Ključna riječ Folk Singer
Bob Roberts 1992
A Mighty Wind 2003
Tumbledown 2015
黄土地 1984
서편제 1993
Georgia 1995
Nema problema 1984
Chords of Fame 1984
Hajde da se volimo 1987
Ovo je priča o popularnoj pjevačici, Lepoj Breni, i njenom pratećem bendu "Slatki greh" i o njihovim doživljajima na jednoj od mnogobrojnih turneja po Jugoslaviji.
Jerky Turkey 1968
Hajde da se volimo 2 1989
Poznata pjevačica Lepa Brena i njezin bend "Slatki greh" nalaze se na radnom odmoru na jednom jadranskom otoku, na kojem se priprema natjecanje vatrogasaca amatera. Zabunom, u tisku izađe oglas u kojem bend traži specijalnog gosta i da će se audicija održati na otoku. Lepa Brena i članovi njezinog benda su na mukama zbog ove audicije: vatrogasci izvode svoje vježbe i, naravno, zapale otok.
Garfunkel and Oates 2014
The comic/folk duo Riki Lindhome and Kate Micucci hit prime time with their act in this scripted series for IFC. It follows hard-working underdogs trying to make their mark in comedy while muddling through messy dating scenarios, and doing so by performing one satirical (and often quite saucy) song after another. Nothing stops the ukulele- and guitar-wielding twosome from singing about life's unspoken truths, despite it leaving them detached from their peers. The series is titled after Lindhome and Micucci's band name, inspired by "two famous rock 'n' roll second bananas," Art Garfunkel and John Oates.
Garfunkel and Oates 2012
HBO Digital Comedy.