
Zavjet 2023


Narednik John Kinley se ne sjeća kako je preživio neprijateljsku zasjedu u Afganistanu, ali shvaća da svoj život duguje lokalnom prevoditelju Ahmedu. Upravo je on prenio ranjenog Kinleya kilometrima opasnog teritorija na sigurno. Sada Johna proganja osjećaj dužnosti i on odlučuje riskirati sve kako bi se vratio po Ahmeda i njegovu obitelj prije nego ih Talibani pronađu.



Šarada 1963


Po povratku s odmora Reginu Lampert (A. Hepburn) u Parizu dočekuje vijest o suprugovoj smrti. Policija joj otkriva da je njezin bračni partner zapravo bio zločinac, optužen za krađu novca namijenjenog francuskom Pokretu otpora. Suborci njezinog supruga uvjereni su da upravo Regina ima novac i ne prežu ni od zločina da ga se domognu. Utrci za novcem pridružuje se i šarmantni Peter Joshua (C. Grant), te nekonvencionalni zaposlenik američkog veleposlanstva Bartholomew (W. Matthau), a Regina ne može odlučiti kome vjerovati.


Pet dana rata

Pet dana rata 2011


Utemeljen na istinitim događajima, film prikazuje opasna proživljavanja američkog novinara, njegovog snimatelja i jedne Gruzijke iza neprijateljskih linija u nastojanju da se izvuku na sigurno i objave svijetu što se zaista događalo u rusko-gruzijskom ratu 2008. godine.



Shōgun 2024


In Japan in the year 1600, at the dawn of a century-defining civil war, Lord Yoshii Toranaga is fighting for his life as his enemies on the Council of Regents unite against him, when a mysterious European ship is found marooned in a nearby fishing village.


Our Interpreter

Our Interpreter 2024


Lin Xi who's known as the "witch" in the translation industry reunites with ex-boyfriend Xia Yicheng. Eight years ago, she broke up with him for the sake of fulfilling her mother's wish for her to become a professional interpreter for the United Nations. Eight years later, Lin Xi has become the youngest chief interpreter at Huasheng while her ex Xiao Yicheng has become the chief technology officer of a communications company, which also makes him her potential client. In order to land a contract with Xiao Yicheng, Lin Xi has no choice but to keep dealing with him. She helps his company go public and even though it seems that Xiao Yicheng is out to get revenge on Lin Xi, he actually doesn't have the heart to be mean to her. Work rekindles their passionate relationship and Xiao Yicheng gradually comes to understand that reason she broke up with him. Together, they work hard to realize their dream of "speaking for the country".


Can This Love Be Translated?

Can This Love Be Translated? 1970


A romance drama about a woman who works as an interpreter and a man who speaks an entirely different love language from her own. Due to their polar-opposite approaches to talking about love, the two of them repeatedly misunderstand one another and get frustrated as their intentions get lost in translation.