Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump 1994


Čovjek s niskim kvocijentom inteligencije postigao je velike stvari u svom životu i bio prisutan tijekom značajnih povijesnih događaja - u svakom slučaju, daleko nadmašujući ono što je itko zamišljao da može učiniti. No, unatoč svemu što je postigao, njegova jedina prava ljubav mu izmiče.


Pancirni metak

Pancirni metak 1987


Pragmatični američki marinac prati dehumanizirajuće učinke američko-vijetnamskog rata na njegove kolege regrute, od brutalne obuke u kampu do krvavih uličnih borbi u Hueu.



Ostavljeni 2023


Paul Hunham, učitelj u pripremnoj školi u Novoj Engleskoj, prisiljen je ostati na kampusu tijekom božićnih praznika kako bi se brinuo za nekolicinu učenika koji se ne mogu vratiti kući. Za nekoliko dana ostaje samo jedan učenik - 15-godišnji nasilnik po imenu Angus, pametni gnjavator čije loše ponašanje uvijek prijeti izbacivanjem. Paulu i Angusu pridružuje se školska kuharica Mary, koja je upravo izgubila sina u Vijetnamu.


Rambo II

Rambo II 1985


John Rambo je pušten iz zatvora zbog strogo tajne misije i šalju ga na posljednje mjesto na Zemlji u koje bi se želio vratiti - vijetnamske džungle.



Rambo 1982


John Rambo, bivši pripadnik zelenih beretki koji je desetak godina proveo u Vijetnamu, dolazi u gradić na američkom sjeverozapadu kako bi pronašao svog starog ratnog prijatelja. No saznaje da mu je prijatelj umro od posljedica otrova kojim su se Amerikanci koristili u borbi protiv Viet-Konga. Čini se da mu to otkriće neće donijeti ništa dobro: mjesni šerif bez razloga ga zatvara i zlostavlja. Rambo uspijeva pobjeći u šumu. Za njim se organizira i potjera koja uključuje i helikoptere. Policajci ne odustaju, čak zovu i pripadnike Nacionalne garde, no Rambo, vijetnamski veteran, u šumi je na svom je terenu: služeći se najraznovrsnijim zamkama, on ubija jednog po jednog policajca sve dok ne bude pozvan i njegov vijetnamski zapovjednik da razjasni situaciju.


Apokalipsa danas

Apokalipsa danas 1979


Saigon, 1969. Dok bijesni rat u Vijetnamu, satnik američke vojske Benjamin L. Willard pokušava sačuvati zdrav razum. Usred borbe s vlastitim demonima vojska ga šalje na novi zadatak - pronaći odmetnutog pukovnika Waltera E. Kurtza, zapovjednika Zelenih beretki, koji se sa svojim suborcima sklonio u susjednu Kambodžu. Kad mu pukovnik Lucas objasni da je Kurtz stao na čelo mjesnog plemena koje u njemu vidi božanstvo, Willardu je jasno da je njegova misija nemoguć zadatak. Ili će u njoj likvidirati sumanutog časnika, ili će sam izgubiti život s ostalim članovima kaznene ekspedicije. Na putu do Kurtza Willard počne susretati "pse rata" među kojima je i nemilosrdni potpukovnik Bill Kilgore kojemu civilne žrtve ne znače ništa...


Špijunska igra

Špijunska igra 2001


Uoči odlaska u mirovinu, C.I.A. disident djeluje protivno politici agencije kako bi oslobodio svoju štićenicu od kineskih otmičara dok čeka pogubljenje u zatvoru.


Nestali u akciji

Nestali u akciji 1984


Poručnik James Braddock (Chuck Norris) nakon nekoliko se godina vratio iz Vijetnama, a američka ga vlada odmah regrutira kao vođu ekipe koja bi trebala provjeriti ima li u Vijetnamu još nestalih u akciji. Suočen s podcjenjivačkim odnosom nadređenih, Braddock shvaća kako je njegov zadatak zapravo mazanje očiju javnosti tvrdnjama kako je sve u redu, ali on zna da su njegovi brojni suborci još uvijek živi i zatočeni. Uz pomoć svoga prijatelja krijumčara oružja, Braddock će zaigrati na svoju ruku, sve da bi se naposljetku sukobio i s protivnikom koji ga je mučio dok je bio zarobljenik.


Bili smo vojnici

Bili smo vojnici 2002


Usred rata u Vijetnamu, pukovnik Hal Moore i njegovi vojnici (oko 400 ljudi) sleteli su u studenom 1965. u područje poznato kao "Dolina smrti. Tamo ih je primilo više od 2.000 vijekonskih vojnika, oslobađajući se jedna od najžešćih ratova.


Nestali u akciji 2: Početak

Nestali u akciji 2: Početak 1985


Deset godina prije negoli je predvođenjem hrabre akcije oslobodio američke ratne zarobljenike iz zatočeništva brutalnoga generala, narednik James Braddock i sam je bio u sličnoj situaciji. U zatvoreničkom kampu u sjevernom Vijetnamu, koji je vodio narednik Yin, zarobljenici su bili primorani uzgajati opijum za francuske krijumčare droge. Također, Yin ih je silom pokušavao slomiti i nagovoriti da potpišu dugačku listu ratnih zločina, koju je kasnije namjeravao iskoristiti za čišćenje vlastitog imena.


Pivo na liniju fronta

Pivo na liniju fronta 2022


Kako bi pružio moralnu podršku svojim prijateljima koji se bore u Vijetnamu, Chickie Donohue odluči ih osobno počastiti američkim pivom. Putovanje koje je započelo kao spontana avantura radikalno mijenja njegove poglede na život i rat. Zasnovano na istinitoj priči.



Novine 2017


Radnja je usredotočena na objavu pentagonskih dokumenata u Washington Postu, kojima su 1971. njegovi novinari otkrili istinu o Vijetnamskom ratu. Pentagonski dokumenti predstavljaju niz službenih dokumenata američkog ministarstva obrane koji su procurili tako što ih je vojni analitičar Daniel Ellsberg dostavio novinarima.



JFK 1991



Tour of Duty

Tour of Duty 1987


The trials of a U.S. Army platoon serving in the field during the Vietnam War.


The Sympathizer

The Sympathizer 2024


An espionage thriller and cross-culture satire about the struggles of a half-French, half-Vietnamese communist spy during the final days of the Vietnam War and his resulting exile in the United States.


Fellow Travelers

Fellow Travelers 2023


Decades-long chronicle of the risky, volatile and steamy relationship between the charismatic and ambitious Hawk and the pious and idealistic Tim, two political staffers who fall in love at the height of the 1950s Lavender Scare. Through the Vietnam War protests of the 1960s, the drug-fueled disco culture of the 1970s and the AIDS crisis of the 1980s, the two men’s fiery affair only intensifies despite the constant threat of being exposed and losing everything.



Vietnam 1987


The Goddard family is about to be torn apart by the arrival of Australian conscription during the Vietnam War.


Fortunate Son

Fortunate Son 2020


Spy drama set in the social and political chaos of 1968, inspired by a true story. Pursued into Canada by the FBI, the matriarch of an American activist family helps smuggle Vietnam war deserters and draft dodgers across the border. What she doesn't know is that one of the deserters is an agent of the CIA sent to spy on her.


China Beach

China Beach 1988


Dateline: November 1967. Within klicks of Danang, Vietnam, sits a U.S. Army base, bar and hospital on China Beach filled with wounded soldiers and one very lovely but damaged Army Nurse Colleen McMurphy. Many heroes, dead and alive, try to make sense of life and death in between bourbon, bullets and battles.


The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War 2017


An immersive 360-degree narrative telling the epic story of the Vietnam War as it has never before been told on film. Featuring testimony from nearly 80 witnesses, including many Americans who fought in the war and others who opposed it, as well as Vietnamese combatants and civilians from both the winning and losing sides.


1968: The Year That Changed America

1968: The Year That Changed America 2018


A half century look back at a year marked by the assassinations of MLK and RFK, a contentious presidential election, escalating anti-Vietnam War sentiment and more.


Vietnam: 50 Years Remembered

Vietnam: 50 Years Remembered 2015


The history of U.S. involvement is told in this 7 part documentary series featuring personal stories from veterans and detailing the battles, strategy, and politics of a war that consumed multiple U.S. Presidents. A chronicle of the tragedy that tested the strength of our country and forever changed the social and political landscape of the world.


Vietnam: A Television History

Vietnam: A Television History 1983


A six-year project from conception to completion, Vietnam: A Television History carefully analyzes the costs and consequences of a controversial but intriguing war. From the first hour through the last, the series provides a detailed visual and oral account of the war that changed a generation and continues to color American thinking on many military and foreign policy issues.


From Lecture Hall to Battlefield

From Lecture Hall to Battlefield 2018


Documenting the history of Vietnam, the lines about the war are more than the lines about peace. War is also a part of the nation's fate, as well as the fate of every person in the country enslaved by foreign invaders. The fate of the generation of students who were born and raised during the war was the same, and history gave them as well as the entire youth class at that time the mission to end the war. They, in many different ways, directly or indirectly, sooner or later received that mission with all the enthusiasm of their youth who lived, studied, trained, upheld patriotism and tradition. student revolution in Vietnam.


Vietnam in HD

Vietnam in HD 2011


The firsthand experiences of thirteen Americans during the Vietnam War. The thirteen Americans retell their stories in Vietnam paired with found footage from the battlefield.


A Rumor of War

A Rumor of War 1980


Miniseries based on the 1977 autobiography by Philip Caputo about his service in the United States Marine Corps in the early years of American involvement in the Vietnam War.


Frankie's House

Frankie's House 1992


In 1964 in Laos, young Tim Page discovers his vocation as a photo journalist and is given a job, a camera, and a trip to Vietnam. There, he learns the ropes, learns about the war first in Saigon, and then in country on patrol with troops. He and his colleagues, including the sons of Errol Flynn and John Steinbeck, capture the war in pictures, recover from their wounds, swap stories, battle censorship, and support each other between the explosions at the brothel run by Tranh Ki: Frankie's House.


The Seventies

The Seventies 2015


A documentary series focusing on the ongoing Vietnam War, the Watergate scandal, evolving music industry, the Iran Hostage Crisis, the sexual revolution, and the rise of foreign and domestic terrorism.


The Vietnam War: Before, During, After

The Vietnam War: Before, During, After 2005


This new series tells the compelling story of the Vietnam War, from the country’s dynastic history, the impact of Christian missionaries & French colonialism, Japan’s invasion during WWII and the rise of Ho Chi Minh. How the USA’s fear of communism started a relentless sequence of events that caused American troops to go in under President Kennedy in 1961, escalating under Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965 when the nation found itself entwined in a war fought nightly on TV engendering a huge anti-war movement. By 1973 Nixon had resigned and America was forced to withdraw from Saigon on April 30th 1975.


The Six O'Clock Follies

The Six O'Clock Follies 1980


The Six O'Clock Follies is an American military sitcom that aired on NBC from April 24, 1980 to September 13, 1980.


Wings Over Vietnam: The Missions

Wings Over Vietnam: The Missions 2002


During the course of the Southeast Asian war, the United States developed many new types of air tactics that had never previously been needed. New missions were devised, often under bizarre code-names. Some of these missions have gone on to become legends, while others have simply faded. What does remain are the men who flew the missions, the planes that were involved, and incredible stories of determination, triumph and tragedy. Wings Over Vietnam compares rare combat footage with first-hand accounts, to create a captivating portrait of these unique missions.