Avatar: Put vode

Avatar: Put vode 2022


Otkad je odlučio trajno prenijeti ljudsku svijest u svoje tijelo Avatara i postati novi vođa naroda Na’vi, Jake Sully živi sa svojom obitelji na Pandori. On i Neytiri su osnovali obitelj i dobili djecu. Kolonizirajuće su se snage vratile na Pandoru kako bi završili prvotnu potragu za rijetkim mineralom, prisiljavajući Jakea i Neytiri da pobjegnu iz svog doma, istražujući do tada nepoznate dijelove Pandore gdje će se upoznati s ljudima Metkayine, klanom domorodaca koji žive okruženi morem.


Netko kuca na vrata kolibe

Netko kuca na vrata kolibe 2023


Andrew, Eric i njihova posvojena kćer Wen odlaze na odmor u kolibu u šumi. Idilični obiteljski odmor ne traje dugo jer njihovoj kćeri prilazi nepoznati čovjek i govori joj kako se mora sprijateljiti s njom i njenim očevima te mu se slama srce zbog onoga što mora učiniti. Nakon što on i još troje ljudi provale Andrewu, Ericu i Wen u kolibu, drže ih kao taoce te im govore kako moraju obaviti važan posao, možda i najvažniji u povijesti svijeta. Obitelj mora napraviti izbor, a ako to ne učine, biti će izazvana apokalipsa.



TÁR 2022


Smješten u međunarodni svijet klasične glazbe, film se fokusira na Lydiu Tár, koja se smatra jednom od najvećih živućih skladateljica-dirigenata i prvom ženskom glavnom dirigenticom velikog njemačkog orkestra.


Paranormalno 4

Paranormalno 4 2012


Četvrti nastavak filma „Paranormalna aktivnost“. Ovoga puta, mobilni telefoni i kamere usmereni su ka tinejdžerki Aleks čija je porodica dozvolila dečaku Robiju iz komšiluka da bude kod njih dok mu se mama ne vrati iz bolnice. Ubrzo potom počinju jeziva dešavanja u kući, od kojih su neka usmerena ka Aleksinom mlađem bratu Vajatu. Zvukovi u noći postaju sve jasniji, misterija koja obavija Robijevu porodicu i kuću prekoputa sve je veća i tinejdžerki ne preostaje ništa drugo nego da sama započne istragu.


Home for Summer

Home for Summer 2019


The world is changing and living as a big family is a culture that withered down. These days, it’s even hard to see a nuclear family with so many single people living alone. Living with family brings endless conflicts as much as it brings comfort and a solid shoulder to cry on. Through a young lady named Geum Hui, Home for Summer is a drama about not giving up hope on finding the true meaning of family.



Jessie 2011


An idealistic teen from rural Texas embarks on the adventure of a lifetime when she decides to leave behind starry nights for big city lights. Thrilled to be on her own and determined not to be intimidated by New York City, she accepts a job as nanny for a high-profile couple with four kids. Helping to keep her moral compass in check are Bertram, the family's butler, and Tony, the building's 20-year-old doorman.


Handsome Siblings

Handsome Siblings 2020


Clashing martial arts twins face relentless villains, thorny romance and brotherly rivalry as their troubled pasts catch up to them.


Everybody Say Kungdari

Everybody Say Kungdari 2019


Kungtari is a small village at the border between North and South Koreas. Those that are exhausted, worn out or hurt people come here to find hope. Lee Bo Mi was enjoying her life as a New Yorker until she was deported due to her criminal history. She is forced to settle down in Kungtari when she moves back to Korea. Han Soo Ho is a legend in the New York financial market, but is now retired and making eco-friendly compost in Kungtari. Various stories of people’s lives unravel as they gather in Kungtari, including Bo Mi, who was adopted at a young age and has a secret behind her birth, and Soo Ho, who was once a top notch man in the financial industry, but settled down in Kungtari to save his daughter.


Homemade Love Story

Homemade Love Story 2020


Strangers living together at the Samkwang Villa get to know each other and even fall in love.


The Book of Daniel

The Book of Daniel 2006


Rev. Daniel Webster, an unconventional Episcopalian priest who not only believes in Jesus, but actually sees him and discusses life with him, is challenged on many levels as he struggles to be a good husband, father and minister, while navigating an often rocky relationship with the church hierarchy.


Diff'rent Strokes

Diff'rent Strokes 1978


The series stars Gary Coleman and Todd Bridges as Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African American boys from Harlem who are taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman named Phillip Drummond and his daughter Kimberly, for whom their deceased mother previously worked. During the first season and first half of the second season, Charlotte Rae also starred as the Drummonds' housekeeper, Mrs. Garrett.


Dhia Sofea

Dhia Sofea 2015


After discovering that she was adopted as an infant, a young woman embarks on a perilous quest to connect with her biological mother.