Ključna riječ Far Right
Z 1969
22. srpnja 2018
U Norveškoj je 22. srpnja 2011. neonacistički terorist Anders Behring Breivik ubio 77 mladih ljudi koji su pohađali omladinski kamp Laburističke stranke na otoku Utöya izvan Osla. Ova trodijelna priča usredotočit će se na preživjele u napadima, političko vodstvo Norveške i uključene odvjetnike.
Chez nous 2017
Führer Ex 2002
Fight Like Hell 2024
Der Soldat Monika 2024
100 Per Cent White 2000
The Politics of Hate 2017
The Conspiracists 2024
Eigen Volk Eerst 2023
Sahar Meradji follows people who, according to the AIVD's definition, are right-wing extremists. What are the words of right-wing extremists? How they see the world, what do they dream of, and above all: why? A non-judgmental sketch of the mounting, far-right reality.
Borders & Lies 2024
Takes a closer look at how social media was used to spread fear in Finglas, meet locals in Newbridge, Rosslare Harbour and Inchicore, and examine the build up to the Dublin Riots.