
Rocky 1976


Boksač amater ograničene inteligencije iz opasne filadelfijske četvrti dobije iznenadnu priliku za borbu na prvenstvu u teškoj kategoriji, dok istovremeno pronalazi ljubav u rukama sramežljive, povučene djevojke koja radi u lokalnoj trgovini kućnim ljubimcima.


Bourneov identitet

Bourneov identitet 2002


Amnezija je spasila posada talijanskog ribarskog broda kad pluta na moru. Nema identitet i prošlost, ali posjeduje niz izvanrednih talenata u lingvističkim, borilačkim i samoobrambenim umijećima koji sugeriraju profesiju rizika. Zbunjen i dezorijentiran, on poduzima besnu potragu da otkrije tko je i zašto je njegov život preuzeo tako opasan zaokret.


Vještac: Sirene iz dubina

Vještac: Sirene iz dubina 2025


Nakon što ljude pomorce napadnu tajanstvena bića iz dubina, samo jedna osoba može spriječiti rat između kopna i mora: Vještac, Geralt od Rivije.


Danteov vrh

Danteov vrh 1997


Vulkanolog Harry Dalton dolazi u mirni grad Danteov vrh kako bi istražio nedavne tremore uspavanog vulkana po kojem je grad dobio ime. Ubrzo se ostvare njegovi najgori strahovi kad se dogodi masivna erupcija i tad se Harry, gradonačelnica i građani nađu u borbi za život usred katastrofalne noćne more.


Ledeno doba 2: Zatopljenje

Ledeno doba 2: Zatopljenje 2006


Kada dolini u kojoj žive zaprijeti otapanje leda koji je okružuje, mamut Manny, ljenivac Sid i sabljasti tigar Diego počinju savjetovati ostale životinje da potraže novo skrovište, prije negoli isteknu tri dana tijekom kojih bi se voda mogla probiti u njihov dom. Bježeći, trojac susreće žensku mamuticu Ellie, koja je uvjerena kako je zapravo oposum, poput njene zaigrane braće. U međuvremenu, vjeverica Scrat i dalje svoj lješnjak pokušava sačuvati i usred najčudnijih okolnosti.



Once 2007



Plava laguna

Plava laguna 1980


Ako želite zaboraviti naporan radni dan, najbolje je prepustiti se prekrasnom otočju Fidži te snimateljskoj ruci legendarnog Nestora Almendrosa. "Plava laguna" je nježna, senzualna priča o seksualnom buđenju mladića i djevojke koji odrastaju na samotnom otoku. Nakon brodoloma u južnom Pacifiku, dvoje djece, Emmeline (Brooke Shields) i Richard (Christopher Atkins) te brodski kuhar Paddy (Leo McKern) jedini su preživjeli. No Paddy uskoro premine, stoga su Richard i Emmeline naglo prisiljeni naučiti sve o preživljavanju na pustom otoku, stotinama kilometara daleko od civilizacije. I dok godine prolaze, dječak i djevojčica postaju mladić i djevojka, a otkrivanje vlastite seksualnosti donosi im veliku prekretnicu u obliku djeteta, o čijoj brizi novi roditelji ne znaju gotovo ništa. Povrh svega, na otoku se skriva velika opasnost, koje Richard i Emmeline nisu svjesni...



Zastrašivači 1996


Nakon automobilske nesreće u kojoj je izgubio suprugu, a on sam ostao tesko ozlijeđen, Frank Bannister (Michael J. Fox) počinje razvijati medijske moći kojima uspijeva komunicirati s duhovima. Željan novog života, ostavlja svoj posao arhitekta i projekt kuće iz snova, te se baca na novi posao. Koristeći svoje moći, sprijateljuje se s nekim duhovima, koje nagovori da s njim sudjeluju u lukavim pothvatima...


The Bourne Identity

The Bourne Identity 1988


An unconscious man is washed ashore on the beach of a small French village during a heavy storm. A retired doctor takes care of the unconscious stranger. When the mysterious man recovers, he can't remember a thing...he does not know his name, he does not know where his flashback memories come from, and he does not know why the access code for an anonymous Swiss bank account is implanted in his thigh. As he seeks his own identity, things quickly become dangerous. There are attempts to kill him, he is well known in first class hotels across Europe, and worst of all, there are strange similarities between his memories and reported actions of the notorious terrorist, Carlos the Jackal.



Liaisons 2015


LIAISONS is a modern dramedy, telling the story of the affairs and relations within a family and beyond; the ongoing search for love and the various ways of getting it today. The series follows the love life of one famous architect with impeccable reputation (Mika, 43), her husband - former coroner, and a marriage counselor now (Tony, 48), and their family. Its numerous members are being tingled in complicated affairs, which consistently add dirty secrets and embarrassing stains to the biography of the "perfect" family. The grounds are seriously endangered. Could Mika and Tony manage to stay together, or will they indulge to the temptations, which skulk from the outer world?


Rose Cuts Diamond

Rose Cuts Diamond 2016


Roses and diamonds are the most beautiful; hence it may not be possible to draw a comparison. But the beauty of these can have both valuable and toxic effects. Kanyika takes on the alias "Petch or Cat-Eyed Diamond" to fight for justice in her own way. As a child, her family was chased down and assassinated, but Kanyika was able to escape with the help of Darawan. Together, they bolster many attempts to commit jewelry crimes. Then, there is Danupope, who takes on the alias of "Kularb Kao or White Rose". Danupope is a Diamond hunter, and he finds things for his clients. Kanyika and Danupope cross paths, and their ideologies conflict. However, who would have thought that behind the "Cat Eyed Diamond" and "White Rose", there is a past connection? Will their ideologies interfere with their goals..? Will Kanyika successfully avenge her family?


La Baronessa di Carini

La Baronessa di Carini 2007


Laura, a young noblewoman who grew up in a convent, is given in marriage to the baron of Carini, an overbearing and lustful man. The life of the young baroness seems destined for unhappiness until she meets Luca Corbara, who arrives in the country to find his origins.


The Letters

The Letters 2022


A short history about love found in letters.


The Most Peaceful Place

The Most Peaceful Place 2021


Back home after 6 months of absence, Tung will have to live with his former best friend Phuc but the two don't get along very well today. But why? Is love related to their quarrel?