Harry Potter i Kamen Mudraca

Harry Potter i Kamen Mudraca 2001


Na osnovi prvog u nizu popularnih dječjih romana o Harryju Potteru, J. K. Rowling, akcijski obiteljski avanturistički film "Harry Potter i kamen mudraca" donosi priču o dječaku koji na svoj jedanaesti rođendan doznaje da je siroče dvoje moćnih čarobnjaka i da posjeduje vlastite jedinstvene magične moći. Pozvan da pohađa Školu čarobnjaštva i vještičarenja "Hogwarts", Harry se upušta u avanturu svog života. U "Hogwartsu" pronalazi dom i obitelj koje nikada nije imao.


Harry Potter i Zatočenik Azkabana

Harry Potter i Zatočenik Azkabana 2004


Harry se raduje da će kraj ljeta započeti novi tečaj u Hogwartsu i što prije napustiti kuću svoje prezrene tetke i ujaka, Dursleys. Ono što Harry ne zna jest da će morati napustiti Privet Drive prerano i neočekivano nakon što je tetku Marge pretvorio u divovski balon. Noćni autobus i očaran, naravno, odvest će ga do konobe Leaky Cauldron, gdje ga ne čeka nitko drugi do Cornelius Fudge, ministar magije.


Vrijeme Armagedona

Vrijeme Armagedona 2022


Paul Graff je buntovni mladi dječak židovsko-američke obitelji kojemu su glavna zabava nestašluci s prijateljem. Njegov najbolji prijatelj Johnny je Afroamerikanac te zbog njihovih smicalica ponekad upada u veće nevolje nego Paul. Unatoč svemu, njihove su glavne brige hoće li se vidjeti s prijateljima i hoće li upasti u nevolje zbog svojih nestašluka.


U milosti oceana

U milosti oceana 2006


Pravi užas leži ispod površine. Grupa starih srednjoškolskih prijatelja za vikend odlaze na krstarenje luksuznom jahtom, no stvari ubrzo pođu po zlu kada zaborave spustiti ljestve prije no što su odlučili osvježenje od vrućine potražiti u oceanu. Uskoro shvate da je bez njih nemoguće ponovo se uspeti u brod, a da sve bude još gore, jedna od žena, Amy, se mora boriti sa svojim velikim strahom od vode i užasnom spoznajom da je njezina nejaka beba Sara još uvijek sama na jahti. Uskoro će umor zbog nastojanja da se održe na površini uzeti svoj danak, a okupljanje koje je počelo kao radostan susret starih prijatelja pretvorit će se u borbu za opstanak!


Who Sleeps My Bro

Who Sleeps My Bro 2016


The movie follows a group of freshmen in college as they navigate through the wild days of friendship, pranks, and love. ~~ Based on the song written about friendship growing apart after college.


Gank Your Heart

Gank Your Heart 2019


Their meeting was a recipe for disaster, but their romance is sweet. This is a love story between an e-sports gamer and a Tsundere live streamer. Ji Xiang Kong had the reputation, the good looks and the hoards of fangirls. Qiu Ying meets him during an international competition and jumps at the chance to boost her own popularity, oblivious to the fact that his reputation in the world of e-sports is strangely tarnished. Instead of helping her, the association hurt her even more. The experience turns out to be a blessing in disguise as Qiu Ying finds her calling. By chance, she discovers that he is actually a misunderstood genius.


100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School 2014


With real life and teen drama awaiting her after 8th grade graduation, CJ Martin has only a short time left to make the most of her middle school years. Together with her two lifelong best friends Fenwick and Crispo, she is determined to get the most out of this time, using an ever-expanding list of challenges as a guide. For this group, growing up means trying everything and taking chances while they still can.



A-TEEN 2018


It's easy to talk about teenagers, but we are now in our teens for the first time. All the moments were too serious to say I was not worried. Teenage school romance web drama.


Binary Love

Binary Love 2022


Struggling student Zhou Linlin follows a study plan from top student Fang Yuke, earning a spot at the country’s top university. Amid college life, unexpected entanglements and friendships shape her journey, while her enduring romance with Fang Yuke faces challenges that test their love.


Let's Meet Now

Let's Meet Now 2022


Once childhood friends, Ji Qiu and Zhou Zi Qian reunite unexpectedly and find themselves working together on the reality show "Let's Meet Now".


Boys Will Be Boys

Boys Will Be Boys 2006


A story about 4 twelve years old friends - Arne, Bønna, Petter and Eivind.


In the Dark

In the Dark 2017


DI Helen Weeks grapples with pregnancy as she undertakes a very personal abduction case.


Waiting For You In A Long Time

Waiting For You In A Long Time 2018


A story about the joys and sorrows of the young generation born in the 1990's. It follows four people who have a secret that they keep. Because of an incident when she was in high school, Luo Xi (Tian Xiwei) transformed into a submissive and weak person when she entered university. Li Xin (Zhang Yongbo) discovers that Luo Xi was the hero who saved him in the past, so he sets out to help her regain the part of her that she lost. Their youth is filled with embarrassing moments, but in each of their hearts is a secret. When it comes to family, friendship and love, what choice will they make? - chinesedrama.info


Dear Stranger

Dear Stranger 2022


Bintang, Zalika, and Surya have been friends since childhood. Their friendship started when Zalika moved to the house next door to Bintang and Surya, who are brother and sister. One day, an incident made Zalika lose and forget Bintang. Bintang, who had harbored feelings for Zalika for a long time, did various ways to make Zalika remember him again. However, unexpectedly, all of Bintang's efforts ended in a reality he didn't expect.


Pinaki & Happy - The Bhoot Bandhus

Pinaki & Happy - The Bhoot Bandhus 2020


An 11-year-old boy Pinaki, raised by a family of Bhoots (ghosts) within the four walls of a mansion, decides to step out for the first time into the real world. This is where things go crazy and bhoot funny! Will it be easy for him to make new “living” friends and blend in? The answer would have been a probable yes! but not for his family of Bhoots! Will Pinaki be able to strike a balance between being a normal kid while keeping his family happy and away from all the trouble at school? Well, this is for all of us to see!


Hakusai Anime

Hakusai Anime 2013


Follow the school life of Shirona Hakusai and her friends.