
xXx 2002


Xander Cage je XXX, bivši pobjednik X-Gamesa i profesionalni sportaš u ekstremnim sportovima, koji preživljava prodajući videozapise svojih nevjerojatnih podviga, koji adrenalin šalju diljem cuperoa. Ali nakon bezbrojnih susreta sa zakonom, njegov svijet uskoro je krenuo u još ekstremniji kurs ... Jer Xander ne zna da ga je "špijunirao" Augustus Gibbons, veteran iz Agencije za nacionalnu sigurnost koji je pronašao sebe u očajnoj situaciji u dalekom Pragu, gdje je njegovu tajnu operaciju ubila banda gangstera sa stilom koji je svoj, a koji sebe nazivaju Anarhijom 99, vodio brutalni bivši zapovjednik ruske vojske Yorgi.


Opasne djevojke

Opasne djevojke 2004


Cady Heron (Lindsay Lohan), koju su roditelji zoolozi odgojili u afričkoj divljini, misli da zna sve o 'preživljavanju najspremnijih'. No zakon džungle poprima posve novo značenje kada kod kuće školovana 15-godišnjakinja prvi put dođe u javnu srednju školu. Pokušavajući pronaći svoje mjesto među sportašima, matematičarima i drugim supkulturama, Cady se put ukrsti s najopasnijom vrstom – kraljicom pčela, odnosno cool i proračunatom Reginom George (Rachel McAdams), predvodnicom najmodernije školske klike, Plastičarki. Kad se Cady zaljubi u Reginina bivšeg dečka Aarona Samuelsa (Jonathan Bennett), to povrijedi kraljicu te ona planira uništiti Cadynu društvenu budućnost. Cady ubrzo sama pusti kandže kad započne urnebesan rat djevojaka pred kojim cijela škola potraži zaklon.



Spijunka 2015


Vodeća komičarka današnjice Melissa McCarthy u filmu Špijunka glumi Susan Cooper, skromnu CIA-inu uredsku analitičarku koja je junak iz sjene niza najopasnijih misija svoje agencije. Kada njezin partner (Jude Law) završi iza rešetaka, a drugi vrhunski agent (Jason Statham) biva otkriven, Susan će postati posljednja nada tajne operacije koja mora spriječiti najpoznatijeg svjetskog trgovca oružjem da ne izazove globalnu katastrofu.


Willy Wonka i tvornica čokolade

Willy Wonka i tvornica čokolade 1971


Siromašni dječak, Charlie Bucket, jedan je od pet sretnika koji će posjetiti čudesnu tvornicu čokolade koja se nalazi u vlasništvu povučenog ekscentrika, Willyja Wonke. Dok ih Willy vodi po tvornici prepunoj ukusnih slatkiša djeca upadaju u razne neprilike koje često završe sa komičnim posljedicama. Hoće li Charlie izbjeći takvu sudbinu i osvojiti konačnu nagradu, doživotnu zalihu čokolade?



Y2K 2024




Sharper 2023


Grupa prevaranata preuzima imućnu obitelj koja je će uskoro biti potpuno opljačkana. Dok prevaranti imaju briljantan plan, emocije i ljubomora ubrzo im staju na put, zbog čega postaje nejasno tko je prevarant, a tko žrtva.


Igre mamurluka

Igre mamurluka 2014


Nakon lude momačke večeri trojica tipova probude se u čudnom svijetu i shvate da se nalaze u vlaku na putu za smrtonosne Igre mamurluka.


Dragi Evan Hansen

Dragi Evan Hansen 2021


Filmska adaptacija nagrađivanog mjuzikla o Evanu Hansenu, srednjoškolcu s poremećajem socijalne anksioznosti i njegovom putu samootkrivanja i prihvaćanja nakon samoubojstva kolege iz razreda.


Black Jesus

Black Jesus 2014


A TV series finds Jesus living in present day Compton, CA on a daily mission to spread love and kindness throughout the neighborhood with the help of his small but loyal group of downtrodden followers.


The Carmichael Show

The Carmichael Show 2015


From the comedy of Jerrod Carmichael and Nick Stoller ("Neighbors") comes an irreverent sitcom inspired by Jerrod's relationships with his say-anything, contrarian father, his therapist-in-training girlfriend, his ever-hustling brother and his mother who is always, always, always right with Jesus. Taking the next step and moving in together, Jerrod and his girlfriend, Maxine (Amber West), are your average young couple trying to make it in the city. They’re smart, motivated and looking to build a fulfilling life together. The only thing standing in their way is family. Between Jerrod's larger-than-life brother, Bobby (Lil Rel Howery), and his smothering and passionate parents (David Alan Grier, Loretta Devine), Jerrod and Maxine are put to the test navigating the boundaries of romance, family and sanity.


The Boondocks

The Boondocks 2005


When Robert “Granddad” Freeman becomes legal guardian to his two grandsons, he moves from the tough south side of Chicago to the upscale neighborhood of Woodcrest (a.k.a. "The Boondocks") so he can enjoy his golden years in safety and comfort. But with Huey, a 10-year-old leftist revolutionary, and his eight-year-old misfit brother, Riley, suburbia is about to be shaken up.


Santa Clarita Diet

Santa Clarita Diet 2017


They're ordinary husband and wife realtors until she undergoes a dramatic change that sends them down a road of death and destruction. In a good way.



TMZ 2007


Based on the popular gossip website, this entertainment newsmagazine delivers daily updates on Hollywood's rich, beautiful and screwed-up. The program often shows highlights of the day's staff meeting during which reporters pitch ideas for stories to air that day.


Love & Hip Hop New York

Love & Hip Hop New York 2011


When people think of the hip hop life, they think of the players - the men who shape the music and the blinged-out lifestyle that comes with success. The fact is the hip hop life is different for the women involved: the spouses, girlfriends or artists trying to define themselves in a world where men are still calling the shots.


The Girls Next Door

The Girls Next Door 2005


The Girls Next Door, also known as The Girls of the Playboy Mansion, is a reality television series which originally aired on E! from August 7, 2005 until August 8, 2010. The series was created by executive producer Kevin Burns and Hugh Hefner, founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine. The show was followed by two spin-offs, Kendra and Holly's World.


Portuguese Problems

Portuguese Problems 2024


Portuguese Problems is a highly anticipated six-episode sketch comedy series that is scheduled to air on March 18, 2024 on Radio Television Portugal International as well as the RTP Play App the following day). This uproarious sketch comedy show parodies well known genres and puts them through the lenses of first generation kids of immigrants, delving into the humorous and heartwarming experiences of growing up in an ethnic home.