
Spaceman 2024


Šest mjeseci nakon odlaska na solo misiju usamljeni astronaut suoči se s problemima u svojem braku uz pomoć tajanstvena bića koje otkrije na brodu.


The Real Right Stuff

The Real Right Stuff 2020


Priča o prvim američkim astronautima, o programu Merkur 7, ispričana putem arhivskih vijesti i radijskih izvještaja, novoprenesenih i prethodno nečuvenih NASA-inih audio zapisa, te još rijetkih i do sada neviđenih materijala.


Priča o Saturnu V

Priča o Saturnu V 2014


Godine 1961. nitko nije vjerovao obećanju predsjednika Kennedyja da će do kraja desetljeća staviti čovjeka na Mjesec. Kako bi pobijedile u utrci u svemir, SAD je trebao stvoriti svemirski program vrijedan više milijardi dolara. Koristeći zadivljujuće NASA-ine snimke, ovaj inspirativni film priča je o kolosalnim izazovima s kojima se NASA suočila kako bi ispunila Kennedyjevo obećanje. Sa priznanjem da je 24 čovjeka sigurno odletio na Mjesec, Saturn V se smatra jednim od najvećih tehnoloških dostignuća čovječanstva. Ovo je priča o najsnažnijem stroju ikad napravljenom, muškarcima i ženama koji su vjerovali da može letjeti.


The Entire History of the Universe

The Entire History of the Universe 2021


The Entire History of the Universe (or History of the Universe) is a YouTube channel with a simple, if ambitious aim: to tell the story of how our universe began, grew, and will grow for trillions of years to come. Started by David Kelly, the joint creator behind History of the Earth and Voices of the Past (with his brother Pete Kelly, creator of History Time and the other “History Brother”), History of the Universe is based out of Spain. But David is English. Inspired by Cosmos and BBC´s long running Horizon series, our aim is to convey how wild our universe is on the largest and smallest scales, in a way that is understandable to anyone.


Life from Space

Life from Space 2021


In this two-part series, we take a look at the monumental discoveries underway, specifically surrounding black holes and meteorites. Black holes have been revealed as one of the foundations for the basic conditions of life. Through black holes, life is possible in an infinite number of places in space. We also follow how meteorites brought the basic substances of life to our planet, allowing for its creation. The films describe the latest findings concerning cosmic events in relation to the origin of life, providing a grandiose perspective of what makes life possible.