Dina: Drugi dio

Dina: Drugi dio 2024


Radnja nastavlja putovanje Paula Atreidesa, sada ujedinjenog s Chani i Fremenima, dok je na ratnom putu osvete protiv onih koji su uništili njegovu obitelj. Suočen s izborom između ljubavi svog života i sudbine poznatog svemira, nastoji spriječiti užasnu budućnost koju samo on može predvidjeti.


Potraga za Nemom

Potraga za Nemom 2003


Ovaj animirani film studija Pixarove animacije, koji predstavlja Walt Disney Pictures, prati komičan i zanimljiv put dviju riba - preopreznog Marlina i njegovog znatiželjnog sina Nema, od kojeg se odvojio kod Velikog koraljnog grebena. U društvu Dory, druželjubive ali zaboravne ribe, Marlin kreće na opasan put te postaje junak koji spašava svoga sina...


Hrabro srce

Hrabro srce 1995


Škotska, 13. stoljeće. Dječak William Wallace svjedok je smrti svog oca i starijeg brata koji su se priključili ustanku protiv engleske vlasti. Brigu o malom Williamu preuzme učen čovjek, koji ga nauči latinski i francuski. Godinama kasnije, engleski kralj Edward I. dodjeljuje engleskim plemićima pravo prve bračne noći sa svakom nevjestom škotskih gorštaka. William Wallace se zato potajno vjenča sa svojom ljubljenom Murron, ali ona smrtno strada od ruke engleskih vojnika. Wallace se odmah osveti počiniteljima i od tada postaje nemilosrdan borac protiv engleskih vlastodržaca.


Uboga stvorenja

Uboga stvorenja 2023


Priča o mladoj ženi koju je vratio u život briljantni i neortodoksni znanstvenik dr. Godwin Baxter. Pod Baxterovom zaštitom, Bella je željna učenja. Gladna svjetovnosti koja joj nedostaje, Bella odlučuje istražiti svijet i bježi s Duncanom Wedderburnom, uglađenim i razvratnim odvjetnikom, u vrtložnu avanturu po kontinentima. Slobodna od predrasuda svog vremena, Bella ostaje postojana u svojoj namjeri i zalaže se za jednakost i seksualno oslobođenje.


Kraljevstvo nebesko

Kraljevstvo nebesko 2005


Srednjovjekovna Francuska 1184. godine. Markantni Balian (O. Bloom) mladi je kovač koji nakon tragične smrti djeteta i samoubojstva supruge dozna da je njegov pravi otac utjecajni križarski plemić Godfrey od Ibelina (L. Neeson). Prisiljen zbog ubojstva svećenika pobjeći, Balian se pridruži ocu te s njim krene na dugo putovanje prema Messini. Uči rukovati mačem i boriti se, te naposljetku primi i titulu križarskog viteza. Godfrey je u jednom sukobu smrtno ranjen, a posljednja mu je želja da Balian u pratnji njegova odanog pomoćnika Hospitalera (D. Thewlis) ode u Jeruzalem.


Top Gun

Top Gun 1986


Za poručnika Petea 'Mavericka' Mitchella i njegovog prijatelja i kopilota Nicka 'Goosea' Bradshawa, primanje u elitnu školu za obuku pilota lovaca ostvarenje je sna. Ali tragedija, kao i osobni demoni, ugrozit će Peteove snove da postane vrhunski pilot.


Na par koraka

Na par koraka 2019


Stella i Will su tinejdžeri oboljeli od rijetke bolesti zvane cistična fibrioza koji se slučajno upoznaju jednog dana u bolnici i zaljubljuju. Emotivna priča prati njihovo upoznavanje, spojeve, borbu s bolešću... ali i borbu s činjenicom da cijelo vrijeme moraju biti udaljeni jedno od drugog oko 2 metra, zbog bolesti koju oboje imaju. Ako se Stella približi Willu, može pokupiti infekciju zbog koje će joj pluća otkazati i ona umrijeti.


Hit Man

Hit Man 2024


Obični profesor filozofije odlučuje pomoći policiji u malim tajnim zadacima za nadzor i na kraju se pretvara da je unajmljeni plaćeni ubojica, kako bi otkrio naručitelje.


Willy Wonka i tvornica čokolade

Willy Wonka i tvornica čokolade 1971


Siromašni dječak, Charlie Bucket, jedan je od pet sretnika koji će posjetiti čudesnu tvornicu čokolade koja se nalazi u vlasništvu povučenog ekscentrika, Willyja Wonke. Dok ih Willy vodi po tvornici prepunoj ukusnih slatkiša djeca upadaju u razne neprilike koje često završe sa komičnim posljedicama. Hoće li Charlie izbjeći takvu sudbinu i osvojiti konačnu nagradu, doživotnu zalihu čokolade?


Princ otkriva Ameriku

Princ otkriva Ameriku 1988


Bogati afrički princ Akeem (Eddie Murphy), koji se pobunio protiv namještenog braka, dolazi u Ameriku u nadi da će pronaći novu suprugu. Akeemov otac, (James Earl Jones) dopusti mu 40 dana boravka u SAD-u, te pošalje sinova vjernog slugu Semmia (Arsenio Hall) da bi bio siguran da mu se ništa neugodno neće dogoditi. Kako bi izbjegao žene koje bi se za njega udale zbog novca, princ Akeem sakrije svoj pravi identitet i zaposli se u restoranu. Murphy i Hall igraju višestruke uloge, a u filmu se pojavljuju i bezbrojne slavne osobe u sporednim ulogama.


Kišni čovjek

Kišni čovjek 1988


Nakon očeve smrti Charlie sazna da mu je otac ostavio samo auto i grm ruža, a 3 milijuna dolara nekom udruženju Cincinnati Trust. Tražeći to udruženje, sazna da ima brata Raymonda koji živi u ustanovi za psihički poremećene osobe, koji je autističan, čita, savršeno pamti, osobito brojeve, ali ne povezuje činjenice. Kako bi se bolje upoznao s bratom kojeg prvi put vidi, a i kako bi se domogao novca, Charlie povede Raymonda sa sobom.



Moonlight 2016


Drama koja prikazuje tri faze života glavnog lika: djetinjstvo, pubertet i mladost te ukazuje na poteškoće s kojima se suočava u potrazi za svojim identitetom i prihvaćanju svoje seksualnosti, uključujući i psihičko i emocionalno zlostavljanje koje trpi tijekom svojeg odrastanja.



Čudo 2017


August je desetogodišnji dječak koji mora živjeti s teškim genetskim poremećajem zbog kojeg od rođenja ima unakaženo lice i glavu. Nakon 28 operacija zbog kojih nikad nije mogao normalno pohađati školu, s deset godina ga roditelji ipak upisuju u peti razred osnovne škole Beecher. Auggie u školu kreće s puno straha i nevjerice i boji se kako će svakodnevno biti izložen pogledima, zgražanju i komentarima svojih školskih prijatelja.



Nikako 2022


Nakon što im otac neočekivano umre i naslijede obiteljski ranč s konjima, otuđena sestra i brat, Em i OJ, susretnu čudno biće koje vreba s neba.


Pakao na horizontu

Pakao na horizontu 2016


Naftna platforma Deepwater Horizon u Meksičkom zaljevu nije vođena po propisima te je došlo do eksplozije platforme i velikog zagađenja uslijed curenja nafte. Uzrok katastrofe bila je erupcija nafte sa morskog dna koja je nastala nakon puknuća i eksplozije naftne platforme.


Nebo boje vanilije

Nebo boje vanilije 2001


Mladi, imućni i arogantni David može imati sve što poželi, ali osjeća se nepotpunim sve dok ne upozna ženu svojih snova. Vjeruje da je pronašao svoj "djelić koji nedostaje", ali nova veza ima razorne posljedice.


Law & Order

Law & Order 1990


In cases ripped from the headlines, police investigate serious and often deadly crimes, weighing the evidence and questioning the suspects until someone is taken into custody. The district attorney's office then builds a case to convict the perpetrator by proving the person guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Working together, these expert teams navigate all sides of the complex criminal justice system to make New York a safer place.



Euphoria 2019


A group of high school students navigate love and friendships in a world of drugs, sex, trauma, and social media.


Outer Banks

Outer Banks 2020


A tight-knit group of teens unearths a long-buried secret, setting off a chain of illicit events that takes them on an adventure they'll never forget.



Riverdale 2017


Set in the present, the series offers a bold, subversive take on Archie, Betty, Veronica and their friends, exploring the surreality of small-town life, the darkness and weirdness bubbling beneath Riverdale’s wholesome facade.



Archer 2009


Sterling Archer is the world's most daunting spy. He works for ISIS, a spy agency run by his mother. In between dealing with his boss and his co-workers - one of whom is his ex-girlfriend - Archer manages to annoy or seduce everyone that crosses his path. His antics are only excusable because at the end of the day, he still somehow always manages to thwart whatever crises was threatening mankind.


The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 1990


Will, a street-smart teenager, moves from the tough streets of West Philly to posh Bel-Air to live with his Uncle Philip, Aunt Vivian, his cousins — spoiled Hilary, preppy Carlton and young Ashley — and their sophisticated British butler, Geoffrey. Though Will’s antics and upbringing contrast greatly with the upper-class lifestyle of his extended relatives, he soon finds himself right at home as a loved part of the family.



Dynasty 1981


The saga of a wealthy Denver family in the oil business: Blake Carrington, the patriarch; Krystle, his former secretary and wife; his children: Adam, lost in childhood after a kidnapping; Fallon, pampered and spoiled; Steven, openly gay; and Amanda, hidden from him by his ex-wife, the conniving Alexis. Most of the show features the conflict between 2 large corporations, Blake's Denver Carrington and Alexis' ColbyCo.



Moesha 1996


Moesha was an American sitcom series that aired on the UPN network from January 23, 1996 to May 14, 2001. The series stars R&B singer Brandy Norwood as Moesha Mitchell, a high school student living with her family in the Leimert Park neighborhood of South Central Los Angeles. It was originally ordered as a pilot for the CBS network's 1995-1996 television season, who rejected. It was then picked up by UPN, who aired it as a mid-season replacement. It went on to become the biggest success for the nascent network and one of the greatest hits over the course of the network's entire run.


The Golden Girls

The Golden Girls 1985


Four Southern Florida seniors share a house, their dreams, and a whole lot of cheesecake. Bright, promiscuous, clueless and hilarious, these lovely, mismatched ladies form the perfect circle of friends.


Step by Step Love

Step by Step Love 2024


It tells the story of the cold company President Lu Chen Yang, who is a cruel revenge machine full of calculations to make his opponent pay the price. He finally meets his opponent, the daughter of a desperate rich family, Qianjin Bu Ran. When a hunter begins to fall in love with his prey, all the hatred in his heart turns soft.


America's Next Top Model

America's Next Top Model 2003


Aspiring models compete for a chance to break into the business with a panel of judges critiquing their progress throughout the competition.



Upload 2020


In 2033, people who are near death can be “uploaded” into virtual reality hotels run by 6 tech firms. Cash-strapped Nora lives in Brooklyn and works customer service for the luxurious “Lakeview” digital afterlife. When L.A. party-boy/coder Nathan’s self-driving car crashes, his high-maintenance girlfriend uploads him permanently into Nora’s VR world.



Martin 1992


Sassy sitcom centering on radio and television personality Martin Payne. Series focuses on his romantic relationship with girlfriend Gina, her best friend Pam and escapades with best friends Tommy and Cole.


Love & Hip Hop Atlanta

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta 2012


Get to know Atlanta hip-hop stars like Rasheesa Frost, Karlie Redd, Yung Joc, Renni Rucci, Erica Mena and more as they make music, build businesses and juggle their relationships.



Antarctica 2011


Set in the 1950's, a Japanese Antarctic research exploration team and 19 dogs that accompanied the team are stationed at the Showa Base in Antarctica. After a year, the exploration team is ordered to withdraw from the Antarctic station due to severe weather conditions. The dogs have to be left behind. The following year, the next team arrives at the Showa Base station and a miraculous reunion occurs between a dog handler accompanying the new tean and two dogs, Taro and Shiro, that are brothers.


Cutie Pie

Cutie Pie 2022


Lian Kilen Wang and Kuea “Kirin” Keerati are in a quandary. Because of a promise made to their parents and grandparents, they find themselves heading toward an arranged marriage. The latter is a free-spirited musician—a vocalist and drummer—while the former is an outwardly cool businessman. While Kuea is keen to explore a happy and romantic life together with Lian, the feeling isn’t mutual—at least not initially. Lian is cold to Kuea and treats him dismissively. Eventually, he indicates that he has no intention of entering into an arranged marriage, and wants to break off their engagement. Kuea is reluctant but sadly agrees. However, soon after they have officially split, Lian starts to have feelings for Kuea.


Dangerous Romance

Dangerous Romance 2023


Sailom, a poor and studious student, has worked several odd jobs along with his elder brother in an effort to keep them afloat. One day, a misunderstanding causes him to hate school bully Kanghan. However, fate plays its hand when Sailom, offered a sum of money too great to refuse, takes on the role of Kanghan's private tutor. Despite their difference, the two develop an irrefutable connection.


The Flying Nun

The Flying Nun 1967


Young Sister Bertrille uses her ability to become airborne to help others, whether they want it or not. Although her aims are always benevolent, her means are often bemoaned by Mother Superior. The other Sisters must cope with their beloved Sister's aerodynamics and antics as she flies in and out of trouble.


Into the Night

Into the Night 2020


When the sun suddenly starts killing everything in its path, passengers on an overnight flight from Brussels attempt to survive by any means necessary.