Svjetski rat Z

Svjetski rat Z 2013


Jednog običnog dana Gerry Lane i njegova obitelj našli su se usred velikog prometnog zastoja. Bivši UN-ov istražitelj, Lane je predosjetio da se ne radi o običnoj gužvi. Policijski helikopteri letjeli su nebom, motori divljali po cestama, a u gradu je naglo zavladao kaos. Zbog nečega su ljudi počeli divlje napadati jedni druge – zbog ubojitog virusa koji se širi putem jednog jedinog ugriza i pretvara zdrave pojedince u nešto neprepoznatljivo i životinjsko. Susjed napada susjeda, stranac koji vam je htio pomoći odjednom postaje opasni neprijatelj. Ne zna se kako se pojavio virus i broj zaraženih naglo raste svaki dan. Svijetom je zavladala pandemija. Zaraženi su porazili svjetske vojske i srušili njihove vlade. Lane je primoran vratiti se svojem opasnom prijašnjem životu kako bi osigurao sigurnost svoje obitelji, te povesti očajnu potragu po cijelom svijetu za izvorom epidemije i nečime što je može zaustaviti.


Čudesni Spider-Man

Čudesni Spider-Man 2012


Nakon što je Petera Parkera ugrizao genetski modificirani pauk, on dobiva nove paukolike moći i kreće spašavati grad od spletki tajanstvenog gmazovskog neprijatelja.


Ja sam legenda

Ja sam legenda 2007


Neobjašnjivo imun, Robert je jedini preživjeli čovjek u onome što je ostalo od New Yorka, a možda i svijeta. Dok kao zadnja nada za ljudsku vrstu svim silama pokušava poništiti učinke virusa pomoću vlastite imune krvi, na njega vrebaju mutirane žrtve pošasti.


Planet majmuna: Revolucija

Planet majmuna: Revolucija 2014


Skupina ljudi koja je preživjela katastrofalni virus prije deset godina sada je prijetnja genetski modificiranim majmunima koje predvodi Cezar. Postignuti mir između ove dvije vrste neće se dugo održati. Ljudi i majmuni nalaze se na rubu rata koji će odrediti dominantnu vrstu na planeti Zemlji….


Planet majmuna: Rat

Planet majmuna: Rat 2017


Cezar i njegovi majmuni prisiljeni su na smrtonosni sukob s vojskom ljudi koju vodi okrutni Pukovnik. Nakon što majmuni dožive teške gubitke, Cezar se hrva sa svojim mračnijim instinktima i kreće u vlastitu mitsku potragu za osvetom.


28 dana kasnije

28 dana kasnije 2002


Nakon što aktivisti za prava životinja iz londonskog laboratorija za istraživanje primata oslobode nekoliko majmuna na kojima se testira nepoznati virus, Velikom Britanijom se vrlo brzo proširi smrtonosna zaraza koja ljude smjesta pretvara u tjelesno deformirane i krvoločne zombije. Četiri tjedna kasnije cijela zemlja je poharana, a među rijetkim preživjelim i nezaraženim ljudima je i mladi Jim (C. Murphy), gradski dostavljač koji se probudi iz kome uzrokovane prometnom nesrećom. Shvativši da se nalazi u posve opustjeloj bolnici, te postupno otkrivajući razmjere apokalipse, Jim lutajući podjednako zastrašujuće pustim gradom naiđe na odvažnu Selenu (N. Harris) i njezinog prijatelja Marka (N. Huntley), s kojima odluči pobjeći iz grada. No to je lakše reći nego učiniti, jer zaraženi ljudi vrebaju na svakom uglu, a u gradu nema električne energije ni bilo kakvih organiziranih oblika života.


Labirint: Kroz spaljenu zemlju

Labirint: Kroz spaljenu zemlju 2015


Novo poglavlje napetog znanstveno-fantastičnog akcijskog trilera prikazuje nam Thomasa i Gladere kako se suočavaju sa najvećim izazovom do sada, tražeći tragove o misterioznoj i moćnoj organizaciji znanoj kao WCKD. Njihovo putovanje vodi ih u Scorch, opustošen kraj prepun nezamislivih prepreka. Udružujući se sa Otporom, Gladeri se sukobljavaju sa WCKD-ovim daleko superiornijim silama kako bi otkrili njihove nezamislivo strašne planove.



Skriveni 2015


Ray, Claire i njihova sedmogodišnja kći Zoe već 301 dan žive u svojem skloništu nakon što su izbjegli katastrofu koja je sve promijenila. Svoje su podzemno sklonište pretvorili u dom, no svejedno se nadaju da će jednom vratiti svoj stari život. Tristo dana uspjeli su izbjegavati opasnost koja vreba s površine, no tome je došao kraj - njihovo sigurno utočište više nije toliko sigurno i nepoznata opasnost dolazi po njih.


Planet majmuna: Postanak

Planet majmuna: Postanak 2011


U biotehnološkoj kompaniji Gen-Sys, znanstvenik Will Rodman (James Franco) testira virusnu drogu na čimpanzama kako bi pronašao lijek protiv Alzheimerove bolesti. Droga čimpanzi značajno povećava inteligenciju, ona pomahnita, pobjegne iz kaveza te je naposljetku ubijena. Willov šef Steven Jacobs (David Oyelowo) prekida projekt te naređuje Robertu Franklinu (Tyler Labine) da eutanazira čimpanze. Nakon što učini ono što mu je naređeno, shvati da je čimpanza kojoj je ubrizgana droga nedavno dobila mladunca, što objašnjava njeno ponašanje. Will spašava čimpanzu i odnosi je svom ocu Charlesu koji boluje od Alzheimeorove bolesti. Mala čimpanza nazvana Caesar (Andy Serkis) naslijedila je majčinu inteligencije te Will nastavlja istraživanje od kuće.


Dvanaest majmuna

Dvanaest majmuna 1995


2035. godine osuđeni James Cole nevoljko se dobrovoljno vratio u prošlost kako bi otkrio podrijetlo smrtonosnog virusa koji je izbrisao gotovo cijelo stanovništvo zemlje i prisilio preživjele u podzemne zajednice. Ali kad Colea pogrešno pošalju u 1990. umjesto u 1996., uhićen je i zatvoren u mentalnu bolnicu. Tamo upoznaje psihijatra dr. Kathryn Railly i pacijenta Jeffreyja Goinesa, sina poznatog stručnjaka za viruse, koji možda drži ključ misteriozne nevaljale skupine, Armije 12 majmuna, za koju se smatra da je odgovorna za oslobađanje od ubojite bolesti.



Carter 2022


Probudivši se bez sjećanja, muškarac mora slušati tajanstveni glas iz uređaja u svojem uhu i krene na misiju spašavanja talaca prepunu opasnosti.



Invazija 2007


Nešto užasno je stiglo na Zemlju, nešto što napada dok spavamo i pretvara nas u bezosjećajne kopije ljudskih bića. Sat ubrzano otkucava dok psihijatrica Carol Bennell (Nicole Kidman) i njen kolega Ben Driscoll (Daniel Craig) kreću na jezivo putovanje u svijet iz najgore noćne more, u kojem, kako bi preživjeli, moraju ostati budni pod svaku cijenu!


28 tjedana poslije

28 tjedana poslije 2007


Nedaleko Londona, Don (Robert Carlyle) se sa svojom ženom Alice (Catherine McCormack) i nekolicinom preživjelih skriva na farmi. Kada ljudi zaraženi smrtonosnim virusom provale u kuću, Don se uspaniči te u bijegu zaboravi na suprugu koja ostane zarobljena u kući. Dvadeset i osam tjedana nakon pojave virusa koji je izbrisao gotovo čitavu populaciju Velike Britanije, London se čini siguran pa uz pomoć američke vojske preživjeli stanovnici polako naseljavaju grad. Tammy (Imogen Poots) i njen mlađi brat Andy vraćaju se iz Španjolske kako bi nastavili živjeti u Londonu zajedno s ocem Donom. Majka Alice im nedostaje pa se odluče vratiti na farmu kako bi uzeli stare slike i osobne stvari koje su morali ostaviti za sobom. Međutim, majku pronalaze živu.



#Živ 2020


Dok grozan virus divlja gradom, usamljeni muškarac ostaje zaključan u svom stanu, digitalno odsječen od traženja pomoći i očajan tražeći izlaz.


Spy Kids: Armagedon

Spy Kids: Armagedon 2023


Kada programer videoigara oslobodi moćan računalni virus, djeca dvoje tajnih agenata moraju zajednički spasiti svoje roditelje... i čitav svijet.



Događaj 2008


Elliot Moore (Mark Wahlberg), učitelj je koji se zajedno sa svojom ženom, Almom (Zooey Deschanel) nalazi u bijegu od zastrašujućih događaja koji se dešavaju diljem svijeta. Naime, biljke su počele ispušatati neurotoksin koji nakon što se udahane natjera žrtvu na samoubojstvo. Ovaj mladi par dat će sve od sebe kako bi preživjeli svijet koji se nalazi sve bliže potpunom uništenju.



Kimi 2022


Tijekom pandemije COVID-19 u Seattleu, Angela Childs, agorafob i tehničar, radi za tvrtku koja je stvorila popularnog glasovnog asistenta KIMI. Analizirajući jednu audio dadoteku čuje svađu dvoje ljudi koja je, kako vjeruje Childs, završila ubojstvom. Djevojka odlučuje pronaći krivca, ali njezini poslodavci se opiru tome da se obavijesti nadležne institucije, te shvaća da će sama morati odgonetnuti što se točno dogodilo, a radi toga će morati učiniti ono čega se najviše boji.


All of Us Are Dead

All of Us Are Dead 2022


A high school becomes ground zero for a zombie virus outbreak. Trapped students must fight their way out — or turn into one of the rabid infected.


Sweet Tooth

Sweet Tooth 2021


On a perilous adventure across a post-apocalyptic world, a lovable boy who's half-human and half-deer searches for a new beginning with a gruff protector.


Z Nation

Z Nation 2014


Three years after the zombie virus has gutted the country, a team of everyday heroes must transport the only known survivor of the plague from New York to California, where the last functioning viral lab waits for his blood.


The Last Ship

The Last Ship 2014


Their mission is simple: Find a cure. Stop the virus. Save the world. When a global pandemic wipes out eighty percent of the planet's population, the crew of a lone naval destroyer must find a way to pull humanity from the brink of extinction.


The Strain

The Strain 2014


A high concept thriller that tells the story of Dr. Ephraim Goodweather, the head of the Center for Disease Control Canary Team in New York City. He and his team are called upon to investigate a mysterious viral outbreak with hallmarks of an ancient and evil strain of vampirism. As the strain spreads, Eph, his team, and an assembly of everyday New Yorkers, wage war for the fate of humanity itself.



Happiness 2021


A new type of deadly virus spread throughout the city, and the apartment where has different social classes of people is sealed off. With the fear of the virus, and the conflicts of the different classes, the residents have to spend and survive in the new habitation.


World's End Harem

World's End Harem 2022


The Man-Killer Virus: a lethal disease that has eradicated 99.9% of the world's male population. Mizuhara Reito has been in cryogenic sleep for the past five years, leaving behind Tachibana Erisa, the girl of his dreams. When Reito awakens from the deep freeze, he emerges into a sex-crazed new world where he himself is the planet's most precious resource. Reito and four other male studs are given lives of luxury and one simple mission: repopulate the world by impregnating as many women as possible! All Reito wants, however, is to find his beloved Erisa who went missing three years ago. Can Reito resist temptation and find his one true love?


Resident Evil

Resident Evil 2022


Nearly three decades after the discovery of the T-virus, an outbreak reveals the Umbrella Corporation's dark secrets. Based on the horror franchise.


The Stand

The Stand 2020


In a world mostly wiped out by the plague and embroiled in an elemental struggle between good and evil, the fate of mankind rests on the frail shoulders of the 108-year-old Mother Abagail and a handful of survivors. Their worst nightmares are embodied in a man with a lethal smile and unspeakable powers: Randall Flagg, the Dark Man.


High School of the Dead

High School of the Dead 2010


One morning, the high school student Takashi Komuro enjoys the silence at school when he's suddenly interrupted by strange noises and a shaky-legged person who tries to enter the school grounds. Subsequently, several teachers come to the school gate to shoo the person away. All of a sudden, a teacher is bitten by the person and within seconds the school campus becomes a place of violence, blood, death and undead zombies. Takashi, shocked by the scenery, runs for his life to save his schoolmates and childhood love, Rei Miyamoto. The struggle for survival has just begun…


The Rain

The Rain 2018


After a brutal virus wipes out most of the population, two young siblings embark on a perilous search for safety. A Scandinavian thriller series.


The Tribe

The Tribe 1999


The Tribe is a New Zealand/British post-apocalyptic fictional TV series primarily aimed at teenagers. It is set in a near-future in which all adults have been wiped out by a deadly virus, leaving the children of the world to fend for themselves. The show's focus is on an unnamed city inhabited by tribes of children and teenagers. It was primarily filmed in and around Wellington, New Zealand. The series was created by Raymond Thompson and Harry Duffin and was developed and produced by the Cloud 9 Screen Entertainment Group in conjunction with the UK's Channel 5. It has aired on over 40 broadcast networks around the world.


The Stand

The Stand 1994


After a deadly plague kills most of the world’s population, the remaining survivors split into two groups - one led by a benevolent elder and the other by a maleficent being - to face each other in a final battle between good and evil.


Coronavirus, Explained

Coronavirus, Explained 2020


In 2020, the world changed. This topical series examines the coronavirus pandemic, the efforts to combat it and ways to manage its mental health toll.



Zomvivor 1970


As an unknown virus spreads throughout the city, transforming the population into zombies, a group of students take refuge in a school to defend themselves against the outside threat. Their escape becomes a race against time to leave without being contaminated.



ReGenesis 2004


ReGenesis is a Canadian television program produced by The Movie Network and Movie Central in conjunction with Shaftesbury Films. The series, which ran for four seasons, revolves around the scientists of NorBAC, a fictional organization with a lab based in Toronto. The organization investigates problems of a scientific nature, such as bio-terrorism, mysterious diseases or radical changes in environment throughout Canada, the United States, and Mexico. NorBAC is headed by David Sandström, the chief scientist and molecular biologist. Through this character the show often addresses topical social, political and ethical issues related to the science at hand. The series was originally seen on The Movie Network and Movie Central with rebroadcasts on Global and Showcase in Canada. Internationally it can be seen on FX in the United Kingdom, The Science Channel, Halogen TV and in syndication and CW Plus in the United States, and FX Latin America in Mexico; as well as numerous broadcasters in Europe and Asia. International distribution is handled by Oasis International. As of April 2012 the show can also be seen on



Between 2015


Between is the story of a town under siege from a mysterious disease that has wiped out everybody except those 21 years old and under. The series explores the power vacuum that results when a government has quarantined a 10-mile diameter area and left the inhabitants to fend for themselves.



Jeremiah 2002


Jeremiah is an American television series starring Luke Perry and Malcolm-Jamal Warner that ran on the Showtime network from 2002 to 2004. The series takes place in a post-apocalyptic future where most of the adult population has been wiped out by a deadly virus.



Helix 2014


Helix is an intense thriller about a team of scientists from the Centers for Disease Control who travel to a high-tech research facility in the Arctic to investigate a possible disease outbreak, only to find themselves pulled into a terrifying life-and-death struggle that holds the key to mankind's salvation...or total annihilation.


Arctic Circle

Arctic Circle 2018


During a routine search of an old cabin in the remote and wintery back country, Finnish policewoman, Nina Kautsalo, discovers two dead prostitutes, with a third still fighting for her life. The ensuing investigation takes a surprise twist when an extremely rare and deadly virus is discovered in the surviving woman’s bloodwork. When the Finnish Bureau of Investigation takes over the case, German virologist, Thomas Lorenz is called in to assist in identifying and containing the virus. Set within the endless white expanse of the arctic circle, Nina and Thomas must rely on each other to have any hope of saving the ones they love. But what takes precedence? A deadly virus or an active serial killer?