John Wick 2

John Wick 2 2017


Iako John Wick više ne želi imati ništa sa svijetom profesionalnih ubojica, iz mirovine će ga izvući nekadašnji suradnik koji želi preuzeti kontrolu nad klanom međunarodnih ubojica. Ne želeći prekršiti davno dano obećanje, John odlazi u Rim gdje ga očekuje nemilosrdna borba s najsmrtonosnijim svjetskim ubojicama.


Mačak u čizmama: Posljednja želja

Mačak u čizmama: Posljednja želja 2022


Mačak je spalio osam od njegovih devet života. Vraćanje tih života, Mačak u čizmama će otići na najveću potragu dosad – na epsko putovanje u Crnu šumu kako bi pronašao mitsku Zvijezdu želja i vratio svoje izgubljene živote. Sa samo jednim preostalim životom, Mačak će se morati poniziti i zatražiti pomoć od svoje bivše partnerice i neprijateljice; zanosne Kitty meke šape. Njihovoj potrazi pridružit će se i brbljavi i veseli Pas. Zajedno će naš herojski trio morati ostati korak ispred zlikovaca.


Osvetnici: Završnica

Osvetnici: Završnica 2019


Završnica nastavlja tamo gdje je stao prijašnji film Rat Beskonačnosti. Thanos je upravo izbrisao polovicu svog života u svemiru. Na početku filma Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) pluta u svemiru i uskoro ostaje bez zraka, emotivni Captain America (Chris Evans) zajedno s Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) kuje plan kako spasiti svemir dok Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) služi kao humoristični odmak u inače iznimno tmurnom svijetu nakon Thanosova pohoda.


Ljepotica i zvijer

Ljepotica i zvijer 1991


Ljepotica i zvijer fantastično je putovanje Belle, pametne, lijepe i samostalne djevojke koju Zvijer zarobi u svom dvorcu. Unatoč svojim strahovima, Belle se sprijatelji sa začaranim osobljem te uviđa plemenito srce i istinskog princa koji se kriju iza Zvijerova strašnog izgleda.



Dina 2021


Priča prati Paula Atreidesa iz kuće Atreides, sjajnog i nadarenog mladića rođenog za velike stvari, koji mora otputovati na najopasniji planet u svemiru kako bi osigurao budućnost svoje obitelj i svog naroda. Nađe se usred sukoba oko ekskluzivne opskrbe najcjenjenijim resursom koji postoji, najvrijednijem elementu galaksije koji se nalazi samo na Arrakisu i koji može otključati najveći potencijal čovječanstva, u kojem će preživjet samo oni koji mogu pobijediti svoj strah.


Najveći Showman

Najveći Showman 2017


Priča govori o P.T. Barnumu, političaru, showmanu, biznismenu i vizionaru koji je osnovao cirkus nazvan “Barnum and Bailey Circus” a koji je ostao zapamćen kao najveći spektakl koji je osvojio publiku diljem svijeta.


Tijela, tijela, tijela

Tijela, tijela, tijela 2022


Kada grupa bogatih dvadesetogodišnjaka organizuje uragansku zabavu u zabačenoj porodičnoj vili, zabava se pretvori u smrtonosnu igru, u ovom svježem i smiješnom pogledu na zabadanje noža u leđa, lažne prijatelje i jednu zabavu koja je krenula veoma, veoma naopako.


Matrix Revolutions

Matrix Revolutions 2003


Spašavajući smrtno ranjenu Trinity i boreći se protiv agenta Smitha, okretni Neo, Odabrani kojem je proročica Oracle predvidjela ključnu ulogu u oslobađanju ljudi od vlasti parazitskih strojeva, i sam je teško ranjen pao u komu. Dok on na virtualnoj postaji podzemne željeznice mora odabrati između života i smrti, u čemu bi mu mogli pomoći inženjer Rama-Kandra, otac djevojčice Sati, i zagonetni Skretničar, Morpheus, Trinity i Dječak suprotstavljaju se zlom Merovingianu. Kad se vrati među žive, Neo shvati da se mora vratiti izvoru i spoznati sama sebe, jer agent Smith svakim trenutkom postaje sve snažniji i opasniji. O ishodu njihova sukoba ovisi budućnost čovječanstva i pobjeda nad Matricom. U međuvremenu, strojevi se približavaju Zionu, a u obrani kolonije sudjeluje i odvažna Zee, supruga Neova suborca Linka. Istodobno, izdajnik Bane ubojstvom liječnice pokaže svoje pravo lice...


Zvjezdane staze IV: Putovanje kući

Zvjezdane staze IV: Putovanje kući 1986


23. je stoljeće i tajnovita izvanzemaljska sila prijeti Zemlji isparavajući oceane i uništavajući atmosferu. U mahnitom pokušaju da spase čovječanstvo, Kirk i njegova posada moraju se vratiti u 1986. godinu u San Francisco gdje pronalaze svijet punka, pizze i autobusa na kojima morate imate točan iznos za plaćanje, što im je jednako strano kao bilo što s čime su se susreli u dalekim prostranstvima galaksije.


U 3:10 za Yumu

U 3:10 za Yumu 2007


Legendarni razbojnik Ben Wade sa svojom bandom pljačka kočiju koja prevozi veliku količinu novca. Pritom pobiju sve putnike, osim čuvara Byrona McElroya, kojeg Wade upuca u trbuh. Ranjenog McElroya pronalazi siromašni rančer Dan Evans te ga u potrazi za doktorom vodi u Bisbee, Arizonu. Tamo se nalazi i Wade, ali ovaj puta bez svoje bande.



Domino 2019


Tražeći pravdu za ubojstvo svog partnera od strane člana ISIS-a, policajac iz Kopenhagena se nađe usred igre mačke i miša s dvoličnim agentom CIA-e, koji koristi ubojicu kao pijuna kako bi uhvatio druge članove ISIS-a.


Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Star Wars: The Clone Wars 2008


Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu and other Jedi Knights lead the Grand Army of the Republic against the droid army of the Separatists.


The Dragon Prince

The Dragon Prince 2018


An extraordinary discovery inspires two human princes and an elven assassin to team up on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands.


One Piece

One Piece 1999


Years ago, the fearsome Pirate King, Gol D. Roger was executed leaving a huge pile of treasure and the famous "One Piece" behind. Whoever claims the "One Piece" will be named the new King of the Pirates. Monkey D. Luffy, a boy who consumed a "Devil Fruit," decides to follow in the footsteps of his idol, the pirate Shanks, and find the One Piece. It helps, of course, that his body has the properties of rubber and that he's surrounded by a bevy of skilled fighters and thieves to help him along the way. Luffy will do anything to get the One Piece and become King of the Pirates!


Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan 2013


Many years ago, the last remnants of humanity were forced to retreat behind the towering walls of a fortified city to escape the massive, man-eating Titans that roamed the land outside their fortress. Only the heroic members of the Scouting Legion dared to stray beyond the safety of the walls – but even those brave warriors seldom returned alive. Those within the city clung to the illusion of a peaceful existence until the day that dream was shattered, and their slim chance at survival was reduced to one horrifying choice: kill – or be devoured!


The Grand Tour

The Grand Tour 2016


Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May are back with a show about adventure, excitement and friendship... as long as you accept that the people you call friends are also the ones you find extremely annoying. Sometimes it's even a show about cars. Follow them on their global adventure.


Summer Time Rendering

Summer Time Rendering 2022


Upon hearing of Ushio's death, Shinpei returns to his hometown of Wakayama City on Hitogashima and reunites with his childhood friend's family. The funeral goes smoothly, but under the surface something strange is brewing on the island. What mysteries await him on this secluded summer island?



Sense8 2015


One gunshot, one death, one moment out of time that irrevocably links eight minds in disparate parts of the world, putting them in each other's lives, each other's secrets, and in terrible danger. Ordinary people suddenly reborn as "Sensates."


Dave the Barbarian

Dave the Barbarian 2004


This animated comedy series is set in the Middle Ages and follows the title character, Dave, in his comedic adventures with his family (his sisters, Candy and Fang) as they protect themselves and their family from a world of oddball foes. Dave himself combines strength with an appreciation of the finer things in life, including origami, bird watching, and even gourmet cooking.


Are You Sure?!

Are You Sure?! 2024


Whenever BTS's Jimin and Jung Kook meet, chaos and excitement ensue! In the summer of 2023, they embark on an unforgettable trip before their military enlistment. Their unpredictable adventure is full of surprises. Will Jimin and Jung Kook complete their journey safely?


Spinning Out

Spinning Out 2020


Kat Baker is an up-and-coming, high-level single skater who is about to turn in her skates after a disastrous fall. When Kat seizes an opportunity to continue her career as a pair skater with a talented bad-boy partner, she risks exposing a fiercely kept secret that could unravel her entire life.



V 2009


A re-imagining of the 1980s miniseries about the world's first encounter with an alien race in which the aliens call themselves The Visitors, and have a seemingly friendly agenda that may or may not be a cover for something more malevolent.



V 1984


Once again, Earth is the battleground. But now the aliens whose human guise hides their true reptilian natures are wiser. They believe the secret to their survival on Earth lies in the DNA of the newly born half-human, half-spaceling Starchild. But that's something the world's Resistance Fighters cannot allow.


V: The Final Battle

V: The Final Battle 1984


Is there life out there? Finally we know. Beause they are there. Alien spacecraft with humanlike passengers have come to Earth. They say they come in peace for food and water. The water they find in our reservoirs. The food they find walking about everywhere on two legs.



English 1970


"The Montice Harmon Show" appears to be an endeavor that seeks to explore the complex issues of today's society, politics, and Black culture, while also highlighting the importance of complying with the laws of love and unity.