Kuća debele mame 2

Kuća debele mame 2 2006


Kako bi se mogao posvetiti trudnoj supruzi Sherri (N. Long) i njezinu sinu, agent FBI-a Malcolm Turner (M. Lawrence) terenski posao zamijenio je uredskim. Ipak, kad dozna da mu je bivši partner i mentor stradao na slučaju, Malcolm se - usprkos izričitoj zabrani nadređenih, a s pomoću odijela punašne starice Debele mame - odluči vratiti na teren, i to kao dadilja u obitelji Toma Fullera (M. Moses), biznismena za kojeg vjeruje da je umiješan u slučaj. Čim upozna Fullera, njegovu suprugu Leah (E. Procter), i njihovo troje problematične djece, Malcolm shvati da bi se posao dadilje mogao pokazati znatno zahtjevnijim od detektivskog. Neovisno o tome, on će učiniti sve ne bi li otkrio tko je kriv za stradavanje partnera i pritom doveo u red kućanstvo Fullerovih.



RED 2010



Kameno srce

Kameno srce 2023


Obavještajna operativka koja radi za tajnovitu globalnu agenciju za očuvanje mira pokušava spriječiti hakericu da ukrade njezino najdragocjenije i najopasnije oružje.


Pakleni val

Pakleni val 2015


Mladi agent FBI-a ubacuje se u nevjerojatan tim ekstremnih sportaša za koje sumnja da stoje iza niza neviđenih, sofisticiranih korporativnih pljački. Na tajnom zadatku zbog kojeg mu je život u opasnosti pokušava dokazati da su ti sportaši osmislili zapanjujuća krivična djela kojima uništavaju financijska tržišta svijeta.


Pakleni val

Pakleni val 1991


Okretni Johnny Utah (K. Reeves) mladi je i neiskusni FBI-jev agent kojem šef Ben Harp (J. C. McGinley) dodijeli težak zadatak, istragu niza vješto izvedenih pljački banaka. Kad od svog starijeg partnera, Angela Pappasa (G. Busey), dozna da su kriminalci maskirani u bivše američke predsjednike tijekom posljednje tri godine izveli čak 27 pljački, te da im je nemoguće ući u trag, Johnny uz Pappasovu pomoć na temelju snimaka nadzornih kamera zaključi da se iza maski krije skupina odvažnih surfera. Stoga Johnny nabavi surfersku dasku te već prvog dana, nespretno jašući na valovima, upozna atraktivnu Tyler Ann Endicott (L. Petty). Tyler je vješta surferica i bivša djevojka markantnog Bodhija (P. Swayze), vođe skupine jahača na valovima koji od lipnja do srpnja svake godine neustrašivo prkose prirodi. Znajući da su se sve pljačke dogodile baš u tim razdobljima, Johnny se preko Tyler počne družiti s Bodhijem.



Spijunka 2015


Vodeća komičarka današnjice Melissa McCarthy u filmu Špijunka glumi Susan Cooper, skromnu CIA-inu uredsku analitičarku koja je junak iz sjene niza najopasnijih misija svoje agencije. Kada njezin partner (Jude Law) završi iza rešetaka, a drugi vrhunski agent (Jason Statham) biva otkriven, Susan će postati posljednja nada tajne operacije koja mora spriječiti najpoznatijeg svjetskog trgovca oružjem da ne izazove globalnu katastrofu.


Zločesti dečki 2

Zločesti dečki 2 2003


U ovoj novoj avanturi, miamijski narko detektivi Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) i Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) dodijeljeni su kao dio visokotehnološkog tima koji pokušava otkriti zaplet dizajna ekstaze u Miamiju. Ali oni nesvjesno otkrivaju smrtonosnu zavjeru u koju je upleten nemilosrdni gospodar droge, Johnny Tapia (Jordi Mollà), koji je odlučan proširiti svoje carstvo i preuzeti kontrolu nad poslovanjem s narkoticima u gradu, ubijajući svakoga tko mu se spusti na put. Da stvar bude još gora, Marcusova prelijepa sestra, Syd (Gabrielle Union), agent DEA tajnog krsta, biva uhvaćen u unakrsnu vatru, prisiljavajući naše junake da se postave na rubu zakona. Sve postaje još složenije kada Kupid počne letjeti nad Mikeom i Sydom, izazivajući gnjev svog brata zaštitnika.



Sjever-sjeverozapad 1959


New York. Roger Thornhill, uspješni stručnjak za reklame, je slučajno dignuo ruku u jednom hotelu kada je concierge zvao nekog gospodina Georgea Kaplana da se javi na telefon. Od tog trenutka biva zamijenjen za Kaplana te otet od nekih kriminalaca. Oni ga odvedu u vilu nekog Phillipa Vandamma koji ga počne ispitivati. Kada mu Roger uporno počne odgovarati da nije Kaplan, ovi ga se odluče riješiti; prisilno ga napiju i puste u automobilu prema provaliji, kako bi izgledalo kao smrtni slučaj. No Roger se trgne i uspije preusmjeriti auto. No tada ga uhapsi policajac i optuži da je vozio pijan. Kada se vrati kući, čak mu niti majka neće vjerovati da je otet i prisiljen da je vozio.


Cura na zadatku 2: Lijepa i naoružana

Cura na zadatku 2: Lijepa i naoružana 2005


Nakon trijumfa na izboru za Miss SAD-a, agentica FBI-a Gracie Hart preko noći postaje senzacija - i novo "lice FBI-a". Ali vrijeme je da opet krene u akciju kada pobjednica izbora Cheryl i voditelj Stan budu oteti.


Francuska veza

Francuska veza 1971


Jimmy Popeye Doyle i Buddy Cloudy Russo dvojica su newyorških detektiva zaposlenih u odjelu za narkotike. Dopadne ih zadatak da prekinu lanac transporta heroina iz južne Francuske u Sjedinjene Države. Saznavši tijekom istrage da se radi o velikoj pošiljci droge, trag ih dovede do newyorške trgovine slatkišima čiji bi vlasnici, Sal Broca i njegova supruga Angie, mogli biti umiješani u slučaj. Istodobno, u francuskom gradu Marseilleu, otmjeni bogataš Alain Charnier, "kralj" mjesnoga narkomiljea, organizira poslove vezane uz prodaju heroina Amerikancima. Kako je informiran o napredovanju istrage Popeyea i Cloudyja, odluči ih ukloniti i osigurati protok droge.


Atomska plavuša

Atomska plavuša 2017


Lorraine Broughton, špijunka MI6-a, poslana je u Berlin kako bi razotkrila špijunski lanac odgovoran za smrt jednog tajnog agenta, koji joj čini se i nije tako nepoznat.


Misija Kandahar

Misija Kandahar 2023


Curenje obavještajnih podataka razotkriva tajnu misiju i otkriva identitet CIA-inog operativca koji radi na Bliskom Istoku. Zaglavljen u srcu neprijateljskog teritorija, on i njegov prevoditelj moraju se izboriti za izlaz iz pustinje do mjesta spašavanja u Kandaharu u Afganistanu, izbjegavajući elitne specijalne snage koje ih progone.


Umri muški: Dobar dan za umiranje

Umri muški: Dobar dan za umiranje 2013


John McClane putuje u Rusiju kako bi pomogao naizgled zalutalome sinu Jacku. No na kraju saznaje da je Jack tajni CIA agent te zajedno krenu u borbu protiv podzemlja.


Charliejevi anđeli

Charliejevi anđeli 2000


Natalie (Cameron Diaz), Dylan (Drew Barrymore) i Alex (Lucy Liu), znane i kao "Charliejevi anđeli", pripadnice su neobične detektivske agencije. Njihova nova zadaća pronalazak je elektronskog genija Knoxa (Sam Rockwell), čiji je nestanak prijavila njegova najbolja prijateljica Vivian (Kelly Lynch). Najsumnjiviji je Knoxov glavni rival, magnat Corwin (Tim Curry), ali anđeli se moraju obračunati i s poremećenim ubojicom koji im stoji na putu...


U sjeni zavjere

U sjeni zavjere 2022


Problematični Travis Block je vladin operativac koji je zadužen za izvlačenje tajnih agenata iz opasnih situacija. Kada otkrije zavjeru usmjerenu na američke građane, Block se nađe na meti ljudi za koje radi. Tada mora ne samo ući u trag agentu, već i saznati istinu. Istinu koja bi mogla opteretiti čak i njegov upitni moralni kodeks.


Orlovo gnijezdo

Orlovo gnijezdo 1968


Godine 1944. britanski vojni zrakoplov je srušen, a nacisti zarobe jedinog preživjelog, američkog generala koji je upućen u najtajnije savezničke planove, pa i točan datum Dana D. Britanska obavještajna služba hitno organizira skupinu za njegovo spašavanje iz dobro čuvane njemačke utvrde. Komandose predvode britanski časnik, major John Smith (R. Burton) i vrlo sposobni američki poručnik Morris Schaffer (C. Eastwood). Uspijevaju doći do dvorca u kojem je zarobljeni general, no upadaju u zamku. Shvaćaju da su izdani. Pokazuje se da su izdajnici trojica majorovih ljudi, no još je gore to što je stvar 'procurila' s mnogo više razine.


Charliejevi anđeli 2: Punom brzinom

Charliejevi anđeli 2: Punom brzinom 2003


„Anđeli“, tri istražne agentice, koji rade za detektivsku agenciju Charlesa Townsenda, vraćaju se u još jednom visokooktanskom nizu pustolovina dok istražuju krađu baze podataka zaštićenih svjedoka, nakon što je pet osoba s popisa ubijeno. Pomaže im novi Bosley, u pustolovini koja ih sukobljava s „palim anđelom“, njihovim starim neprijateljem, Mršavkom i drugima.



Lioness 2023


Cruz Manuelos, a rough-around-the-edges but passionate young Marine, is recruited to join the CIA's Lioness Engagement Team to help bring down a terrorist organization from within. Joe, the station chief of the Lioness program, is tasked with training, managing and leading her female undercover operatives.


Citadel: Diana

Citadel: Diana 2024


Milan, 2030: Diana Cavalieri is a double agent for the secret syndicate Citadel, who infiltrated Manticore, the rival agency that destroyed Citadel eight years ago. Trapped behind enemy lines, Diana has a chance to leave the agency forever, but she has to decide whether to trust a surprising ally: the heir of Manticore Italy, Edo Zani.


Miami Vice

Miami Vice 1984


The story of the Miami Police Department's vice squad and its efforts to end drug trafficking and prostitution, centered on the unlikely partnership of Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs - who first meet when Tubbs is undercover in a drug cartel.



Fauda 2015


A top Israeli agent comes out of retirement to hunt for a Palestinian militant he thought he'd killed, setting a chaotic chain of events into motion.


21 Jump Street

21 Jump Street 1987


21 Jump Street revolves around a group of young cops who would use their youthful appearance to go undercover and solve crimes involving teenagers and young adults.


Police Woman

Police Woman 1974


Sergeant “Pepper"” Anderson, an undercover cop for the Criminal Conspiracy Unit of the Los Angeles Police Department, poses undercover from mob girl to prostitute.


La Femme Nikita

La Femme Nikita 1997


La Femme Nikita was a Canadian action/drama television series based on the French film Nikita by Luc Besson. The series was co-produced by Jay Firestone of Fireworks Entertainment and Warner Bros.. It was adapted for television by Joel Surnow. The series was first telecast in North America on the USA Network cable channel on January 13, 1997, and ran for five television seasons—until March 2001. The series was also aired in Canada on the over-the-air CTV Television Network. La Femme Nikita was the highest-rated drama on American basic cable during its first two seasons. It was also distributed in some other countries, and it continues to have a strong cult following.



Wiseguy 1987


Vinnie Terranova does time in a New Jersey penitentiary to set up his undercover role as an agent for the OCB (Organized Crime Bureau) of the United States. His roots in a traditional Italian city neighborhood form the underlying dramatic base throughout the series, bringing him into conflict with his conservative mother and other family members while acting undercover as syndicate enforcer.


Covert Affairs

Covert Affairs 2010


A young CIA operative, Annie Walker, is mysteriously summoned to headquarters for duty as a field operative. While Annie believes she's been promoted for her exceptional linguistic skills, there may be something or someone from her past that her CIA bosses are really after. Auggie Anderson is a CIA military intelligence agent who was blinded while on assignment and is Annie's guide in this world of bureaucracy, excitement and intrigue.


Absolute Zero

Absolute Zero 2010


Izumi Sakuragi is a new police sergeant with the Special Investigations Office, which was set up within the Metropolitan Police in November last year. The new investigation team uses DNA analysis and the latest in forensics science to investigate cold cases as well as cases suspected to involve missing persons.



Rogue 2013


Grace, a morally and emotionally-conflicted undercover detective, is tormented by the possibility that her own actions contributed to her son’s death. Grace’s search for the truth is further complicated by her forbidden relationship with Jimmy, the crime boss who may have played a hand in the crime.


The Bureau

The Bureau 2015


Within the DGSE (General Directorate for External Security), a department called the Office Of Legends (BDL) forms and remote pilot the most important agents of the French intelligence services: Clandestine. Immersion in hostile country, their mission is to identify individuals who may be recruited as sources of information. Operating "under caption", that is to say in a fabricated identity from scratch, they live for many years in a permanent duplicity. Our hero just returned from a clandestine mission six years in Damascus. But contrary to what is required by safety rules, he does not abandon his legend and the identity under which he lived in Syria, thus putting in danger the whole system.


New York Undercover

New York Undercover 1994


New York Undercover is an American police drama The series stars Detective J.C. Williams and Detective Eddie Torres, two undercover detectives in New York City's Fourth Precinct who were assigned to investigate various crimes and gang-related cases.


The Drug Hunter

The Drug Hunter 2018


An educated chemical engineer becomes an undercover officer against drug dealers.



Graceland 2013


In Southern California, a beachfront property was seized and turned into a residence for undercover cops. They are all top agents of the DEA, FBI, and Customs and they are living in this house unofficially known as "Graceland". Coming of a new graduating at the top of his class, FBI rookie, Mike Warren, could make the life of a legendary FBI agent Paul Briggs and the others, more complicated or it could reveal the truth. It is based upon actual events.



Undercover 2011


Just an ordinary boy from the Sofia suburbs becomes the first bulgarian undercover cop. Forced by his father when he was young to lie and cheat, Martin becomes the perfect liar. That skill, and also the hatred of the 'underworld' makes him the perfect match for a dangerous mission - to infiltrate the crime organisation of a rich and powerful businessman. While infiltrating and living in fear of being uncovered, Martin falls in love with the most inappropriate woman - Djaro's girlfriend, Suni. Just when he gains the trust of the mobsters, it appears that the real enemy is in the police. Martin is alone against all, facing difficult decisions.



Fastlane 2002


Fastlane is an American action/crime drama series that was broadcast on Fox from September 18, 2002 to April 25, 2003.


Dark Night and Dawn

Dark Night and Dawn 2024


In 1943 Shanghai, an explosion leads to a showdown between Communist undercover agent Lu Zhengyang and former police officer Lin Shaobai. Six years later, Lu Zhengyang, now a key member of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau, recruits Lin Shaobai, the "Shanghai Expert," to tackle major cases and thwart the plots of veteran spy Zheng Lanting. As they work together, Lu Zhengyang and Lin Shaobai build trust and become close comrades.



Legends 2014


Working for the FBI's Deep Cover Operations division, Martin Odum can transform himself into a different person -- whether it's an assignment as a Serbian extremist, a corrupt Chicago police officer, a British special forces colonel, or a legendary computer hacker. But when he learns that his life, itself, may be a lie, he faces the demands of his job and a desire to solve the mystery of his identity. And given the choice between the two, Odum doesn't always make the right decision.


Sleeper Cell

Sleeper Cell 2005


A chilling and unflinching look at all sides of a complicated issue, focusing on an African-American Muslim who joins an Islamic sleeper terrorist cell in the United States while working undercover for the FBI.