Ključna riječ Kindergarten
Jagten 2012
Tata u akciji 2003
Murphy u filmu igra Charliea Hintona, marketinškog eksperta koji radi loše odrađenog posla ostaje na ulici zajedno sa njaboljim prijateljem Philom. Njegova supruga Kim radi kao advokat, a Charlie ostaje kući sa sinom Benom i iznenada dobija ideju da otvori Centar za dnevnu brigu o djeci pošto više jednostavno ne može priuštiti moderni vrtić koga u susjedstvu vodi čelična direktorica, Miss Harridan. Nova škola odmah postiže veliki uspjeh i u školi Miss Harridan počinju se pojavljivati prazna mjesta. Ubrzo partneri unajmljuju asistenta Marvina koji ima sumnjivu prošlost. Tada Miss Harridan lansira protunapad a Charlieu ostaje borba za očuvanje svog novog posla putem kojeg ostvaruje vezu sa vlastitim sinom...
Policajac iz vrtića 2 2016
Dolph Lundgren igra policajca na tajnom zadatku, Agenta Reeda koji mora da se infiltrira u vrtić kako bi nabavio USB stik sa povjerljivim podacima ukradenim iz programa za zaštitu svjedoka. Reed mora izaći na kraj sa djecom i brinuti o školi i njenoj politici o jednakostima nacionalnosti, dok mu negativci – Albanci pušu za vratom.
Little Monsters 2019
Keinohrhasen 2007
Policajac iz vrtića 1990
John Kimble je beskompromisni policajac, koji je već duže vrijeme na tragu dileru droge Cullenu Crispu. Konačno ga uspije pronaći, ali jedino svjedočenje Crispove žene kriminalca može dovesti pred sud pravde. Problem je u tome što je ona nestala, a jedino što Kimble zna jest vrtić u koji ide njezin sin. Kreće na tajni zadatak i postaje „teta“ u vrtiću.
うさぎドロップ 2011
五個小孩的校長 2015
Kakav deda, takav unuk 1983
Boba i Marija su zaposleni, imaju stan i sina i naizgled je sve uredu. Ali, dok su oni zauzeti svakodnevnim brigama, njihovog sina čuvaju djedovi i tu nastaju problemi. Njegov otac želi da unuka oblikuje po svojoj mjeri, a njen otac želi da mu obezbjedi klasično obrazovanje: muziku, jezike, itd. Zbog toga dolazi do niza sukoba i komičnih situacija.
Krippenwahn 2015
Tarhapäivä 2019
Frökens första barn 1950
모래 놀이 2017
อนุบาล เด็กโข่ง 2009
ดรีมทีม 2008
Dert Bende 1973
The Powerpuff Girls 1998
The Powerpuff Girls is a animated television series about Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, three kindergarten-aged girls with superpowers, as well as their "father", the brainy scientist Professor Utonium, who all live in the fictional city of Townsville, USA. The girls are frequently called upon by the town's childlike and naive mayor to help fight nearby criminals using their powers.
Chip and Potato 2018
Lovable pug Chip starts kindergarten, makes new friends and tries new things -- with a little help from Potato, her secret mouse pal.
Hanamaru Kindergarten 2010
Anzu, Hiiragi, and Koume are three girls who attend the lively Hanamaru Kindergarten. There they have lots of adventures with their classmates and with Naozomi Tsuchida, their teacher who has just started working fresh out of school.
Timmy Time 2009
Timmy is a little lamb which has just turned three (in sheep years) and is going to nursery! In this bright and colourful environment, Timmy and his animal chums learn how to make friends, create new things, paint, draw and generally learn those very important 'life lessons' from their nursery teachers, Harriet Heron and Osbourne Owl.
Usagi Drop 2011
By force of circumstances, a 30-year-old single man with a full-time job suddenly starts raising a 6-year-old girl. While running each other ragged, the two of them gradually grow into a "family".
Ghost Kindergarten 2018
Timothy Goes to School 2000
A raccoon named Timothy starts kindergarten, and meets many new people and friends. He helps others with their challenges and they would help Timothy on something he is struggling on. It features his everyday adventures while teaching kids how to behave in school and having a positive attitude - feeling good in school and learning more about the world.
The Kindergarten Detective 2015
Shinichiro Hanasaki, a former detective with the police department, is currently engaged in running a nursery called “Smiling Garden.” He wishes to help poorer families and single parents by offering very low fees for childcare, but this leaves the nursery struggling financially. To replenish the budget, Shinichiro decides to open a private detective agency at night.
Wonder Pets: In the City 2024
Team up for heroic adventures with Izzy the Guinea Pig, Tate the Snake, and Zuri the Bunny—a trio of opera-singing New York City classroom pets—as they answer calls from animals in need all around the world.