Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 2001
Temeljen na popularnoj videoigri, film prati pustolovine Lare Croft (Angelina Jolie) koja putuje na egzotične lokacije u potrazi za blagom i artefaktima u katakombama drevnih grobnica i ruševinama drevnih carstava.
Temeljen na popularnoj videoigri, film prati pustolovine Lare Croft (Angelina Jolie) koja putuje na egzotične lokacije u potrazi za blagom i artefaktima u katakombama drevnih grobnica i ruševinama drevnih carstava.
Vodeća komičarka današnjice Melissa McCarthy u filmu Špijunka glumi Susan Cooper, skromnu CIA-inu uredsku analitičarku koja je junak iz sjene niza najopasnijih misija svoje agencije. Kada njezin partner (Jude Law) završi iza rešetaka, a drugi vrhunski agent (Jason Statham) biva otkriven, Susan će postati posljednja nada tajne operacije koja mora spriječiti najpoznatijeg svjetskog trgovca oružjem da ne izazove globalnu katastrofu.
Lara Croft je strastvena, samostalna djevojka i kći ekscentričnog pustolova koji je nestao dok je ona još bila tinejdžerica. Sada, nakon sedam godina, Lara nema nikakav stvaran cilj ili svrhu te odbija preuzeti uzde carstva svojeg oca jednako kao što odbija priznati da je stvarno otišao. Protiveći se očevim posljednjim željama Lara odlučuje ostaviti sve iza sebe kako bi riješila zagonetku njegova misterioznoga nestanka, a svoju potragu započinje istraživanjem posljednje lokacije na kojoj je viđen.
Pohlepa, osveta, svjetska dominacija i visokotehnološki terorizam - sve je to u dnevnom radu za Bonda, koji je u misiji da zaštiti lijepu nasljednicu nafte od zloglasnog terorista. U utrci s vremenom koja kulminira dramatičnim obračunom podmornica, Bond radi na smirivanju međunarodne borbe zbog koje je svjetska opskrba naftom u opasnosti.
Nasljednica Joanna Stayton unajmljuje stolara Deana Proffitta da napravi ormar na njezinoj jahti... i odbija mu platiti za projekt kada bude gotov. No nakon što Joanna slučajno padne u more i izgubi pamćenje, Dean vidi priliku da se osveti.
Dok zla iz Pandorine kutije haraju, ona ih pokušava spasiti. Neustrašiva britanska arheologinja Lara Croft upravo je pronašla možda i najvažnije arheološko otkriće u povijesti, čarobno svjetleće nebeske tijelo koje služi kao mapa koja vodi do mitske Pandorine kutije. Na nesreću, mapa pada u ruke zlog znanstvenika Jonathana Reissa, koji se bavi stvaranjem smrtonosnih virusa, i sadržaj kutije planira prodati kao ultimativno oružje. Britanska tajna služba šalje Laru na zadatak vraćanja vrijednog artefakta, u čemu će joj se pridružiti Terry Sheridan, bivši britanski mornar koji je postao plaćenik, a ujedno je i Larin bivši dečko. Bivše ljubavnike čeka avantura po svim kontinentima, ali i drugdje...
U glavnoj ulozi je Noomi Rapace kao Sam, stručnjak za borbu protiv terorizma i veteran u ratnim zonama, koji preuzima posao zaštite Zoe (Sophie Nélisse), mlade i bogate nasljednice koja je dobila zadatak zauzeti aktivniju ulogu u tvrtki njenog pokojnog oca. Sam u poslu ne vidi ništa više od babysittinga, sve dok nakon nasilnog pokušaja otmice njih dvije nisu prisiljene na bijeg. Sada moraju početi uzimati živote - ili izgubiti svoje.
Organizatoricu vjenčanja iz San Francisca, Mary Fiore, iz nesreće spašava muškarac njezinih snova, pedijatar Steve Edison, a onda ustanovi da je on zaručnik njene najnovije klijentice. Dok Mary nastavlja s vjenčanim aranžmanima, ona i Steve dovode se u niz neugodnih situacija zbog kojih se moraju suočiti s međusobnom privlačnošću.
George Eastman (M. Clift) mladi je provincijalac koji dolazi u grad u nadi da će kod rođaka, bogatog industrijalca, pronaći posao. Ovaj ga zaposli u svojoj tvornici, te George, iako usamljen i povučen, stupi u vezu sa skromnom djevojkom Alice (S. Winters), također tvorničkom radnicom. George upozna lijepu i zavodljivu Angelu (E. Taylor), kćer poslodavca, kojoj se sviđa. Sada je George u velikoj nevolji, jer ne želi Alice priznati da se viđa s neusporedivo bogatijom i uglednijom djevojkom, a ne želi izgubiti ni Angelu. Frustriran i ogorčen što vodi dvostruki privatni život, George sve više laže. Bilo bi idealno kad Alice uopće ne bi postojala...
Rodrigo Junquera finds out he is close to death, he decides to ask the nanny of his young child, Virginia Martínez, a beautiful and honest woman, to marry him with the intention of preparing the road so she can look after his children when he's gone. Virginia has to deal with the contempt of Rodrigo's children who acuse her of being an ambitious woman who married their father for his money. Virginia is in love with Rodrigo's eldest son, Carlos Alberto, who has come to mistreat her after finding out she married his dad.
A pitiless demon becomes powerless after getting entangled with an icy heiress, who may hold the key to his lost abilities — and his heart.
A paragliding mishap drops a South Korean heiress in North Korea -- and into the life of an army officer, who decides he will help her hide.
This drama deals with the adversity overcoming of a new life as a young mother who has lived a hard life becomes a daughter of a chaebol. It is a story that happens when a young mother, who has lived in defiance with all her bad luck, becomes a chaebol daughter in the morning. It seems to be a drama that looks back on life and family.
The Perils of Penelope Pitstop is an American animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions that premiered on CBS on September 13, 1969. The show lasted two full seasons, with a total of 17 half-hour episodes produced and released, the last first-run episode airing on January 17, 1970. Repeats aired until September 4, 1971. It is a spin-off of the Wacky Races cartoon, reprising the characters of Penelope Pitstop and the Anthill Mob. This show airs reruns on Cartoon Network classic channel Boomerang.
Jang Ha Na is the fourth daughter of the eldest son of a family that’s been making soy sauce for hundred of years. She has to dress up like a man because of their financial situation. The family needs a male representative for their soy sauce business. After giving birth to four daughters, they gave up for trying for the male heir and the fourth daughter will just have to pretend tobe a boy and act like a son within the family.
The arrogant, spoiled heiress Anna Jo and the brazen, no-nonsense handyman Jang Chul-soo find their paths crossing as an accident causes Anna to lose her memory. Will the unlikely pair learn to get along?
It tells the story of Lu An-ran, the master of the country's water transportation, who vows to take revenge for her past life after being reborn. In the past life, Lu An-ran was entrusted with the wrong person and lost everything. Lu An-ran is accidentally reborn, and in order to avenge her past life, she embarks on a path of revenge. However, in her quest for revenge, there is one person who is always in love with her, and that person is the ninth prince, Mu Chuan. Mu Chuan is not interested in the throne or power, but rather in the mountains. After meeting Lu Anran, he decides to accompany her on her quest for revenge. Although they are in the prison of imperial power, they still put their hearts on all the people and eventually save them from the disaster.
A self-made medical student and an aspiring anchorwoman find their friendship -- and their dreams -- tested by a fateful tragedy.
After the death of an unknown uncle, a woman inherits a burial ground and finds herself in the center of a string of murders and dark secrets.
The essence of love is fading and is evermore harder to do. In this day and age, will there be love that is woeful and forlorn just for the sake of love itself? Love in Sadness is a love story that encapsulates the mythical-like fate of love that is so coveted that it ignores all bounds. In it, love outweighs what the world thinks, ignores the pain and anguish with it, and pursues its destiny. In the drama, Ma Ri is a beautiful girl, married into wealth with a seemingly perfect life. Ironically, her husband, In Wook, who looks like a more than ideal husband, is an obsessive lunatic who is also violently abusive. When he pushes her too far, she reaches out for help from Jung Won, an honest, smart, handsome plastic surgeon. And when he agrees to help her escape from her husband's hands, they fall in love. But In Wook, who is consumed by his obsession for her, isn't going to let her get away from his grasp. Watch as these two characters struggle to stay on their arduous road to love.
Jang Yoon-Ha is the youngest daughter of a chaebol. Even though her family is extremely wealthy, she holds a part-time job at a food market. She hides her background as an heiress and attempts to find a man that loves her for herself.
Follow the transformation of Patty Hearst from heiress to terrorist in a saga of privilege, celebrity, politics, media, revolution, and violence. Over forty years later, newly discovered evidence, archival footage, cinematic recreations and exclusive firsthand accounts shed light on one of the biggest and most bizarre stories in modern American history.
Mo Seok-hee is an only child and her father runs the large company MC Group. She is beautiful, smart and rich. Mo Seok-hee appears like she is arrogant, but she struggles over her mother’s death. Her mother was killed 15 years ago. Meanwhile, Heo Yoon-do is a lawyer, but he doesn’t even have an office. He solves small problems of neighborhood residents at a restaurant. He is full of love. Miraculously, Heo Yoon-do is headhunted to join the TOP team at MC Group. The TOP team manages the affairs of the family who runs the MC Group. Their job includes covering up immoral or illegal behaviors done by the family.
The follow-up to A Woman of Substance with Emma Harte at age eighty in the last winter of her life and dealing with her granddaughter Paula, as well as her respected advisor Henry Rossiter and Blackie O'Neill.
Fondant Garden is a 2012 Taiwanese drama starring South Korean singer Park Jung Min and Taiwanese actor/actresses Jian Man Shu, Kingone Wang, and Lia Lee. The series was first broadcast in Taiwan on free-to-air China Television from 24 February and on-going for 16 episodes.
The life of Emma Harte, from kitchen maid at the beginning of the twentieth century, to respected business woman and grandmother in the 1980s. From humble beginnings, Emma Harte starts her business with a small shop, but over the next twenty years, she expands her stores and invests in the growing textile industry in Leeds.
The lives of two half-sisters and their drawing master get caught up in a deadly conspiracy revolving around a mentally ill woman dressed all in white.