Ključna riječ Bomb Shelter
Cesta 2009
U post-apokaliptičnom svijetu bez sunca, uništenom nepoznatom katastrofom, ljudi preživljavaju izuzetno teško, ugroženi ljudožderima i prirodnim nepogodama. To je ekstremno negostoljubiv svijet bez životinja i usjeva, a malobrojni preživjeli bore se i protiv hladnoće i gladi. Među onima koji se svakodnevno bore za opstanak su i grubi Otac (V. Mortensen) i njegov 10-godišnji Sin (K. Smit-McPhee), koji se žele domoći toplijih južnih krajeva u kojima je život navodno bolji i lakši. Kao jedino oružje za obranu od svih opasnosti koje im prijete posjeduju samo pištolj, a da nevolja bude veća obojica su opterećeni samoubojstvom supruge i majke (C. Theron). Tijekom dugog i iscrpljujućeg putovanja dvojac će privremeni zaklon pronaći u podzemnom skloništu, upoznati izgladnjelog i gotovo sasvim slijepog starog Elija (R. Duvall) te doživjeti mnoštvo sukoba i smrtnih opasnosti.
Hope and Glory 1987
Летят журавли 1957
When the Wind Blows 1986
Matinee 1993
Cry 'Havoc' 1943
Ladybug Ladybug 1963
بمب؛ یک عاشقانه 2018
Guld 2018
El refugio del miedo 1974
The Dawnsayer 2020
Scared 2012
Insiders Project 2016
Cold War bomb shelters, secret vaults and underground railway tunnels, abandoned factories and the highest rooftops become the objects of infiltration. Our team takes you along on their urban adventure to uncover the secrets of the hard to access locations. Urban exploration is a hobby that comes with inherent dangers and extreme situations may present themselves at any turn. Unstable structures, unsafe floors, chemical hazards, stray voltage - there’s a lot to overcome to make it to the bottom of that abandoned tunnel or to scale that building! Yet once you get in on the secret workings of the city and get to know the obscure spaces that are normally neglected, it makes it all worth it. It’s time to stop being oblivious to the urban wonders around us. Open a door, cross a fence, or sneak into a hole with our team and you have left the normal world, you are exploring. This is your city, but not as you know it!