Vrtlog života

Vrtlog života 1999


Zabavno, uznemirujuće i iznenađujuće korača u predgrađansku Ameriku kroz živote Lester i Carolyn, para više srednje klase čiji se brak - a čiji se životi - polako odvijaju. Carolyn mrzi svog muža, kćer ga prezire, a šef će ga otpustiti. Tako Lester odluči promijeniti neke stvari u svom životu; kako postaje slobodniji, postaje sretniji, što ženu i kćer ljuti.


Mlada srca

Mlada srca 2024


Četrnaestogodišnji Elias odrasta u skladnoj obitelji s ocem, majkom i starijim bratom. Vrijeme provodi družeći se s prijateljima, a posebno blizak odnos ima s djedom Fredom i prijateljicom Valerie. Kad se u njegovo susjedstvo doseli Aleksander koji školsku godinu započinje u njegovu razredu, u Eliasu se bude osjećaji kakve dosad nije iskusio. Zbunjen onime što mu se događa, pokušava pronaći izlaz. Hoće li povrijediti obitelj i prijatelje prihvati li svoje osjećaje? Smije li ih prihvatiti?


Chuck, sada možete poljubiti Larryja

Chuck, sada možete poljubiti Larryja 2007


Chuck Levine (Adam Sandler) i Larry Valentine (Kevin James) dugogodišnji su prijatelji i kolege vatrogasci. Larry, udovac koji još uvijek nije prebolio smrt supruge Paule, ima problema u prebacivanju police osiguranja sa ženinog imena na njihovu djecu. Brine se za budućnost svojih klinaca ukoliko se njemu nešto dogodi na poslu, ali ne želi napustiti svoj posao jer penziju također vidi kao ulaganje u budućnost. Kada Larry spasi Chucku život na jednom zadatku, Chuck mu duguje veliki uslugu, na koju je Larry sada spreman pozvati se. Naime, ako njih dvojica postanu homoseksualni partneri pred zakonom, Larryjevi klinici će dobiti toliko željeno osiguranje.


Najsretnije doba godine

Najsretnije doba godine 2020


Prvi susret s obitelji vaše djevojke može biti težak. Planirati prošnju na godišnjoj božićnoj večeri njezine obitelji – sve dok ne shvatite da oni i ne znaju da je lezbijka – još je teže. Kad Abby (Kristen Stewart) sazna da je Harper (Mackenzie Davis) tajila njihovu vezu od svoje obitelji, počne sumnjati poznaje li uopće svoju djevojku.


Molitve za Bobbyja

Molitve za Bobbyja 2009


Bobby Griffith bio je omiljeni sin svoje majke, savršeni sveamerički dječak koji je odrastao pod duboko religioznim utjecajima u Walnut Creeku u Kaliforniji. Bobby je također bio homoseksualac. Boreći se sa sukobom za koji nitko nije znao, a još manje razumio, Bobby je naposljetku sve rekao obitelji.


Ackley Bridge

Ackley Bridge 2017


A new academy school in a Yorkshire mill town merges the lives and cultures of the largely divided white and Asian community


I Told Sunset About You

I Told Sunset About You 2020


Teh and Oh-aew were best friends until a boyhood line of reasoning turned them into rivals. Years later as they're preparing for university admissions, both pursuing interests in the field of Communication Arts, the two meet in a Chinese language class. Their reunion awakens complicated and unstable feelings.


Out with Dad

Out with Dad 2010


Here we have a look into the life of a teenage girl along with her single father. The two share a close relationship. Rose is coming of age, coming out of the closet, and hoping to avoid having a spotlight put on her life. Her dad, Nathan, is struggling to help. Maybe he’s even pushing her out?



Heartstopper 2022


Teens Charlie and Nick discover their unlikely friendship might be something more as they navigate school and young love in this coming-of-age series.


You Me Her

You Me Her 2016


An unusual, real-world romance involving relatable people, with one catch - there are three of them! You Me Her infuses the sensibilities of a smart, grounded indie rom-com with a distinctive twist: one of the two parties just happens to be a suburban married couple.


Love, Victor

Love, Victor 2020


Victor is a new student at Creekwood High School on his own journey of self-discovery, facing challenges at home, adjusting to a new city, and struggling with his sexual orientation. When it all seems too much, he reaches out to Simon to help him navigate the ups and downs of high school.


Young Royals

Young Royals 2021


Prince Wilhelm adjusts to life at his prestigious new boarding school, Hillerska, but following his heart proves more challenging than anticipated.


His Man

His Man 2022


As South Korea's very first BL dating reality series, His Man brings together a group of eight hot, sexy, free and single gay men to a shared house where they are to live, interact and open up to each other in their quest for "true love." ☆ Say hello to South Korea's first-ever BL reality dating series. ☆ "Real" is the name of the game as eight of Korea's most eligible gay bachelors are put together under one roof for eight straight days as they genuinely seek to find their "one and only".


Bless You

Bless You 2022


To gain the confidence to confess to his crush, Yashiro visits a secluded shrine for 100 days straight. This earns him the attention of the enshrined deity and his chihuahua, Ukon. They are surprised to see him confess to a guy, Yashiro's longtime friend Kenta, only for Kenta to turn him down. Although heartbroken, Yashiro tries to joke around with Kenta, but he accidentally gets killed when a truck runs into him. Due to God's favoritism, Yashiro was reborn as a female student called Tendo Kagura, and lives a new life. However, she soon discovers that the god and Ukon plan to watch over her relationship with Kenta to see how it unfolds. Adapted from a manga "Kami-sama no Ekohiiki " (神様のえこひいき) by Komura Ayumi (小村あゆみ ).


Big Boys

Big Boys 2022


Big Boys is a silly, sweet comedy about two boys from very different ends of the “spectrum of masculinity” who become best mates at Brent Uni Freshers Week 2013.


Transit Girls

Transit Girls 2015


High School student Sayuri is falling in love with Yui, the daughter of her father's fiancee.


This Is Going to Hurt

This Is Going to Hurt 2022


The unvarnished truth of life as a doctor working in obstetrics and gynaecology.


Everything Sucks!

Everything Sucks! 2018


It's 1996 in a town called Boring, Oregon, where high school misfits in the AV and drama clubs brave the ups and downs of teenage emotions in the VHS era.


Heading Out

Heading Out 2013


Sara is a woman approaching middle age who is popular and successful - she's a veterinarian so skilled that she can spay a tortoise using just one hand - but has a chink in her armour: she's afraid to tell her parents that she is a lesbian. So on the eve of her 40th birthday, friends Jamie and Justine give Sara an ultimatum - either tell her parents next time mum and dad visit or they will.


Out of Breath

Out of Breath 2019


Ha Eun's girlfriend breaks up with her because she's scared of people knowing she's a lesbian. After a push from her best friend, Ha Eun meets Min Seo on a dating app. The two of them do all of the things on Ha Eun's list of dates that she never got to do with her ex. After spending time together, will Ha Eun be able to get over her ex and move on?


When a Parrot Knocked on the Window

When a Parrot Knocked on the Window 2024


Denny and Lera were once deeply in love, but time and circumstances tore them apart. Years later, a unexpected phone call brings them face-to-face, rekindling emotions they thought were long buried. As they navigate the complexities of their reunion, new challenges arise, threatening to keep them apart once again. Faced with new obstacles, they must find the strength to overcome the odds and rediscover the happiness they once shared.