Hit Man

Hit Man 2024


Obični profesor filozofije odlučuje pomoći policiji u malim tajnim zadacima za nadzor i na kraju se pretvara da je unajmljeni plaćeni ubojica, kako bi otkrio naručitelje.


Princeza i žabac

Princeza i žabac 2009


Svatko zna priču u kojoj princeza pronalazi pravu ljubav svog života kada poljubi žapca koji se čarolijom pretvara u zgodnog princa. U ovoj verziji priče, djevojka još uvijek poljubi žapca, no rezultat je sasvim drugačiji od očekivanog; a to je samo jedno od brojnih iznenađenja u ovoj mješavini luckastog humora, glazbe i emocija.


Majstori iluzije

Majstori iluzije 2013


FBI agenti prate grupu iluzionista koji pljačkaju banke tijekom svojih izvedbi, a publiku nagrađuju ukradenim novcem. Kritika je film prozvala zabavnijim od filmova "Oceanovih 11, 12 i 13" zajedno. Četvero darovitih iluzionista zadivljuju javnost nizom hrabro i originalno izvedenih pljački sa skrivenim planom zbog kojeg FBI i Interpol sa strepnjom pokušaju pogoditi njihov sljedeći potez u napetom filmu redatelja Louisa Leterriera (Sudar titana). Skupinu vodi Atlas, a publiku će tijekom nastupa zadiviti pljačkom banke u Parizu iz Vegasa, razotkrivanjem kriminalca iz visokih redova i prebacivanjem njegovih milijuna na račune gledatelja, zbunjujući snage čuvara reda i zakona.


Jack Reacher: Nema povratka

Jack Reacher: Nema povratka 2016


Kad bojnicu Susan Turner lažno okrive za izdaju, Jack Reacher otkriva da je ona meta goleme državne zavjere. Reacher riskira sve kako bi srušio moćnu organizaciju koja ne preže ni pred čim kako bi zaštitila svoje tajne.


Intervju s vampirom

Intervju s vampirom 1994


Vampir Lestat (T. Cruise) je besmrtan, točnije bezvremenski, on ne zna svoje godine. Za njega je svijet beskrajan i beskonačan. Lestat živi u rijeci krvi koja je nužna za njegovo postojanje, a kada zaželi, on svojim žrtvama podaruje vječni život htjele one to ili ne. U Lestatov život potkraj 18. stoljeća ulazi Luis (B. Pitt), čovjek koji je uništen zbog gubitka žene i kćeri. Iako Luis postaje besmrtan, on će pokušati spriječiti bezdušnog Lestata u neumoljivu uništavanju ljudi. Dvije stotine godina kasnije, u San Fransiscu 20. stoljeća, Luis je svoju priču odlučio ispričati mladom novinaru (C. Slater) - vampirsku priču o želji, ljubavi, tuzi, strahu i ekstazi. Novinar je napisao reportažu koja je postala glasovita pod naslovom "Intervju s vampirom".


The Mechanic

The Mechanic 2011


Arthur Bishop je "mehaničar" - elitni ubojica sa striktnim kodom i jedinstvenim talentom za čistim eleminiranjem meta. To je posao koji zahtjeva profesionalni perfekcionizam i potpuno odtranjenje od emocija, a on je najbolji u svom poslu. Ali kada ubiju njegovog bliskog prijatelja ili mentora Harryja, Bishop je sve samo ne emocionalno distanciran. Njegov sljedeći zadatak se sam nameće - pronaći i eliminirati krivce... ali tek se tu stvari počinju komplicirati.



Ubojica 2023


Nakon sudbonosna neuspjeha plaćeni ubojica mora se boriti protiv poslodavaca, ali i sebe, tijekom međunarodne potrage za iskupljenjem za koju tvrdi da nije osobna.


Teška meta

Teška meta 1993


Razlika između lovine i lovaca postaje sve tanja kada jedan muškarac istražuje i bori se protiv grupe koja iz zabave lovi ljude.


Posljednji provod

Posljednji provod 2006


Georgia Byrd (Queen Latifah) sasvim je prosječna djevojka iz susjedstva koja živi neobično sigurnim i dosadnim životom izbjegavajući svaki nepotreban rizik. Njezina je svakodnevica ispunjena zahtjevnim poslom, usamljenim junk food večerama ispred televizora i snovima o slatkom kolegi s posla (LL Cool J) u kojeg je zaljubljena. Ali kada ova punašna ljepotica iz New Orleansa navečer legne u postelju, sanjari o životu na visokoj nozi, luksuznim večerama i bogatom društvu. No sve se promijeni kada Georgia sazna da boluje od bolesti koja joj daje još samo tri tjedna života. Odluči izaći iz čahure, unovčiti svu imovinu i krenuti u avanturu života - posljednji provod u Europi tijekom kojeg će napraviti sve ono na što se nikada ne bi odvažila. Uz mnoga uzbuđenja čeka je i flert sa zgodnim i utjecajnim političarom (Giancarlo Esposito), kao i susret sa šarmantnim kuharom (Gerard Depardieu).



JFK 1991



Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu 2006


Pozvan da izvuče dokaze nakon užasne eksplozije na trajektu u New Orleansu, federalni agent Doug Carlin biva izvučen s mjesta događaja i odveden u strogo tajni vladin laboratorij koji koristi uređaj za nadzor s vremenskim pomakom kako bi spriječio zločin.


Dvostruka opasnost

Dvostruka opasnost 1999


Nakon što otkrije da je njezin muž inscenirao vlastitu smrt i njoj namjestio ubojstvo, nepravedno osuđena Libby dobiva uvjetni otpust i želi ga pronaći.


Tramvaj zvan čežnja

Tramvaj zvan čežnja 1951


Razmažena i neurotična, južnjakinja Blanche DuBois, pokušavajući pobjeći od svoje prošlosti koja uključuje tešku ovisnost o alkoholu, gubitak naslijeđene plantaže i zavođenje maloljetnika, odlazi svojoj sestri Stelli Kowalski. Ubrzo će se naći u sukobu s Stellinim mužem, Stanleyem Kowalskim, vulgarnim i prljavim pripadnikom nove industrijsko-imigrantske generacije. Drugim riječima, sirovim čovjekom koji neumjereno pije i puši te se ponaša kao gospodar kuće. Stanely, koji je u svojoj nutrini zapravo senzualan, na nasilan će način suočiti Blanche s njenim problemima iz prošlosti, što će rezultirati njenim živčanim slomom.


Putovanje kroz sjećanja

Putovanje kroz sjećanja 2021


Nick Bannister, privatni istražitelj uma, kreće se primamljivim ali mračnim svijetom prošlosti pomažući svojim klijentima da pristupe izgubljenim uspomenama. Živeći na rubu potonule obale Miamija, život mu se zauvijek mijenja kada preuzme novu klijenticu Mae. Jednostavno pitanje izgubljenog i pronađenog postaje opasna opsesija. Dok se Bannister bori da pronađe istinu o Maeinom nestanku, otkriva nevjerojatnu zavjeru i na kraju mora odgovoriti na pitanje: koliko daleko biste išli da zadržite one koje volite?


The Originals

The Originals 2013


A spin-off from The Vampire Diaries and set in New Orleans, The Originals centers on the Mikaelson siblings, otherwise known as the world's original vampires: Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah. Now Klaus must take down his protégé, Marcel, who is now in charge of New Orleans, in order to re-take his city, as he originally built New Orleans. Klaus departed from the city after being chased down by his father Mikael, while it was being constructed and Marcel took charge. As Klaus has returned after many years, his ego has provoked him to become the king of the city. "Every King needs an heir" says Klaus, accepting the unborn child. The child is a first to be born to a hybrid and a werewolf.


NCIS: New Orleans

NCIS: New Orleans 2014


A drama about the local field office that investigates criminal cases affecting military personnel in The Big Easy, a city known for its music, entertainment and decadence.


Your Honor

Your Honor 2020


New Orleans judge Michael Desiato is forced to confront his own deepest convictions when his son is involved in a hit and run that embroils an organized crime family.


The Haunted Hathaways

The Haunted Hathaways 2013


When Michelle Hathaway relocates to New Orleans to open a bakery with her daughters Taylor and Frankie, they quickly learn that life in the “Big Easy” is very different. Unbeknownst to them, their new home is already occupied by a ghost family comprised of jazz musician father Ray Preston and his sons Miles and Louie. After agreeing to live under one roof, they come to care about and rely on one another while driving each other crazy – just like any normal family would. Though leery at first, the Hathaways soon discover how much fun life can be when living with ghosts.


Yancy Derringer

Yancy Derringer 1958


Yancy Derringer is an American Western series



Treme 2010


Tremé takes its name from a neighborhood of New Orleans and portrays life in the aftermath of the 2005 hurricane. Beginning three months after Hurricane Katrina, the residents of New Orleans, including musicians, chefs, Mardi Gras Indians, and other New Orleanians struggle to rebuild their lives, their homes and their unique culture.


Five Days at Memorial

Five Days at Memorial 2022


Based on actual events from Hurricane Katrina. When the floodwaters rose, power failed, and heat soared, exhausted caregivers at a New Orleans hospital were forced to make profound, heart-wrenching decisions.


Fright Krewe

Fright Krewe 2023


An ancient prophecy and a Voodoo Queen put misfit teens in charge of saving New Orleans from the biggest demonic threat it’s faced in almost two centuries. But, honestly? Saving the world might be easier than becoming friends.


The Big Easy

The Big Easy 1996


The Big Easy television series was inspired by the film of the same name from 1987. The show premiered on the USA Cable Network August 11, 1996. Tony Crane played New Orleans police lieutenant/detective Remy McSwain, Susan Walters played state district attorney Anne Osbourne and Barry Corbin played police chief C.D. LeBlanc. Daniel Petrie Jr. was the executive producer of the series. 35 episodes were broadcast over two seasons. The series takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana and was shot on location.



K-Ville 2007


K-Ville is an American television drama created and executive produced by Jonathan Lisco, centering on policing New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Deran Sarafian directed the pilot. On May 15, 2008, the series was officially canceled.


Frank's Place

Frank's Place 1987


Frank's Place is an American comedy-drama series which aired on CBS for 22 episodes during the 1987-1988 television season. The series was created by Hugh Wilson and executive produced by Wilson and series star Tim Reid. Frank's Place is the most recent show that ran for only one season which was nominated for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series. TV Guide ranked it #3 on their 2013 list of 60 shows that were "Cancelled Too Soon".



Orleans 1997


Orleans is a short-lived American drama series that aired on CBS from January 7, 1997 through April 10, 1997. It ran for only 8 episodes. The series was said to be inspired by the experiences of creater producer Toni Graphia, who was the daughter of a Louisiana judge.


Big Freedia: Queen of Bounce

Big Freedia: Queen of Bounce 2013


This show follows Big Freedia (born Frederick Ross) on her journey toward superstardom in the mainstream media. As the undisputed ambassador of the energetic, New Orleans-based Bounce movement, Big Freedia is never afraid to twerk, wiggle, and shake her way to self-confidence, and is encouraging her fans to do the same.


In the boots of Lucky Luke

In the boots of Lucky Luke 2024


Relentless sheriffs, trigger-happy gunslingers, steadfast saloon owners and cocky cowboys are all found in the "Lucky Luke" albums, which have influenced entire generations of comic readers. For the three-part series "In the boots of Lucky Luke", the French comic author Jul traveled to the USA to trace the role models of the familiar comic characters.


NOLA: Life, Death and Heavy Blues from the Bayou

NOLA: Life, Death and Heavy Blues from the Bayou 2014


A seven-part series examining the people and the culture that helped foster bands like Down, Eyehategod, Crowbar, Acid Bath, Goatwhore and many others. The documentary features in-depth interviews discussing the bands, catastrophe, drugs, suicide, murder, and records that helped shape the New Orleans sound known the world over.


Big Freedia Means Business

Big Freedia Means Business 2023


Big Freedia is back on Fuse, bigger than ever! In control of her life and brand, her HUSTLE is off the charts. Still shaking up the dance floor, now she’s shaking up the business world. Girl, down! Cheer on the hardest twerkin’ diva in the business.


After the Storm: The Long Road Back

After the Storm: The Long Road Back 1970


After the Storm: The Long Road Back is a series of ten unique reports about New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Brian Williams and the NBC Nightly News team tackles racial and class aspects of the Hurricane Katrina story.