Obitelj Kremenko 1994
Nakon što Fred Kremenko pozajmi novac Barneyju i Betty Kamenko kako bi mogli posvojiti bebu, Barney pomaže Fredu da napreduje na poslu u Kamengradu iz kamenog doba.
Nakon što Fred Kremenko pozajmi novac Barneyju i Betty Kamenko kako bi mogli posvojiti bebu, Barney pomaže Fredu da napreduje na poslu u Kamengradu iz kamenog doba.
Panika u Zemlji Bajki zavlada kada zla maćeha odluči dati svim pričama nesretni završetak.
Nesretnog provalnika (Denis Leary) napušta partner u zločinu i prisiljen je uzeti taoce u obliku iritantnoga para (Kevin Spacey i Judy Davis). Onda na scenu stupa njihov sin ucjenjivač i podla rodbina. To je više nego što je provalnik tražio. Jedini način da preživi jest da postane njihov sudac i riješi šašave svađe prije nego što ga uhiti policija.
Srikanda, Phawinee's sister, is a beautiful woman whose father is very proud of her. She fell in love with Nopphanai and despite her father's disapproval, they decided to elope. One day, Phawinee meets Srikanda by chance and notices how she looks thinner and depressed. She eventually gets ill and passes away. Phawinee is angry after finding out how her sister was bullied by her mother and sister-in-law, so she decides to sign a marriage certificate with Nopphanai with a deal of "no touch", in order to take care of her nephew. Afterward, Phawinee moves in where her sister lived and starts to fight with his mother and sister. She doesn't give in to them as her sister had, and so her revenge begins.