Ključna riječ Anniversary
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Jednom i zauvijek 2023
Kada se dogodi tragedija, neočekivana mlada junakinja zauzme mjesto u Power Rangersima koje joj pripada kako bi pomogla timu suočiti se s najstarijom neprijateljicom.
45 godina 2015
Charlotte Rampling i Tom Courteney glume Kate i Geoffa, bračni par koji se priprema za proslavu 45. godišnjice braka. Međutim, Geoff saznaje da je njegova bivša djevojka Katja, nestala prije 50 godina u švicarskim Alpama, pronađena mrtva i zamrznuta. Kate je znala za nju, ali tek sada saznaje da su bili zaručeni. Postaje nesigurna i ljubomorna, a njihov naoko skladan brak počinje se raspadati.
百獣戦隊ガオレンジャーVSスーパー戦隊 2001
Just the Way You Are 2015
Town & Country 2001
Keeper 2025
The Infinite Man 2014
Love's Last Resort 2017
Superman 75 2013
Witchouse 1999
Ultraman Mebius 2006
Ultraman Mebius is a Japanese television series produced by Tsuburaya Productions and Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting. It is the 17th TV series and 40th anniversary production in the Ultra Series, which first began in 1966. It premiered on the Tokyo Broadcasting System on April 8, 2006. Unlike the two prior entries, Ultraman Nexus and Ultraman Max, Mebius was moved from Saturday mornings to Saturday evenings at 05:30. "Mebius" is the Japanese approximation of Möbius; the Möbius strip is a recurring motif in the series and the show going to air in Korea in April 2012. The series opens with the introduction of the rookie Ultraman Mebius, who is sent to Earth by the Father of Ultra. The series is set 40 years after the shows of Ultraman, and makes many references from Ultra Q through to Ultraman 80.