Povratak u budućnost

Povratak u budućnost 1985


U izmišljenom gradu Hill Valley, tinejdžer Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) slučajno otputuje u prošlost, točnije u 1955. godinu, u vremenskom stroju koji je izumio njegov prijatelj, znanstvenik dr. Emmett Brown (Cristopher Lloyd). Sve što Marty napravi u 1955. utjecat će na budućnost, a ugrozit će čak i vlastitu egzistenciju.


Obiteljski kaos

Obiteljski kaos 2014


Poslije katastrofalnog prvog spoja samohrani roditelji Lauren (Barrymore) i Jim (Sandler) složit će se samo oko jedne stvari: nikad se više ne žele vidjeti. No, kad se oboje slučajno prijave za zabavni obiteljski odmor s djecom, naći će se prisiljeni na tjedan dana dijeliti apartman u luksuznom afričkom safari odmaralištu...


Istjerivači duhova: Ledena prijetnja

Istjerivači duhova: Ledena prijetnja 2024


Obitelj Spengler vraća se tamo gdje je sve počelo – legendarni vatrogasni dom u New Yorku – kako bi se udružili s izvornim Istjerivačima duhova, koji su razvili supertajni istraživački laboratorij kako bi razbijanje duhova podigli na višu razinu. Ali kada otkriće drevnog artefakta oslobodi zlu silu, novi i stari Istjerivači duhova moraju udružiti snage kako bi zaštitili svoj dom i spasili svijet od drugog ledenog doba.


Croods: Novo doba

Croods: Novo doba 2020


Croodsi traže novo mjesto za život te putuju svijetom u potrazi za sigurnijim mjestom za svoj dom. U svojoj potrazi nailaze na idilično mjesto okruženo zidinama i s jako puno hrane. No tamo nailaze i na novu, puno napredniju obitelj, koja ih se želi riješiti što prije. Nova obitelj je daleko razvijenija od Croodsa, žive u kući na drvetu, znaju uzgajati hranu, imaju WC, lift i mnoge druge izume koje Croodi nisu nikada vidjeli. No neočekivani obrat natjerat će obje familije da surađuju i krenu na pustolovinu života s druge strane zidina. Na tom putu će shvatiti da ih ipak veže puno stvari te da mogu premostiti razlike koje ih razdvajaju.


Lilo i Stitch

Lilo i Stitch 2002


Na tropskim Havajima, usamljena djevojčica Lilo usvoji naizgled nedužno štene. Novog „ljubimca“ nazove Stitch, nesvjesna da je on opasni genetički eksperiment koji je pobjegao s izvanzemaljskog planeta.


Bilo jednom… u Hollywoodu

Bilo jednom… u Hollywoodu 2019


„Bilo jednom… u Hollywoodu“ priča je o glumcu i njegovom dvojniku koji kreću na put kako bi pronašli svoje mjesto pod suncem u filmskoj industriji daleke 1969. godine. Radnja filma se odvija u Los Angelesu 1969. na vrhuncu hippie Hollywooda. Glavni likovi u filmu Rick Dalton, bivša zvijezda jedne western TV serije i njegov dugogodišnji dvojnik Cliff Booth u vrijeme zadnjih trzaja zlatnog Hollywooda bore se za svoj uspjeh u svjetskoj prijestolnici filmske industrije koju više ne prepoznaju. Ali Rick ima poznatu susjedu - Sharon Tate…


Prljavi ples

Prljavi ples 1987


Sedamnaestogodišnja Frances zvana Baby stiže s ocem dr. Jakeom Housemanom, majkom Marjorie i starijom sestrom Lisom u elitno ljetovalište u Catskillsu. Znajući da će sljedeće godine maturirati, samosvjesna Frances već sada planira budućnost, dok odmor u uspavanom kampu koji vodi očev prijatelj Max smatra nužnim zlom. Ipak, pozornost joj privuče naočiti učitelj plesa Johnny Castle koji izvan radnog vremena prakticira erotizirane plesove nimalo nalik onom što podučava. Nakon što mu partnerica ostane trudna s mjesnim konobarom, Baby ponudi Johnnyju da ju zamijeni upravo ona...


Noć glupih mrtvaca

Noć glupih mrtvaca 2004


Iako bi njegova djevojka Liz željela malo ozbiljniju vezu, Shaun i dalje živi svojim "stilom". Stan dijeli s ambicioznim Peteom i lijenim Edom, nakon dosadnog posla slobodno vrijeme provodi u omiljenom pubu ispijajući pivo, a kod kuće s njim igra playstation. Uskoro mu se dogodi kap koja prelije čašu, zaboravi na večeru s Liz te ga ona ostavi. Nakon pijane noći Shaun shvati da mora vratiti Liz. Tumarajući mamuran londonskim ulicama u početku ne primjećuje da je grad pun zombija. Nakon što ih zombiji napadnu, Shaun i Ed naprave plan...


Mačak u čizmama

Mačak u čizmama 2011


Vrhunski borac, ljubavnik i odmetnik – Mačak u čizmama postaje heroj kad krene u avanturu u kojoj mu se pridružuju čvrsta i šarmantna Kitty Softpaws i genijalni Humpty Alexander Dumpty. Dok pokušavaju spasiti grad, notorni otpadnici od zakona Jack i Jill pokušavaju učiniti sve što je u njihovoj moći ne bi li ih u tome osujetili.


Kapetan Kuka

Kapetan Kuka 1991


Peter Banning četrdesetogodišnji je odvjetnik, posve zaboravio na svoj pravi identitet. Pritisnut obavezama, Banning je zapostavio obitelj i potisnuo duboko u zaborav činjenicu da je on zapravo - Petar Pan. Kad Banningovi posjete Peterovu baku Maggie u Londonu, odvjetnikovu djecu otima zli kapetan Kuka iz Nigdjezemske, a baka podsjeća Banninga na njegovu dječju dušu. Ohrabren staričinim riječima, Petar Pan kreće u misiju spašavanja djece, a u pomoć mu stiže simpatična Zvončica.


Robin Hood

Robin Hood 1973


Junak Robin Hood sa svojim vjernim pratiteljem Malim Johnom i bandom veseljaka neprestano smišlja smiješne i izazovne pothvate kako bi nadmudrio pohlepnog princa Johna i usrećio stanovnike Šervudske šume. Prema legendama, prije mnogo se stoljeća u dalekoj zemlji odvijala nevjerojatna priča o hrabrosti i prijateljstvu… Pripremite se na uzbudljive pustolovine, nezaboravne likove, upečatljivu glazbu i mnogo smijeha u „Disneyjevu“ animiranom filmu „Robin Hood“. Junak Robin Hood sa svojim vjernim pratiteljem Malim Johnom i bandom veseljaka neprestano smišlja smiješne i izazovne pothvate kako bi nadmudrio pohlepnog princa Johna i usrećio stanovnike Šervudske šume.



Gospoda 2020


Američki iseljenik Mickey Pearson (Matthew McConaughey) je u Londonu izgradio visoko profitabilno carstvo marihuane. Kad se pročuje vijest da se zauvijek želi maknuti iz tog posla, pokreće se niz zavjera, urota , podmićivanja i ucjenjivanja u pokušaju da se zauzme njegova pozicija. Ostatak zvjezdane glumačke ekipe čine Charlie Hunnam, Henry Golding, Michelle Dockery, Jeremy Strong, Eddie Marsan, Colin Farrell i Hugh Grant


Lego film

Lego film 2014


LEGO film prati Emmeta, običnu i potpuno prosječnu LEGO figuricu koji uvijek poštuje pravila. Zabunom, Emmeta prepoznaju kao izvanrednu osobu i kao ključ za spas cijelog svijeta. Emmet je ubrzo unovačen i postaje dio družine koja kreće u misiju zaustavljanja zlog tiranina - misiju za koju je Emmet beznadno i nevjerojatno smiješno nepripremljen.


101 Dalmatinac

101 Dalmatinac 1961


Kad Cruella De Vil otme mladunčad dalmatinera, njihovi roditelji ih moraju pronaći prije nego ona ostvari svoj zli modni plan.



Christine 1983


Detroit, 1950-ih godina. Još tijekom proizvodnje jedan model automobila Plymouth donosi ljudima nesreću. Dvadesetak godina poslije taj isti, gotovo uništeni automobil pokraj ceste primijeti tinejdžer Arnie Cunningham (K. Gordon). Arnie je povučeni mladić kojeg od zlostavljanja školskih kolega spašava najbolji prijatelj Dennis (J. Stockwell). Dennis odmah primijeti da je nešto čudno s automobilom koji se svidio Arnieju, no unatoč njegovim sumnjama i protivljenju roditelja Arnie kupuje Plymouth od brata pokojnog vlasnika, koji ga je nazvao Christine. Nakon kupnje Arnie postaje opsjednut automobilom i sve se manje druži s Dennisom.


Povratak u budućnost II

Povratak u budućnost II 1989


Drugi nastavak trilogije započinje tamo gdje je prošli završio no ovoga puta destinacija je 2015. godina. Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox), Doc (Christopher Lloyd) i Jennifer (Lea Thompson) putuju 30 godina u budućnost gdje se susreću sa svojim budućim ja i djecom koja se tek trebaju roditi. Nakon što srede situaciju vraćaju se u sadašnjost uvidjevši da su se stvari promjenile.



Rugrats 1991


Focuses on a group of toddlers, most prominently Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, and Angelica, and their day-to-day lives, usually involving common life experiences that become adventures in the babies' imaginations. Adults in the series are almost always unaware of what the children are up to; however, this only provides more room for the babies to explore and discover their surroundings.


High Potential

High Potential 2024


Morgan is a single mom with an exceptional mind, whose unconventional knack for solving crimes leads to an unusual and unstoppable partnership with a by-the-book seasoned detective.


High School D×D

High School D×D 2012


High school student Issei Hyoudou is your run-of-the-mill pervert who does nothing productive with his life, peeping on women and dreaming of having his own harem one day. Things seem to be looking up for Issei when a beautiful girl asks him out on a date, although she turns out to be a fallen angel who brutally kills him! However, he gets a second chance at life when beautiful senior student Rias Gremory, who is a top-class devil, revives him as her servant, recruiting Issei into the ranks of the school's Occult Research club. Slowly adjusting to his new life, Issei must train and fight in order to survive in the violent world of angels and devils. Each new adventure leads to many hilarious (and risqué) moments with his new comrades, all the while keeping his new life a secret from his friends and family in High School DxD!


The Smurfs

The Smurfs 1981


Classic Saturday-morning cartoon series featuring magical blue elf-like creatures called Smurfs. The Smurfs, named for their personalities, inhabit a village of mushroom houses in an enchanted forest. These loveable creatures are led by Papa Smurf and live carefree... except for one major threat to their existance: Gargamel, an evil but inept wizard who lives in a stone-built house in the forest; and his feline companion, the equally nasty Azrael.


Lovely Runner

Lovely Runner 2024


Right after Ryu Sun-jae, a top star, ends his life, Im Sol, his top fan, somehow ends up at a time when they were in high school and tries to protect him. A fantasy romance unfolds where people who missed each other in time finally meet.


Masha and the Bear

Masha and the Bear 2009


Masha is an energetic three-year-old who can’t seem to keep herself out of trouble. Bear is a warm, fatherly figure that does his best to guide his friend and keep her from harm, often ending up the unintended victim of her misadventures.


The Golden Girls

The Golden Girls 1985


Four Southern Florida seniors share a house, their dreams, and a whole lot of cheesecake. Bright, promiscuous, clueless and hilarious, these lovely, mismatched ladies form the perfect circle of friends.


A Different World

A Different World 1987


A Different World is a spin-off series from The Cosby Show and originally centered on Denise Huxtable and the life of students at Hillman College, a fictional mixed but historically black college in the state of Virginia. After Bonet's departure in the first season, the remainder of the series primarily focused more on Southern belle Whitley Gilbert and mathematics whiz Dwayne Wayne. The series frequently depicted members of the major historically black fraternities and sororities.


The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 1990


Will, a street-smart teenager, moves from the tough streets of West Philly to posh Bel-Air to live with his Uncle Philip, Aunt Vivian, his cousins — spoiled Hilary, preppy Carlton and young Ashley — and their sophisticated British butler, Geoffrey. Though Will’s antics and upbringing contrast greatly with the upper-class lifestyle of his extended relatives, he soon finds himself right at home as a loved part of the family.


Paraíso Tropical

Paraíso Tropical 2007


The search for a successor provokes the beginning of a clash between two young and talented executives of his group: Daniel Bastos, a lad of simple origins and excellent character, who is not only handsome and charming, but also intelligent and skilled, and Olavo Novaes, an ambitious and unscrupulous man who is ready to fight for the position, at any cost. To fight against Olavo‘s treacherous plans, Daniel will have the help of the sweet and sensitive Paula, a young lady raised as an only child who founds, on the eve of her mother‘s death, that she is adopted and has a family. What Paula does not know is that she has an identical twin sister, the wicked Taís, who is as ambitious and unscrupulous as the man who becomes her main ally, Olavo Novaes. Antenor, for his part, decides on having an heir when he meets the headstrong and honest Lúcia, a woman who will make this cold businessman find true love is and a real reason to live.


The 7D

The 7D 2014


The 7D is an American animated television series produced by Disney Television Animation loosely based on the 1937 film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Walt Disney Productions where The 7D must defend the land of Jollywood from the magical villains Grim and Hildy Gloom who attempt to dethrone Queen Delightful and rule Jollywood.


She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law 2022


Jennifer Walters navigates the complicated life of a single, 30-something attorney who also happens to be a green 6-foot-7-inch superpowered hulk.


A.P. Bio

A.P. Bio 2018


When disgraced Harvard philosophy scholar Jack Griffin loses out on his dream job, he is forced to return to Toledo, Ohio, and work as a high school Advanced Placement biology teacher.



Elsbeth 2024


After her successful career in Chicago, Elsbeth Tascioni, an astute but unconventional attorney, utilizes her singular point of view to make unique observations and corner brilliant criminals alongside the NYPD.


Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide

Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide 2004


The whacky adventures of Ned Bigby and his best pals Moze and Cookie at James K. Polk Middle School, as "every-kid" Ned shatters the fourth wall to share tips and tricks on navigating middle school or junior high hurdles. Ned's not super cool, and he has no superpowers. He is, however, witty, well-groomed, upbeat and self-aware. Moreover, with more than a little help from his two best friends, he's equipped to conquer middle school minefields. From crushing bullies to crushes, from off- the-wall, mean and cool teachers to pop quizzes, elections and detentions, Ned knows that nothing, including the seventh grade, is as bad as it seems, and friendship matters most.


Step by Step Love

Step by Step Love 2024


It tells the story of the cold company President Lu Chen Yang, who is a cruel revenge machine full of calculations to make his opponent pay the price. He finally meets his opponent, the daughter of a desperate rich family, Qianjin Bu Ran. When a hunter begins to fall in love with his prey, all the hatred in his heart turns soft.


American Dragon: Jake Long

American Dragon: Jake Long 2005


American Dragon is a coming of age comedy-action series about Jake Long, a 13-year-old Asian-American boy who strives to find balance in his life as a skateboard-grinding, New York 'tween while learning to master his mystical powers (in his secret identity) as the American Dragon, the protector and guardian of all magical creatures secretly living amidst the human world.


My Sweet Mobster

My Sweet Mobster 2024


Unexpected excitement charging romance between Ji-hwan, a big build former gang member who has cleared his dark past, and Eun-ha a mini woman who plays with children for her job.


Super Cub

Super Cub 2021


Koguma is a high school girl in Yamanashi. She has no parents, friends, or hobbies, and her daily life is empty. One day, Koguma gets a used Honda Super Cub motorcycle. This is her first time going to school on a motorcycle. Running out of gas and hitting detours become a small source of adventure in Koguma's life. She is satisfied with this strange transformation, but her classmate Reiko ends up talking to her about how she also goes to school by motorcycle. One Super Cub begins to open up a lonely girl's world, introducing her to a new everyday life and friendship.


The Flying Nun

The Flying Nun 1967


Young Sister Bertrille uses her ability to become airborne to help others, whether they want it or not. Although her aims are always benevolent, her means are often bemoaned by Mother Superior. The other Sisters must cope with their beloved Sister's aerodynamics and antics as she flies in and out of trouble.