Specijalni izvještaj

Specijalni izvještaj 2002


Washington DC, godina 2054. Policija koristi psihičku tehnologiju za uhićenje i progon ubojica prije nego što počine zločin. Budućnost je predvidljiva i krivce uhvati elitna jedinica Precrime prije nego što mogu počiniti zločin. Dokazi se temelje na "Pre-Cogs", tri psihička bića čija vizije o ubojstvima nikada nisu propala.



Zamjena 2008


Jednog jutra 1928. u radničkom predgrađu Los Angelesa Christine odlazi na posao i pozdravlja sina. Kada se vrati kući, njenog sina nema. Potraga za njim traje godinama i Christine napokon dobiva informaciju da će joj sin biti vraćen. No, Christine umjesto sreće zbog povratka djeteta doživi šok, jer vraćeno dijete nije njeno. Suočena s korumpiranom policijom i skeptičnom javnošću Christine očajnički traži odgovore. Napokon dolazi do istine koja će ju zauvijek promijeniti.


Summer of Rockets

Summer of Rockets 2019


Samuel, a Russian-born Jewish inventor who specialises in the development of hearing aids, is tasked with a secret mission by MI5 to use his technological expertise to contribute to western Cold War efforts. Following the tensions of the space race and the first hydrogen bomb test, Samuel's efforts factor in to the emergence of the modern world.


The X-Dormitory

The X-Dormitory 2014


Xiong Ge starts a new life following the disappearance of her sons and ex-husband. She opens a hostel called The X-Dormitory, in which she treats her tenants like her family. When Room 206 mysteriously appears out of no where and out walks her ex-husband, she gets a terrible feeling in her gut that something bad is about to happen.



Feedback 2023


A rock star with memory issues due to his alcoholism goes on a wild search to find his missing son.


Nel nome del male

Nel nome del male 2009


The seemingly perfect life of a small-town family is shattered when their teenage son disappears after becoming involved with a satanic cult.