje nasilna. U sobu iznenada upadaju dva pripadnika tajne službe i otvaraju paljbu na ženu. Zaprepašteni lopov se potom iskrada iz velebne kuće, potresen spoznajom da je ljubavnik ubijene žene bio nitko drugi do - američki predsjednik (Gene Hackman)! Uskoro kreće istraga, a prvi osumnjičeni je upravo svjedok, Luther Whitney.



Novine 2017


Radnja je usredotočena na objavu pentagonskih dokumenata u Washington Postu, kojima su 1971. njegovi novinari otkrili istinu o Vijetnamskom ratu. Pentagonski dokumenti predstavljaju niz službenih dokumenata američkog ministarstva obrane koji su procurili tako što ih je vojni analitičar Daniel Ellsberg dostavio novinarima.


Nevjerojatan život psa Enza

Nevjerojatan život psa Enza 2019


Milo Ventimiglia, glumi Dennyja, vozača trkaćeg automobila, koji je posvećen svom duhovitom, mudrom, gotovo ljudskom psu, Enzu.Enzo je Dannyju više od kućnog ljubimca, on mu je najbolji prijatelj.Denny upoznaje Eve, učiteljicu koju glumi Amanda Seyfried; zaljube se, vjenčaju i dobiju dijete. Uz podršku Eve i Enza Denny uči kako biti obiteljski čovjek u kriznim trenutcima, koristeći lekcije koje je naučio na stazi. Ovu dirljivu i emotivnu priču je režirao Simon Curtis, a temelji se na bestseleru Gartha Steina.



Cross 2024


Alex Cross is a brilliant but flawed homicide detective and full of contradictions. A doting father and family man, Cross is single-minded to the point of obsession when he hunts killers. He is desperate for love, but his wife’s murder has left him too damaged to receive it.



Bones 2005


Dr. Temperance Brennan and her colleagues at the Jeffersonian's Medico-Legal Lab assist Special Agent Seeley Booth with murder investigations when the remains are so badly decomposed, burned or destroyed that the standard identification methods are useless.


Cruel Intentions

Cruel Intentions 2024


At an elite Washington, D.C.-adjacent university, two ruthless step-siblings will do anything to stay on top of the cutthroat social hierarchy. After a brutal hazing incident threatens the entire Greek Life system at their school, they'll do whatever is necessary to preserve their power and reputation – even if that means seducing, the daughter of the Vice President of the United States.



Capitol 1982


Capitol is an American soap opera which aired on CBS from March 29, 1982 to March 20, 1987 for 1,270 episodes. As its name suggests, the storyline usually revolves around the political intrigues of people whose lives intertwined in Washington, D.C.


The West Wing

The West Wing 1999


The West Wing provides a glimpse into presidential politics in the nation's capital as it tells the stories of the members of a fictional presidential administration. These interesting characters have humor and dedication that touches the heart while the politics that they discuss touch on everyday life.


The 4400

The 4400 2004


4400 centers on the return of 4400 people who, previously presumed dead or reported missing, reappear on Earth. Though they have not aged physically, some of them seem to have deeper alterations ranging from superhuman strength to an unexplained healing touch. A government agency is formed to track the 4400 people after one of them commits a murder.



Scandal 2012


Everyone has secrets and Olivia Pope has dedicated her life to protecting and defending the public images of the elite by keeping those secrets under wraps. Pope and her team are at the top of their game when it comes to getting the job done for their clients, but it becomes apparent that these "gladiators in suits," who specialize in fixing the lives of other people, have trouble fixing those closest at hand -- their own.


Madam Secretary

Madam Secretary 2014


After years away from the CIA, Elizabeth McCord is pulled back into the political arena. The newly appointed Secretary of State is tough, fair, and smart, driving international diplomacy, wrangling office politics, and circumventing protocol as she negotiates global and domestic issues, both at the White House and at home.


The Americans

The Americans 2013


Set during the Cold War period in the 1980s, The Americans is the story of Elizabeth and Philip Jennings, two Soviet KGB officers posing as an American married couple in the suburbs of Washington D.C. and their neighbor, Stan Beeman, an FBI Counterintelligence agent.



Millennium 1996


A retired FBI serial-profiler joins the mysterious Millennium Group, a team of underground ex-law enforcement experts dedicated to fighting against the ever-growing forces of evil and darkness in the world.


Dark Angel

Dark Angel 2000


Super soldier Max Guevera tries to live a normal life in post-apocalyptic Seattle while eluding capture by government agents from the covert biotech facility she escaped from as a child and searching for her genetically-enhanced brothers and sisters who have dispersed after escape.



Missing 2003


Jess Mastriani was a normal person who only wanted to take over her parents' restaurant in Indiana. But that changed when she was hit by lightning. After that she began seeing visions of missing people. Jess decides to use her newfound ability to be a consultant to the FBI, helping locate missing individuals. Eventually, she is hired by the bureau full-time and trained to become an agent, but her by-the-book nature sometimes clashes with the personality of her partner. Jess and her colleagues work out of the FBI's Washington, D.C., office.


Cory in the House

Cory in the House 2007


It's a brand new life for Cory Baxter when his dad, Victor, becomes the personal chef to the President of the United States. Cory's entrepreneurial scheming reaches new heights as he mingles amongst high-powered Washington D.C. elite.


The District

The District 2000


The District is a television police drama which aired on CBS from October 7, 2000 to May 1, 2004. The show followed the work and personal life of the chief of Washington, D.C.'s Police Department.


Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye

Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye 2002


Based on a true story, this family-friendly series follows the adventures of a young, hearing impaired woman who has a special gift and goes to work for the FBI in Washington, D.C. She's one hard-headed, soft-hearted woman whose talent for reading lips helps crack crimes and bag the bad guys in places listening devices can't penetrate. With her hearing-ear dog, Levi, Sue's a glutton for jeopardy – and there's (almost) nothing she won't do to bring notorious criminals to justice. This remarkable, edge-of-your-seat drama is an inspiring tribute to the ability of the human spirit to overcome adversity and achieve great things.



227 1985


A housewife sits on the stoop of her apartment building in a black neighborhood of Washington, D.C., and discusses all manner of things with her neighbors.


Minority Report

Minority Report 2015


Ten years after the demise of Precrime, crime-solving is different and justice leans more on sophisticated and trusted technology than on the instincts of the precogs—individuals who able to see the future. In Washington, D.C., a man haunted by the future and a cop haunted by her past race to stop the worst crimes of the year 2065 before they happen.



Threshold 2005


Threshold was a science fiction drama television series that first aired on CBS in September 2005. Produced by Brannon Braga, David S. Goyer and David Heyman, the series focuses on a secret government project investigating the first contact with an extraterrestrial species.


Hearts Afire

Hearts Afire 1992


Frustrations and sparks fly in Washington, D.C. when a strict conservative hires a free spirited journalist as his boss's press secretary. Their mismatched political views lead to arguments... and attraction.


The Lyon's Den

The Lyon's Den 2003


John "Jack" Turner is a maverick scion from an American political dynasty, a "true believer," who must reconcile his passion for the purity of law in the morally ambiguous world he inhabits, in which no one is who they appear to be. Content with working in a small pro-bono law clinic in Washington, D.C. – at the urging of his more practical longtime friend and colleague, George Riley – Turner reluctantly accepts the position of managing partner in the sponsoring law firm of Lyon, LaCrosse, and Levine in order to save the clinic.