Mostovi okruga Madison

Mostovi okruga Madison 1995


Francesca (M. Streep) je bila udana za Richarda Johnsona (J. Haynie) i s njim je živjela na osamljenoj farmi u okrugu Madison, savezna država Iowa. Nakon njezine smrti krajem osamdesetih njezina djeca Caroline (A. Corley) i Michael (V. Slezak) otkriju da je u svom dnevniku opisala sudbonosnu ljubav s fotografom magazina "National Geographic" Robertom Kincaidom (C. Eastwood). Ta je veza trajala samo četiri dana. Sve se dogodilo u ljeto 1965. dok su muž i djeca bili na velikom sajmu države Iowe. Kincaid je svojim malim kamionom zalutao tražeći mostove okruga Madison koje je trebao snimiti za "National Geographic". Zaustavio se pred Francescinom kućom i ona mu je pokazala put. Sprijateljili su se, a odmah i duboko zaljubili jedno u drugo. Okolnosti im neće omogućiti da vezu nastave.



Tess 1979



The Bastard Executioner

The Bastard Executioner 2015


A blood-soaked, medieval epic that tells the story of Wilkin Brattle, a 14th century warrior, whose life is forever changed when a divine messenger beseeches him to lay down his sword and lead the life of another man: a journeyman executioner. Set in northern Wales during a time rife with rebellion and political upheaval, Wilkin must walk a tight rope between protecting his true identity while also serving a mysterious destiny. Guided by Annora, a mystical healer whose seeming omniscience keeps Wilkin under her sway; manipulated by Milus Corbett, a devious Chamberlain with grand political aspirations; and driven by a deepening connection with the Baroness Lady Love, Wilkin struggles to navigate political, emotional and supernal pitfalls in his quest to understand his greater purpose.



Chłopi 1972


Chłopi is a Polish historical film. It was released in 1973.



Peasants 1970


A comedy show which follows a modern village family and many of their neighbors, dealing with Serbian mentality during the beginning of XXI century.