1917 2019
Dva mlada britanska vojnika tijekom Prvog svjetskog rata imaju nemoguću misiju: dostaviti poruku, duboko u neprijateljskom teritoriju, koja će zaustaviti njihove ljude i Blakeova brata, koji idu ravno u smrtonosnu zamku.
Dva mlada britanska vojnika tijekom Prvog svjetskog rata imaju nemoguću misiju: dostaviti poruku, duboko u neprijateljskom teritoriju, koja će zaustaviti njihove ljude i Blakeova brata, koji idu ravno u smrtonosnu zamku.
Film vjerno prikazuje događaje tijekom nevjerojatne bitke kod Dunkirka te evakuacije savezničkih vojnika iz Belgije, Britanije i Francuske koji su bili odsječeni i opkoljeni njemačkom vojskom u Francuskoj od 27. svibnja do 4. lipnja 1940. godine. Evakuacijom je tada spašeno preko 300.000 vojnika.
Kontroverzni vojnik i pustolov T. E. Lawrence gine u prometnoj nesreći, vozeći motocikl. Nakon komemoracije, među prisutnima se povede razgovor o pokojniku. Ključno razdoblje pokojnikova života bio je Prvi svjetski rat. U to doba Lawrence je bio poručnik britanske vojske u Kairu. Ljubitelj arapske kulture, Lawrence je bio na glasu kao svojeglav i neposlušan časnik. Ipak, zbog poznavanja arapske kulture, Lawrence je poslan u misiju kako bi istražio šanse arapskog princa Faisala u pobuni protiv Turaka. Izuzetno šarmantan i snalažljiv, Lawrence postaje važan čimbenik u događajima koji će promijeniti povijest…
Gandhi je 1893. izbačen sa južnoafričkog vlaka jer kao Indijac nije mogao putovati u prvom razredu. Tada je shvatio kako su zakoni protiv Indijaca te je odlučio pokrenuti nenasilnu protestnu kampanju za prava Indijaca u Južnoj Africi. Nakon mnogobrojnih uhićenja i neželjene svjetske pažnje, vlada je napokon popustila u priznavanju prava za Indijce no ne i za domorodačko crnačko stanovništvo Južne Afrike. Nakon te pobjede, Gandhi je pozvan natrag u Indiju gdje je dočekan kao nacionalni junak te zamoljen da preuzme borbu za indijsku neovisnost od Britanskog carstva. Pristao je i pokrenuo nenasilnu kampanju nevjerojatnih razmjera, koordinirajući milijune Indijaca diljem zemlje.
U siječnju 1879. Britanci su pokrenuli rat protiv naroda Zulu u Južnoj Africi očekujući da će njihove dobro uvježbane i opremljene trupe lako izaći na kraj s njima. Vojska od nekih 1350 vojnika upustila se u borbu s više od 4000 Zulua kod Isandlwane te su gotovo potpuno bili uništeni. Nakon te pobjede Zulu ratnici krenuli su natrag uz britansku granicu prema maloj opskrbnoj postaji kod Rorke’s Drifta, u kojoj se nalazio veliki dio zaliha te oko 150 britanskih vojnika. Tijekom dana i noći u srijedu 22. siječnja 1879., te kroz iduće jutro, Zului su pokretali jedan napad za drugim na mali garnizon, ali nisu mogli probiti njihovu obranu te su se na kraju povukli u zemlju Zulua.
Grupa Britanskih vojnika koji su na vojnoj vježbi u Škotskim planinama napadnuti su od strane nepoznatih krvoločnih životinja. Zahvaljujući zoologinji Megan spašeni su od pokolja, a od nje saznaju strašnu tajnu da ih je upravo napala obitelj vukodlaka. Noć je tek počela, a municije je vrlo malo.
Ova adaptacija slavne pripovijetke Rudyarda Kiplinga kazuje priču o Danielu Dravotu (Sean Connery) i Peachyju Carnahanu (Michael Caine), dvojici bivših britanskih dočasnika u Indiji krajem 19. stoljeća. Ovaj par nitkova skuje plan da otputuju u udaljeno kraljevstvo Kafiristan s 20 suvremenih pušaka, gdje namjeravaju sklopiti savez s jednim od lokalnih kraljeva kojem će pomoći svladati neprijatelje. Njihov je konačan plan, naravno, staviti kralja pod svoju kontrolu kako bi i sami postali vladari. Nakon nekoliko pustolovina i nezgoda dvojcu ide uspješnije nego što su mogli i zamisliti. Naime, naivni domoroci počnu Dannyja smatrati božanstvom kada im se učini da je preživio pogodak strijele u srce bez ijedne ogrebotine.
The misadventures of hapless cafe owner René Artois and his escapades with the Resistance in occupied France.
Sharpe is a British series of television dramas starring Sean Bean as Richard Sharpe, a fictional British soldier in the Napoleonic Wars. Sharpe is the hero of a number of novels by Bernard Cornwell; most, though not all, of the episodes are based on the books. Produced by Celtic Films and Picture Palace Films for the ITV network, the series was shot mainly in Turkey and the Crimea, although some filming was also done in England, Spain and Portugal. The series originally ran from 1993 to 1997. In 2004, as part of ITV's new set of drama, ITV announced that it intended to produce new episodes of Sharpe, in co-production with BBC America, loosely based on his time in India, with Sean Bean continuing his role as Sharpe. Sharpe's Challenge is a two-part adventure; part one premiered on ITV on 23 April 2006, with part two being shown the following night. With more gore than earlier episodes, the show was broadcast by BBC America in September 2006.
This covert combat series focuses on the Red Troop, an elite group of soldiers from the British military's Special Air Service group.
May 10th, 1940, Hitler takes on the West. Will he precipitate Europe into the Apocalypse?
The daily lives of a group of soldiers in 'B' Company, 1st Battalion The King's Fusiliers.
All Quiet on the Preston Front (or the shortened Preston Front as it became known for series two and three) was a BBC comedy drama about a group of friends in the fictional Lancashire town of Roker Bridge, and their links to the local Territorial Army infantry platoon. It was created by Tim Firth and ran from 1994 to 1997.
Sword of Honour is a two-part adaptation of Evelyn Waugh’s semi-autobiographical World War II trilogy that aired Channel 4 in 2001. It centers on Guy Crouchback's, played by Daniel Craig, heroic quest to fight for a deep moral cause and to reclaim his manhood after a shattering divorce from the society beauty Virginia Troy.
Over the past 60 years Britain's Special Air Service regiment has carried out a wide variety of clandestine missions - from deep-penetration raiding to hostage release operations - which have made it respected and feared for its professionalism and daring. The SAS prides itself on doing its work in the shadows, never allowing any publicity and never claiming credit for any of its extraordinary achievements. But, over the years, sufficient information has emerged for a picture of the regiment's exploits to be clear. This series uses interviews with former members of the SAS; detailed and painstaking reconstructions; and cutting edge 3-D graphics to recreate seven great missions which show why the SAS is today regarded as the world's leading special forces unit.
This series explores the facts and investigates the truth behind the British Redcoat Army's campaign in Zululand during 1879. The war was started by a country at the height of it's imperial powers and prosecuted by an army charged with the responsibility of implementing a policy known as Confederation - a proposal to unite various black and white factions in South Africa under British authority. Interviews, on-location footage and new geological surveys all help to reconstruct the conflicts and give insight into the tactics used in these epic battles.
Privates is a 2013 BBC One drama television series set in 1960 which follows the stories of eight privates who are part of the last intake of National Service, and their relationships with their officers and non-commissioned officers, civilian staff and families. The series was written by Damian Wayling, directed by Bryn Higgins and produced by Nick Pitt. The setting is the fictional North Yorkshire Regiment, although for dramatic effect the characters are from a variety of backgrounds including London, Liverpool, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Filmed in Northern Ireland, extras were provided by soldiers, wives and families of 2nd Battalion, The Rifles. Locations were Ballykinler Army Base, Tyrella Beach, South Promenade Newcastle.
Filmed over 18 months, this documentary series goes into the heart of the British Army. Through the eyes of the rank and file and the leaders, it shows the challenges of fighting wars when we are not at war.
Cameras have been granted privileged access to the oldest regiment in the British Army.
1989 two-part documentary following the progress of 29 men who want to become Royal Marine Officers.
This series has unprecedented access to the British Army soldiers who serve as the UK's bomb disposal elite
This two-part series tells the story of the conflict in Afghanistan and asks what has been achieved and whether the British have the will to fight in distant lands again.