Greben spašenih

Greben spašenih 2016


U proljeće 1945. godine - američke vojne snage su se susrele s najvažnijom i najopasnijom borbom na Pacifiku, međutim jedan vojnik se istaknuo kao drugačiji. To je bio Desmond T. Doss koji je odbio nositi oružje i ubijati ljude, te je služio vojsci kao nenaoružani medicinar i spasio živote mnogih bez da je ispalio i jedan metak. Time je postao prvi Amerikanac koji je zbog toga dobio Medalju časti.



Pasija 2004


Godina 33 naše ere. U rimskoj provinciji Judeji, tajanstveni stolar po imenu Isus iz Nazareta počinje najavljivati dolazak "kraljevstva Božjeg" i okružuje se grupom skromnih ribara: apostola. Stoljećima su židovski ljudi čekali dolazak Mesije - providonosnog lika koji će osloboditi njihovu svetu domovinu i uspostaviti novi poredak zasnovan na pravdi. Isusova učenja privlače veliko mnoštvo sljedbenika koji ga prepoznaju kao Mesiju. Uznemiren situacijom, Shedrin, uz pomoć Juda Iscariota, jednog od dvanaestorice apostola, uhapsi Isusa. Optužen za izdaju protiv Rima, Krist je predan Ponciju Pilatu koji ga, kako bi izbjegao nerede, osuđuje na smrt na križu kao uobičajenog zločinca.


Knjiga iskupljenja

Knjiga iskupljenja 2010


Po bespuću Amerike, opustošene nakon nuklearnog rata, Eli (Denzel Washington) luta već trideset godina noseći sa sobom knjigu, koju čuva vlastitim životom. Kada Eli stigne u gradić koji vodi moćni gangster Carnagie (Gary Oldman), Eli se sukobi s njegovim ljudima koji nisu dorasli njegovim borilačkim sposobnostima. Carnagie je impresioniran Elijem i traži od njega da se priključi njegovoj bandi te zatraži od ljubavnice Claudije (Jennifer Beals) da pošalje svoju kćer Eliju. Carnagie želi Elija još više kad sazna da on posjeduje posljednji primjerak knjige koje se po svaku cijenu želi dočepati.



Noa 2014


Spektakularna ekranizacija starozavjetne priče o čovjeku koji je spasio svijet s vrhunskom glumačkom ekipom! Omiljenog oscarovca Russella gledamo kao biblijskog junaka Nou u istoimenom filmu o vjeri, ljubavi, nadi i novom početku. U filmu Noa u glavnim su ulogama i: Sir Anthony Hopkins, Emma Watson i Jennifer Connelly. Redatelj Noe je proslavljeni i višestruko nagrađivani Darren Aronofsky.



Kit 2022


Priča govori o povučenom učitelju engleskog, ozbiljno pretilom, koji se bori sa zdravstvenim problemima te se pokušava ponovno povezati sa svojom otuđenom sedamnaestogodišnjom kćeri. Nju i njezinu majku ostavio je prije mnogo godina, zbog veze s muškarcem.



Uljezi 2001


Film o misteriji i sumnji koji govori o Grace (Nicole Kidman), koja sama u izoliranoj viktorijanskoj kući odgaja svoju djecu u skladu sa strogim vjerskim pravilima. Djeca pate od čudne bolesti: ne mogu izravno primiti svjetlo dana. Tri nova sluge koja se pridružuju obiteljskom životu moraju naučiti jedno vitalno pravilo: kuća će uvijek biti u tami; nikada se neće otvoriti vrata osim ako su prethodna zatvorena. Strogi poredak koji je Grace do tada nametnula bit će osporavan. Grace, djeca i oni oko njih učinit će neočekivani i konačni korak.


Deset zapovijedi

Deset zapovijedi 1956


Opis života starozavjetnog proroka Mojsija, od rođenja, kad se kao djetešce našao u pletenoj košarici na rijeci Nil, gdje ga je pronašla i odgojila faraonova kći, preko života u izobilju kao miljenika faraona i princeze Nefretiri, a potom i nakon otkrivanja istine o njegovu "niskom" hebrejskom porijeklu i života kao skromnog obiteljskog pastira u pustinji, do čovjeka kojem se ukazao Bog i koji postaje osloboditelj potlačenog izraelskog naroda iz ruku novog faraona Ramzesa, nekoć njegova polubrata.


Đavolji odvjetnik

Đavolji odvjetnik 1997


Za mladog odvjetnika, Kevina Lomaxa, suđenje nije proces dokazivanja krivnje ili nedužnosti, već gladijatorska arena u kojoj je jedino bitno odnijeti pobjedu. Nakon šezdeset dobivenih slučajeva zaredom, Lomax dobiva poziv od najveće i najpoznatije njujorške odvjetničke kompanije. Lomax napušta Floridu i odlazi u New York zajedno sa suprugom, prelijepom Mary Ann i upoznaje karizmatičnog predsjednika tvrtke, Johna Miltona. Primamljivu ponudu naizgled je nemoguće odbiti, no Mary Ann nimalo se ne dopada novo ozračje, prepuno luksuza i izopačenog morala. Kevin ne može odoljeti pozivu, nesvjestan kako stoji pred vratima pakla...


Egzodus: Bogovi i kraljevi

Egzodus: Bogovi i kraljevi 2014


Odrastao u luksuzu kao sin faraonove kćeri, Židov Mojsije vraća se svojim korijenima kako bi svoj porobljeni narod izveo iz Egipta.



Carrie 1976


Nastao prema romanu Stephena Kinga, film „Carrie“ je priča o djevojci koju je odgojila, gotovo u izolaciji, njezina psihozama podložna, religiozna majka Margaret. Kada je drugi učenici počnu nemilosrdno zadirkivati nakon neugodnog incidenta, nastavnik ih strogo kazni. Odlučni osvetiti se, učenici kuju urotu protiv Carrie, koja se izjalovi nakon što za vrijeme maturalne zabave Carriene čudne mentalne moći izađu na vidjelo.


Tjelesna straža

Tjelesna straža 2004


Mexico City. Vladin agent (Washington) razočaran je njegovim životom, nerado prihvaćajući posao koji uključuje zaštitu djevojčice (Dakota Fanning) čiji su roditelji dobili prijetnje otmicom. Odnos s njezinom malom zaštitnicom rasti će dok ona u njemu probudi izgubljeni duh. Ali kad je djevojčica oteta, njezin će bijes biti raspušten protiv odgovornih ... Verzija "Oklopnog metka" (Čovjek u vatri) i francuskog filma režisera Elie Chouraqui 1987. godine.


Josip Kralj snova

Josip Kralj snova 2000


Josip je najmlađi sin pastira Jakova uvjerenog da mu njegova nova žena Rahela ne može roditi djecu. Iz tog razloga on na Josipa gleda kao na čudo te se prema njemu ne odnosi kao prema ostalim sinovima, uključujući Judu i Šimuna koji su zbog toga ljubomorni na Josipa. Josipu se u snovima ukazuju vizije budućnosti što ga stavlja u ulogu poprilično zanimljive i tražene ličnosti. Usprkos tomu njegova najveća želja je da ga se tretira isto kao i drugu braću no umjesto toga prodan je u roblje te poslan na krvavi rad u Egipat zahvaljujući ljubomornoj polubraći.


Čovjek sa Zemlje

Čovjek sa Zemlje 2007


Neočekivana oproštajna zabava za profesora Johna Oldmana pretvori se u tajnovito ispitivanje nakon što profesor otkrije kako nikad ne stari te da hoda Zemljom već 14 000 godina. Kao razlog svog odlaska rekao je kako je primoran svakih deset godina mijenjati lokaciju kako nitko ne bi primijetio kako ne stari. No što više detalja o svojoj prošlosti otkriva, to mu svi manje vjeruju.



Magla 2007


Nakon razorne oluje koja pohara američki gradić, nad okolicom se pojavi sumnjivi oblak magle. Kako magla ubrzo zavlada područjem, grupa lokalnih stanovnika u izvandrednim je uvjetima zatočena u dućanu. Uskoro otkriju okrutnu istinu da magla u sebi krije strašna čudovišta.



Uskrsnuće 2016


Kako bi opovrgnuli glasine o uskrsnuću židovskog propovjednika, umorni rimski tribun i njegov mladi pomoćnik krenu u potragu za nestalim tijelom tog raspetog čovjeka.



Majka! 2017


Majka (Jennifer Lawrence) i On (Javier Bardem) žive naoko idiličnim životom u skrivenom raju. No njihova veza dolazi na kušnju kada u njihov dom nepozvani dođu muškarac (Ed Harris) i žena (Michelle Pfeiffer). Kucanje na vrata prekida njihovo spokojno postojanje i kako sve više gostiju stiže, majka je prisiljena preispitati sve što zna o ljubavi, predanosti i žrtvi.


The Chosen

The Chosen 2019


The life of Christ through the eyes of those who encountered him called The Chosen.



Kings 2009


A riveting drama about a modern day monarchy, a contemporary re-telling of the timeless tale of David and Goliath. This series is an epic story of greed and power, war and romance, forbidden loves and secret alliances -- and a young hero who rises to power in a modern-day kingdom.


The Bible

The Bible 2013


The story of God's creation of the Earth and the landmark events leading up to the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.


Jesus of Nazareth

Jesus of Nazareth 1977


Dramatizes the Birth, Life, Ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, largely according to the Holy Bible's New Testament Gospels.


A.D. The Bible Continues

A.D. The Bible Continues 2015


"A.D. The Bible Continues" picks up where the smash hit miniseries "The Bible" left off, continuing the greatest story ever told and exploring the exciting and inspiring events that followed the Crucifixion of Christ. The immediate aftermath of Christ's death had a massive impact on his disciples, his mother, Mary, and key political and religious leaders of the era, completely altering the entire world in an instant. Beginning at that fateful moment of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, "A.D. The Bible Continues" will focus on the disciples who had to go forward and spread the teachings of Christ to a world dominated by political unrest, and the start of a whole new religion that would dramatically reshape the history of the world.



VeggieTales 1993


American series of children's computer animated films featuring anthropomorphic vegetables in stories conveying moral themes based on Christianity. They frequently retell Biblical stories, sometimes anachronistically reframed, and include humorous references to pop culture in many different eras by putting Veggie spins on them.


The Red Tent

The Red Tent 2014


Her name is Dinah. In the Bible her life is only hinted at during a brief and violent detour within the more familiar chapters about her father, Jacob, and his dozen sons in the Book of Genesis. Told through Dinah's eloquent voice, this sweeping miniseries reveals the traditions and turmoil of ancient womanhood. Dinah's tale begins with the story of her mothers: Leah, Rachel, Zilpah, and Bilhah, the four wives of Jacob. They love Dinah and give her gifts that are to sustain her through a hard-working youth, a calling to midwifery, and a new home in a foreign land. Dinah tells us of the world of the red tent, the place where women were sequestered during their cycles of birthing, menses, and illness; of her initiations into the religious and sexual practices of her tribe; of Jacob's courtship with his four wives; of the mystery and wonder of caravans, farmers, shepherds, and slaves; of love and death in the city of Shechem; of her half-brother Joseph's rise in Egypt, and of course her marriage to Shechem and it's bloody consequences.


Cain and Abel

Cain and Abel 2016


Takada Yu is an employee of a development firm. His father has favored his high-achieving older brother and been indifferent to Yu since young. So Yu craves for his father’s love and wants his recognition somehow. Then one day, Yu encounters a woman. Although it was the worst possible meeting, he gradually starts to have romantic feelings for her through work and an unexpected development. But ironically enough, she turns out to be the girlfriend of his older brother. Yu begins to realize what he truly treasures and matures as a person as he struggles with this complicated romance and with his older brother and father.


In the Beginning: The Bible Stories

In the Beginning: The Bible Stories 1997


In the Beginning features episodes devoted to most of the major Bible stories of the Old Testament, including the stories of the Creation, Cain and Abel, Noah's Ark, Abraham and Isaac, Joseph, Moses, David, and Solomon, with the final episode featuring the birth of Jesus Christ. As with the second Superbook series, some stories were stretched out over several episodes. Unlike Superbook and The Flying House, however, no contemporary characters from modern times were inserted into the stories, save for the series mascot and viewpoint character, Roco the fox.


Of Kings and Prophets

Of Kings and Prophets 2016


An epic biblical saga of faith, ambition and betrayal as told through the eyes of the battle-weary King Saul, the resentful prophet Samuel and the resourceful young shepherd David—all on a collision course with destiny that will change the world. One thousand years before Christ, the first king of the Israelites, Saul, struggles to unify the 12 Israelite tribes and defend his fledgling nation against savage enemy attacks. The prophet Samuel relays a message from God to King Saul that he must destroy one of Israel's ancient enemies. But when Saul defies that message, Samuel prophesies that the Lord will tear the kingdom of Israel from him and choose another in his place. In time, Saul comes to realize that his greatest threat will not come from his enemies, but from the shepherd, David.


The Word

The Word 1978


A document is discovered that appears to be an ancient eyewitness account of the life of Jesus Christ. A public relations executive is hired to publicize this document as a new version of the Bible, but he finds himself enmeshed in controversy and intrigue.


The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments 2006


One biblical figure is revered by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. His name is Moses, the man who rose in power to defend a people, to free them, and to live in history like no other... The Ten Commandments dramatizes the biblical story of Moses.


Friends and Heroes

Friends and Heroes 2007


Friends and Heroes is a Christian children's program that airs on TBN, Smile of a Child TV, and was also shown on BBC TV. The show is both traditionally animated and computer animated. It takes place from 69 - 71 AD. There are three series each of 13 Episodes: Series 1 is set in Alexandria, Egypt; Series 2 in Jerusalem and Series 3 in Rome. The series was created by Brian D. Brown and Eric J. Danenberg, who also worked on The Storykeepers.



A.D. 1985


A 12 hours miniseries adapted from Anthony Burgess's novel The Kingdom of the Wicked.


Animated Stories from the New Testament

Animated Stories from the New Testament 1987


The series features twenty-four stories from the New Testament, including many of the parables of Jesus, the story of his birth, death and resurrection. The series concludes with two episodes about Paul the Apostle and his missionary journeys.


Buried Secrets of The Bible With Albert Lin

Buried Secrets of The Bible With Albert Lin 2019


Albert Lin investigates two great stories of the Bible: Could real events lie behind the parting of the Red Sea and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah?


In the Beginning

In the Beginning 2000


In the Beginning is a 2-part biblical television miniseries directed by Kevin Connor. It stars Martin Landau and Jacqueline Bisset and it premiered on NBC on November 12, 2000.


Bible in a Year

Bible in a Year 2020


In The Bible in a Year podcast, Fr. Mike Schmitz walks you through the entire Bible in 365 episodes, providing commentary, reflection, and prayer along the way


Testament: The Bible in Animation

Testament: The Bible in Animation 1996


A nine-part series of Old Testament stories for younger viewers using various animation techniques, including stop-motion, cel animation and computer animation.