Katastrofa Challengera

Katastrofa Challengera 2013


Kad je svemirski šatl Challenger eksplodirao 1986., bio je to najšokantniji događaj u povijesti američkih svemirskih letova. Smrt sedam astronauta, uključujući i prvu učiteljicu u svemiru Christu McAuliffe, uživo su na televiziji pratili milijuni gledatelja. Ali ono što je bilo još šokantnije je to što se uzrok katastrofe možda nikada neće otkriti. Challenger je priča o tome kako je Richard Feynman, jedan od najpoznatijih američkih znanstvenika, pomogao otkriti uzrok tragedije koja je zaprepastila Ameriku.


Challenger: The Final Flight

Challenger: The Final Flight 2020


Engineers, officials and the crew members' families provide their perspective on the 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger disaster and its aftermath.



Challenger 1970


Challenger is an ABC TV-movie based on the events surrounding the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. Its production was somewhat controversial as the families of the astronauts generally objected to it. The film concentrates on the safety inspections and arguments surrounding the O-rings that ultimately were blamed for the breakup of Challenger. While doing this, it also aims to show the personal humanity of the seven crew members. Generally, the film supports the Space Shuttle program and the dedication of NASA personnel in general while criticizing NASA management.