Zameo ih vjetar

Zameo ih vjetar 1939


Doba je uoči Građanskog rata, na američkome jugu živi Scarlett O'Hara, razmažena i tašta djevojka, jedna od triju kćeri posjednika plantaže Geralda O'Hare, koji je uči o važnosti zemlje. Scarlett je prekrasna, lijepa i pametna, te ima brojne prosce, no potajno je zaljubljena u Ashleyja Wilkesa, koji se namjerava oženiti skromnom i ljupkom Melanie Hamilton. U znak protesta i prkoseći Ashleyevoj odluci, kad mnogi mladići odlaze na bojište, Scarlett se na brzinu odluči udati za Melaniena brata Charlesa. Mladi suprug međutim ne preživi ni prvu bitku te Scarlett gotovo odmah ostaje udovica. Kako pritom uopće ne tuguje, uskoro zapne za oko poznatom zavodniku Rhettu Butleru, ciničnom i inteligentnom muškarcu koji unatoč njezinom odbijanju neće tek tako odustati...


R.I.P.D. 2: Uspon prokletih

R.I.P.D. 2: Uspon prokletih 2022


Šerif Roy Pulsipher nije baš sretan pošto je ostao mrtav nakon obračuna s ozloglašenom bandom odmetnika, ali dobiva drugu priliku kada postaje najnoviji službenik odjela Počivali u miru (R.I.P.D.). No, osveta za vlastito ubojstvo će možda pasti u drugi plan kada se u starom rudarskom gradu Red Creeku otvore vrata pakla, prijeteći ne samo mještanima... već cijelom čovječanstvu.


Lovci na bizone

Lovci na bizone 2023


Will Andrews odustao je od Harvarda i traži "više ciljeve i veći smisao života". Ide na zapad do Kansasa gdje upoznaje Millera, iskusnog lovca na bizone, u kojem Will pronalazi osobu koja će mu pružiti iskustvo za kojim žudi. Miller zna za zabačenu dolinu u stjenjaku Colorado, koju doseljenici ne posjećuju, koja vrvi tisućama bizona, čije se kože prodaju po tako visokoj cijeni da je svakom sudioniku ekspedicije zajamčen nepredviđeni dobitak.


The Big Valley

The Big Valley 1965


The Big Valley is an American western television series which ran on ABC from September 15, 1965, to May 19, 1969. The show stars Barbara Stanwyck, as the widow of a wealthy nineteenth century California rancher. It was created by A.I. Bezzerides and Louis F. Edelman, and produced by Levy-Gardner-Laven for Four Star Television.



Deadwood 2004


The story of the early days of Deadwood, South Dakota; woven around actual historic events with most of the main characters based on real people. Deadwood starts as a gold mining camp and gradually turns from a lawless wild-west community into an organized wild-west civilized town. The story focuses on the real-life characters Seth Bullock and Al Swearengen.


The Buccaneers

The Buccaneers 2023


A group of fun-loving American girls burst onto the scene in tightly corseted 1870s London, kicking off an Anglo-American culture clash. Sent to secure husbands and status, the buccaneers' hearts are set on much more than that.


The English Game

The English Game 2020


Two 19th-century footballers on opposite sides of a class divide navigate professional and personal turmoil to change the game — and England — forever.


The Crimson Petal and the White

The Crimson Petal and the White 2011


Follow Sugar into the underbelly of Victorian London seething with vitality, sexuality, ambition and emotion.


The Adventures of Timothy Pilgrim

The Adventures of Timothy Pilgrim 1975


The Adventures of Timothy Pilgrim was a children's television serial consisting of ten 15 minute installments which originally aired in 1975 on Canada's TVOntario and was rerun countless times afterward over the next decade on TVO as well as on other Canadian educational channels and PBS. The title character is a shoeshine boy who travels back 100 years in time by means of a magic trunk and meets Zachariah Gibson, a travelling salesman and showman who peddles elixers and tonics. Episodes are based on the pair's travels between the worlds of the 1875 and 1975. Both characters face challenges in their respective times - Timothy is an orphan who squats in an abandoned warehouse and makes a living shining shoes and doing odd jobs at a neighbourhood diner owned by Wilma. Zachariah Gibson is a travelling salesman who sells medicinal cure-all elixirs of dubious quality out of his wagon. The two form an unlikely bond across time that teaches Zachariah the value of friendship.