Pogrešno skretanje 3

Pogrešno skretanje 3 2009


Prvi obrok za krvožednu obitelj stiže u obliku grupe izletnika koji prekasno otkriju kako u ovim zabačenim šumama krpelji nisu jedini koji grizu. No, kada iz zatvorskog autobusa pobjegnu neki od najopasnijih ubojica u državi, Troprsti i njegova obitelj možda naiđu na sebi ravne protivnike. Hoće li pravda stići osuđene ubojice ili ubojite mutante?



Bull 2021



Teško je biti fin

Teško je biti fin 2007


Fudo je četrdesetogodišnji taksista, u kriminalnom miljeu Sarajeva poznat je kao čovjek koji daje dobre „tipe“ lopovima za pljačku. Takav način života učini da ga žena napusti i on odlučuje da okrene list. On zna da to mora uraditi, jer voli svoju ženu, i preko svih granica, najviše na svijetu voli svog malog jednogodišnjeg sina. Od Seje,čovjeka sa mutnim šemama posuđuje novac, kupuje novi Renault Espace, i na opšte „zaprepaštenje“ postaje prvi taksista koji u Sarajevu taksira u francuskom autu. U skladu sa novim autom on okreće list na novo, bolje poglavlje svog života. Ali, svijet oko njega se ne mijenja tako brzo i tako lako...



Berlin 2023


During his glory days, Berlin and a gang assembled in Paris for one of his greatest plans ever: stealing 44 million euros' worth of jewels in one night.


Crimes Gone Viral

Crimes Gone Viral 2020


Gripping clips of kidnappings, break-ins, car chases, violent road rage incidents and other crimes rack up millions of views. But crimes gone viral goes beyond the jaw-dropping footage to tell the full story. Viral video of good samaritans who intervene to stop crimes, brave victims who fight back against their attackers, clever prison escapes and a shark heist.



C.L.Y.D.E. 1990


CLYDE (Computer Linked Yield Driven Entity) was an alien computer banished from another planet when he developed a virus called a sense of humour. Finding his way to earth, he was discovered by siblings Matt (age 12) and Samantha (age 10) who hooked him up to an old juke box. The juke box came to life...a joking, fun loving, extrovert in a world not quite ready for him. Clyde and the kids work out of Alberto's Diner, in the heartland of North America. Clyde would always send the kids into computer systems...who often faced off against the bugs...and helped solve everything from nuclear disasters to why the competing diners were selling more hamburgers. With Clyde's Brains and some the ingenuity on the part of Matt and Sam, they always averted the danger in the nick of time.....even when it was Clyde who caused it!


When A Snail Falls in Love

When A Snail Falls in Love 2023


Vita is a rookie genius in psychological research. Her brain works as if there were a rapid generator in it. In fact, it is a gifted talent as a snail. Upon joining the police force, she is facing the fate of getting removed due to her weak physique. Since Officer Prach is the only one that can help her, Vita tries everything to make Prach take her in as his mentee. As the captain of the Police Investigators Team (PTI), Prach is one of the few brilliant, experienced, and skilled investigators.