Preveliki da propadnu

Preveliki da propadnu 2011


Sredinom 2000-ih Wall Street je rastao u svakome pogledu, s rekordnim dividendama, višemilijunskim godišnjim zaradama i rastućim poslovanjem s nekretninama. No 2008. sve se to preko noći urušilo. Do jeseni američki monetarni sustav, nakon godina nepravilnog poslovanja, bio je u slobodnom padu zbog neisplativih hipotekarnih kredita te zelenaških zajmova koji su uzrokovali krizu. Unatoč znakovima upozorenja, nitko nije vjerovao da su novčarske institucije u opasnosti. Dok se tržište sve više rušilo, postalo je očito da su banke prejake da bi propale te prijete stvaranju globalne krize kakvu svijet još nije vidio. HBO Films predstavlja fascinantan pogled iza kulisa na nedavnu krizu koja je gotovo slomila američki bankovni sustav – i cijelo gospodarstvo te zemlje.


Crack: Droga, korupcija i zavjera

Crack: Droga, korupcija i zavjera 2021


Tijekom recesije pojavljuje se jeftina i snažna droga koja izaziva moralnu paniku ojačanu rasizmom. Istraži zamršenu povijest „cracka” u 1980-ima.


Povedi me kući

Povedi me kući 2021


Bolne priče o beskućnicima na zapadnoj obali SAD-a uokviruju ovaj kinematografski portret sve veće humanitarne krize.



Love 1927



Brideshead Revisited

Brideshead Revisited 1981


Charles Ryder, an agnostic man, becomes involved with members of the Flytes, a Catholic family of aristocrats, over the course of several years between the two world wars.


Secrets of Playboy

Secrets of Playboy 2022


Explore the hidden truths behind the fable and philosophy of the Playboy empire through a modern-day lens. The documentary series delves into the complex world Hugh Hefner created and examines its far-reaching consequences on our culture’s view of power and sexuality.


American Playboy: The Hugh Hefner Story

American Playboy: The Hugh Hefner Story 2017


A fascinating docuseries chronicling Playboy magazine’s charismatic founder, Hugh Hefner, and his impact on global culture. Told from his unique perspective with never-before-seen footage from his private archive, discover the captivating story about the man behind the bunny.



Lucan 2013


Belgravia, London, November 7th, 1974. Sandra Rivett, nanny of the aristocratic Lucan family, is found beaten to death. Shortly thereafter, the prime suspect, John Bingham, 7th Earl of Lucan, mysteriously disappears. When the manhunt begins, the subsequent scandal shakes the foundations of the British ruling class like never before.