Ključna riječ Social Elite
Škola strave 2018
Ogromna rupa iz koje izlazi čisti užas? Ovaj tinejdžer iz obitelji iz srednje klase nije izabrao najbolju godinu za upis u elitni internat.
Mjesto pod suncem 1951
George Eastman (M. Clift) mladi je provincijalac koji dolazi u grad u nadi da će kod rođaka, bogatog industrijalca, pronaći posao. Ovaj ga zaposli u svojoj tvornici, te George, iako usamljen i povučen, stupi u vezu sa skromnom djevojkom Alice (S. Winters), također tvorničkom radnicom. George upozna lijepu i zavodljivu Angelu (E. Taylor), kćer poslodavca, kojoj se sviđa. Sada je George u velikoj nevolji, jer ne želi Alice priznati da se viđa s neusporedivo bogatijom i uglednijom djevojkom, a ne želi izgubiti ni Angelu. Frustriran i ogorčen što vodi dvostruki privatni život, George sve više laže. Bilo bi idealno kad Alice uopće ne bi postojala...
Monster Party 2018
Strange Heroes 2009
Passionate reporters working for a third-rate newspaper fight against corruption and inequality.
Boys Over Flowers: Season 2 2018
The setting of the drama takes place 10 years after the F4 graduated from Eitoku Academy. Edogawa Oto is the daughter of a former company president. Her life completely changed after their family business went bankrupt. Her fiance is Hase Tenma, the popular student council president of the rival school. With declining enrollment due to a recession and the rise of a rival school, Eitoku Academy is now ruled by the Correct5 whose leader is Kakuragi Haruto. The group seeks out, then runs out, any students whose families haven’t made appropriate donations to the school. When Haruto and Oto discover each other’s secrets — that Haruto buys self-help items to get stronger, and that Oto is poor and works at a convenience store – they promise to keep each other’s secret.