Prošli životi

Prošli životi 2023


Spisateljica Nora i njena ljubav iz djetinjstva Hae-Sung možda su razdvojeni tisućama kilometara, ali dijele iznimno duboku vezu. Nakon više od dva desetljeća razdvojenosti, dvije srodne duše susreću se na nekoliko dana u New Yorku. Neočekivani susret s čovjekom sudbine natjera Noru da si postavi pitanje: "Što ako?"



Majka 2022


Amanda živi tihim i mirnim životom na farmi sa svojom kćeri. Idila biva prekinuta kada posmrtni ostaci njezine otuđene majke stignu iz Koreje. Amandu počinje proganjati strah od pretvaranja u vlastitu majku, s kojom nije komunicirala većinu svog života.



Minari 2021


Film Minari, kao nježna i sentimentalna priča o obiteljskim korijenima, prati korejsko-američku obitelj koja se doseljava na farmu u državu Arkansas u potrazi za vlastitim američkim snom. Međutim, obiteljska se situacija u potpunosti mijenja s dolaskom prepredene, prostačke, ali nevjerojatno brižne bake. U vrtlogu nestabilnosti i izazova njihovog novog života u nimalo prijateljski nastrojenom području, film Minari prikazuje neporecivu otpornost jedne obitelji i ukazuje nam na to što je zapravo dom.


Blue Bayou

Blue Bayou 2021


Korejac kojega je posvojila američka obitelj u Louisiani bori se za ostanak u rodnom mjestu kad sazna da bi mogao biti deportiran iz zemlje koju smatra domom.



Okja 2017


Mija (An Seo Hyun) se u svome domu u planinama Južne Koreje 10 idiličnih godina brinula i bila prijatelj ogromnoj životinji i još većem prijatelju Okji. No to se promijeni kad multinacionalna kompanija Mirando Corporation, koja je u vlasništvu obitelji, uzme Okju za sebe i preseli ga u New York gdje jedna ravnateljica kompanije Lucy Mirando (Tilda Swinton) ima velike planove za Mijinog najdražeg prijatelja. Bez nekog posebnog plana, no odlučna, Mija krene u misiju spašavanja, ali njeno ionako teško putovanje dodatno se zakomplicira kada sretne grupe kapitalista, demonstranata i potrošača, i svi oni borit će se za preuzimanje kontrole nad Okjom.


Hangeul Heroes A.I.YA

Hangeul Heroes A.I.YA 2021


Two children summon the brave protectors of Hangeul to find the right letters of the Korean alphabet to input into their magic vending machine.


XO, Kitty

XO, Kitty 2023


Teen matchmaker Kitty Song Covey thinks she knows everything there is to know about love. But when she moves halfway across the world to reunite with her long-distance boyfriend, she'll soon realize that relationships are a lot more complicated when it's your own heart on the line.



Pachinko 2022


Follow the hopes and dreams of four generations of a Korean immigrant family beginning with a forbidden love and crescendos into a sweeping saga that journeys between Korea, Japan and America to tell the unforgettable story of war and peace, love and loss, triumph and reckoning.


Tale of the Nine Tailed

Tale of the Nine Tailed 2020


A TV producer discovers a secret supernatural world as she becomes entangled with a former deity who's spent centuries searching for his lost lover.


Boys Planet

Boys Planet 2023


BOYS PLANET presents the potential of the boys from all around the world. Korean and global K-Pop fans, who discover the charm and potential of the boys from all around the globe and give them cheer and support to let them shine.



Extracurricular 2020


Determined to escape a dead-end life, a gifted high school student turns to a world of serious crime to ensure he can pay for college.


Partner Track

Partner Track 2022


At an elite NYC law firm, Ingrid Yun fights to make partner — and hold onto her principles — while balancing romance, friends and family expectations.


Where Your Eyes Linger

Where Your Eyes Linger 2020


High school students Han Tae-joo and Kang-gook have always been together for 15 years. Although they are friends, Gook is actually a bodyguard for Tae-joo, the heir of a chaebol family. But before they know it, they feel different kinds of feelings for each other. What does Gook mean to Tae-joo, and what does Tae-joo mean to Gook?


Durian's Affair

Durian's Affair 2023


Two women from a noble family in Joseon Dynasty get to time-travel and meet some men living in 2023. An eclipse happens when the two women mysteriously show up at the grand party in the Dan family's vacation home. The two women's appearance leads the Dans into a strange yet beautiful story transcending time and space. Du Ri-an and So-jeo are pure and elegant women from Joseon, and they're mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Their story develops as they get to meet Baek Do-yi and rich men from the Dans. How will this unique time-traveling story unfold?


Knowing Foreign Language High School

Knowing Foreign Language High School 2025


Welcome to the prestigious international high school, Knowing Foreign Language High School, with students from the US, Japan, and South Africa. Caution, there are Koreans too! Knowing Bros spinoff with foreigners!