Balerina i Viktor

Balerina i Viktor 2016


Felicie, jedanaestogodišnja djevojčica bez roditelja, ima jednu strast: plesanje. Njezin najveći san je da postane balerina Pariške Opere Garnier. Kako bi ostvarila svoj san, Felicie i njezin najbolji prijatelj Victor smisle genijalan plan kako bi pobjegli iz sirotišta i otišli u Pariz. Budući da je spreman učiniti sve kako bi postala balerina, Felicie će uzeti identitet svoje suparnice Camille kako bi je primili u baletnu školu. S mentoricom Odette i Victorom na svojoj strani, Felicie će se morati truditi dvostruko više kako bi ostvarila svoj najveći san.


Velika pustolovina

Velika pustolovina 1966


Godina je 1941. i Francuska je pod njemačkom okupacijom. Iznad Pariza oboren je britanski bombarder, a posada - Reginald (Terry-Thomas), Peter Cunningham (Claudio Brook) i Alan Macintosh (Mike Marshall) se uspije spasiti skokom iz zrakoplova. Soboslikar Augustin Bouvet (Bouvet) i dirigent Stanislas Lefort (Louis De Funès) sakrivaju Britance te se nađu usred njemačke potrage koju predvodi bojnik Achbach (Benno Sterzenbach).


Noć u operi

Noć u operi 1935


Braća Marx pokušavaju pomoći dvoje ljubavnika unoseći kaos u Operu. Groucho nastoji voditi operu, Harpo je nezadovoljni tenor, a Chico samoproglašeni menadžer nepoznatog, talentiranog pjevača u usponu (Allan Jones). Ovaj je pak zaljubljen u kolegicu, pjevačicu Rosu (Kitty Charlisle) no njihovu vezu sprječava tenor.


Hannah i njezine sestre

Hannah i njezine sestre 1986


Obitelj ostarjelih zabavljača okuplja se svake godine na američki državni blagdan Dan zahvalnosti. To je prigoda da se učine rezimei njihovih isprepletenih života i sudbina, a i da se razviju novi odnosi. I tako Hannah (M. Farrow), bivša supruga hipohondra Mickeya (W. Allen), ne sluti da će se na taj dan njezin novi suprug Elliot (M. Caine) zaljubiti u njezinu sestru, bivšu alkoholičarku Lee (B. Hershey), i da sestra Holly (D. Wiest) nema većih šansi u svojim glumačkim aspiracijama. Istodobno, Hannin bivši muž Mickey ulazi u najkritičniju fazu svoje hipohondrije. No, ovaj put je možda doista bolestan...



Aria 1987



Fantom u operi

Fantom u operi 1925


Groteskno unakaženi skladatelj poznat kao "Fantom" progoni parišku opernu kuću, gdje potajno dotjeruje Christine Daae za opernu divu. Namamivši je u svoju podzemnu jazbinu, Fantom izjavljuje svoju ljubav. No, Christine voli Raoula de Chagnyja i planira pobjeći s njim. Kad Fantom to sazna, otima Christine.


This is Opera

This is Opera 2015


An exploration of opera in unconventional ways attempting to attract not just existing opera fans, but also those less familiar with the art form. The host guides the viewer to the places of origin of each opera, and explores the culture, history—and modern and current trends and how they apply to opera.


The Sound and the Syllable

The Sound and the Syllable 2024


Sarah is a young autistic woman with an extraordinary ability for lyrical singing. She begins taking lessons with renowned soprano Leonor Delise, but there is tension in the relationship. Sarah will learn to turn her silences into emotions; Leonor will have to restore her faith in humanity and reconcile with her daughter. Music will be the bond that transforms their lives.


The Phantom of the Opera

The Phantom of the Opera 1990


The Phantom of the Opera is a 1990 NBC two-part drama television miniseries. It is adapted from Arthur Kopit's book for his then-unproduced stage musical Phantom, which is based loosely on Gaston Leroux's novel.


The House

The House 1996


A behind-the-scenes look at the Royal Opera House.


The Genius of Mozart

The Genius of Mozart 2004


Looks at Mozart's extraordinary short life and revolutionary music through a distinctive mix of costume drama and documentary.


Lucy Worsley's Nights at the Opera

Lucy Worsley's Nights at the Opera 2017


For centuries in western culture, opera has been the greatest show on earth. Historian Lucy Worsley explores how history and opera go hand in hand. She visits the great European cities where some of the most famous operas were written, tells the stories of the colourful characters who composed them, and shows how they reflected the turbulent times they were composed in and the lives, hopes and fears of the people who lived in them. Whilst Lucy visits the cities and European opera houses, Antonio Pappano, music director of London's Royal Opera, helps us understand some of those operas' greatest musical moments.