
Gladijator 2000


Rimsko Carstvo, potkraj 2. stoljeća. Car Marko Aurelije pokušava spriječiti prodor barbarskih plemena na sjevernim granicama u čemu mu presudno pomaže hrabri posinak i vojskovođa Maximus. Nakon pobjede u krvavom boju, ostarjeli vladar upravo u Maximusu vidi svog nasljednika, iako ga u Rimu čeka njegov rođeni sin Komod. Doznavši da će ostati bez carske titule, beskrupulozni Komod odluči ubrzati stupanje na prijestolje, te nakon očeve smrti zapovjedi ubojstvo Maximusa i njegove obitelji. Za razliku od obitelji Maximus izbjegne smrt, ali ne i odlazak u roblje pri čemu ga kupuje Proximo koji trenira najbolje gladijatore u Carstvu. Postavši Proximov najslavniji borac u areni, Maximus se zavjetuje da će usred Rima osvetiti smrt svoje neprežaljene obitelji.


Kako izdresirati zmaja

Kako izdresirati zmaja 2010


Glavni lik priče je Viking tinejdžer Štucko, koji živi na otoku Berku, gdje je borba sa zmajevima svakodnevna pojava. Mladićev pametni i promišljeni smisao za humor ne sjeda baš najbolje njegovom plemenu i poglavici… koji je ujedno i njegov otac. Međutim, nakon što Štucko bude uključen u trening zmajeva s ostalim tinejdžerima, on vidi svoju šansu za dokazivanjem. Ali nakon što susretne (i sprijatelji se) s ozlijeđenim zmajem, njegov svijet preokrene se naglavačke i ono što je počelo kao jedina prilika da se Štucko dokaže pretvara se u šansu da cijelo njegovo pleme krene potpuno drugim smjerom, u novu budućnost…



Ratnik 2011


Najmlađi sin alkoholičara i bivšeg boksača se vraća kući, gdje ga otac trenira za natjecanje na turniru mješovitih borilačkih vještina. Put koji je izabrao ovog će ratnika staviti u direktnu konfrontaciju sa starijim bratom.


Pad crnog jastreba

Pad crnog jastreba 2001


Listopada 1993. Elitni američki vojnici poslani su u Mogadishu (Somalija) u mirovnu misiju Ujedinjenih naroda. Cilj je spasiti živote, a ne odsjeći ih. Ali ispada da je glavna svrha misije hvatanje ratnog ratnika Aidida i iskorjenjivanje rata. U početku se čini da sve ide dobro, sve dok dva helikoptera Black Hawka, naizgled nepobjediva, ne budu oborena. Tada se misija pretvara u očajničku utrku za spašavanje posada i kopnenih vojnika koji su bili zarobljeni ili ozlijeđeni u nesreći.


Pancirni metak

Pancirni metak 1987


Pragmatični američki marinac prati dehumanizirajuće učinke američko-vijetnamskog rata na njegove kolege regrute, od brutalne obuke u kampu do krvavih uličnih borbi u Hueu.


Labirint: Lijek smrti

Labirint: Lijek smrti 2018


U posljednjem poglavlju Labirint sage, Thomas vodi svoju odbjeglu skupinu na posljednju i najopasniju misiju. Kako bi spasili svoje prijatelje, morat će ući u legendarni Last City, labirint koji kontrolira WCKD i koji je ujedno i najsmrtonosniji labirint do sad. Onaj tko preživi, dobit će odgovore na pitanja koja ih muče od prvog dolaska u labirint ...


Bitka za Pacifik: Ustanak

Bitka za Pacifik: Ustanak 2018


Zemljinim prirodnim resursima ponovno prijeti potpuno uništenje, a čovječanstvu višemilijunski gubitci. Da bi se suprotstavili neprijateljskim, genetski modificiranim čudovištima Kaiju, ljudi su izumili novu vrstu oružja: gigantske robote nazvane Jaegers. U Prvoj bitci, robote su kontrolirali dvojica pilota međusobno komunicirajući telepatijom, te su slavno izborili pobjedu nad zlom. Dobili su bitku, ali ne i rat. U Ustanku upravljače u svoje ruke preuzimaju djeca proslavljenog Stackera Pentecosta. Buntovni mladi pilot Jake, koji je po smrti svoga oca odbacio obuku i upleo se u zbivanja kriminalnog podzemlja, sada uviđa ozbiljnost situacije i odlučuje se udružiti s otuđenom sestrom, publici već poznatom Makom Mori. Moraju nastaviti herojsku misiju svog pokojnog oca te zajedno u boj povesti hrabru novu generaciju pilota i boraca, odraslih u sjeni rata. Pridružuju im se daroviti pilot Nate Lambert i petnaestogodišnja Jaeger hakerica Amara Namani.


Knjiga iskupljenja

Knjiga iskupljenja 2010


Po bespuću Amerike, opustošene nakon nuklearnog rata, Eli (Denzel Washington) luta već trideset godina noseći sa sobom knjigu, koju čuva vlastitim životom. Kada Eli stigne u gradić koji vodi moćni gangster Carnagie (Gary Oldman), Eli se sukobi s njegovim ljudima koji nisu dorasli njegovim borilačkim sposobnostima. Carnagie je impresioniran Elijem i traži od njega da se priključi njegovoj bandi te zatraži od ljubavnice Claudije (Jennifer Beals) da pošalje svoju kćer Eliju. Carnagie želi Elija još više kad sazna da on posjeduje posljednji primjerak knjige koje se po svaku cijenu želi dočepati.


Trinaesti ratnik

Trinaesti ratnik 1999


Godina 922. Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan (A. Banderas), arapski dvorjanin, zaljubi se u ženu visokog dvorskog časnika i zbog toga ga pošalju u diplomatsku službu daleko na sjeverozapad - u Europu. Na putu susreće skupinu Vikinga koji u svratištu saznaju vijest da njihovo selo Waldon napada kanibalska skupina iz totema medvjeda. Proročica i legenda kažu da samo trinaest ratnika može spasiti udaljeno selo, no trinaesti ratnik ne smije biti sa sjevera. Tako je Ahmed regrutiran u skupinu i kreće na daleki sjever. U bespoštednoj borbi zlo je svladano, a Ahmed napušta sjever, stekavši sjajne prijatelje, čijih se barbarskih običaja na početku putovanja užasavao.


Na zmajevom putu

Na zmajevom putu 1972


Tan Lung (Bruce Lee) stiže u Rim kako bi pomogao svom rođaku voditi restoran. Lokalni gangsteri prisiljavaju Tan Lungovog rođaka da im proda restoran, nemaju namjeru popustiti i spremni su silom ostvariti svoj naum. No kada Tan Lung stigne u grad, omjer snaga se mijenja i koliko god se oni trudili, ne mogu poraziti Tan Lunga. Gangsteri odluče unajmiti najbolje japanske i europske borce, no on ih se s lakoćom rješava. Jedino što je im je preostalo je pozvati američkog borca Colta (Chuck Norris).


Iza neprijateljskih linija

Iza neprijateljskih linija 2001


Poručnik Chris Burnett vrhunski je ratni pilot koji više voli ratne operacije nego pasivno motrenje s nosača aviona smještenoga u Jadranskom moru za vrijeme rata u Bosni. Njegov pretpostavljeni, odlikovani heroj admiral Reigart, smatra ga potencijalnom nevoljom i šalje ga, zajedno s pilotom Stackhouseom, na božićnu izviđačku misiju. Leteći u zabranjenom području iznad Bosne, oni snime nešto što svijet ne bi smio doznati: kretanje srpskih trupa, što je izravno kršenje mirovnog dogovora, i veliku masovnu grobnicu. Srbi sruše njihov avion i Burnett i Stackhouse ostaju zarobljeni iza neprijateljskih linija. Reigart je pod političkim pritiskom, jer su u tijeku mirovni pregovori, pred njim je izbor između karijere i savjesti: spasiti svoje ljude ili zadržati položaj.


Klopka za milijunaša

Klopka za milijunaša 1999


Kad Ah Bu, djevojka iz malog ribarskog gradića na Tajvanu, pronađe staklenu bocu s romantičnom porukom, ona putuje u Hong Kong kako bi našla svog princa. Ispostavilo se da je njezin šarmantni princ, Albert, homoseksualac. Ali sve nije izgubljeno kad Ah Bu sretne drskog Chi Wua. U međuvremenu, Ah Bujin dečko iz Tajvana dolazi u potragu za njom, dok akcija i romansa prate Ah Buu natrag na Tajvan.



Vojničine 1986


Poručnik američkih marinaca, Tom Highway (Clint Eastwood), svojoj je državi služio u brojnim ratovima, a želja mu je vidjeti još malo prave akcije prije mirovine. Međutim, vraćen je u Ameriku kako bi obučavao jedinicu bivših kažnjenika. Upozoren da će zbog svojeg manjka poštovanja prema nadređenima biti pod posebnim povećalom, Highway će pokušati promijeniti svoje metode, ali će mu opušteni stav njegovih regruta pokazati kako je on doista čovjek iz nekih drugih vremena, koristan jedino u slučaju rata. Upravo kada pomisli kako je vrijeme da se oprosti sa svime, dolazi do rata u kojem će se njegovo iskustvo pokazati dragocjenim pri spašavanju života mladih vojnika.



Legionar 1998


Alain Lefèvre, talentirani boksač, upetljan je u gangsterske poslove u Marseillesu. Kako bi izbjegao osvetu, pridružuje se Francuskoj stranoj legiji i odlazi u sjevernu Afriku. U legiji se suočava s brutalnom obukom, opasnim misijama i stalnom prijetnjom od bivših neprijatelja. Dok se bori za preživljavanje u surovom okruženju, Alain mora se suočiti sa svojom prošlošću i pronaći iskupljenje.


Solo Leveling

Solo Leveling 2024


They say whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but that’s not the case for the world’s weakest hunter Sung Jinwoo. After being brutally slaughtered by monsters in a high-ranking dungeon, Jinwoo came back with the System, a program only he could see, that’s leveling him up in every way. Now, he’s inspired to discover the secrets behind his powers and the dungeon that spawned them.





In the magic realm, magic is everything—everyone can use it, and one’s social status is determined by their skill level. Deep in the forest, oblivious to the ways of the world, lives Mash. Thanks to his daily training, he’s become a fitness god, but he harbors a secret that could turn his life upside down—he can’t use magic! When he’s found out, rather than his life being over, he’s unexpectedly enrolled in magic school, where he must beat the competition!


Shuriken Sentai Ninninger

Shuriken Sentai Ninninger 2015


The evil warlord Gengetsu Kibaoni was defeated 444 years ago by the Last Ninja, the head of the Igasaki Family. In 2015, the Kibaoni Army starts rebuilding their empire and use fear harvested from humans to revive him. Five members of the Igasaki family must use their Nintality to transform into the Ninningers and fight to prevent the revival of Gengetsu Kibaoni.


Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z 1989


The adventures of Earth's martial arts defender, Son Goku, continue with a new family and the revelation of his alien origins. Now Goku and his allies must defend the planet from an onslaught of new extraterrestrial enemies.


Digimon Adventure:

Digimon Adventure: 2020


It's the year 2020. The Network has become something humans can no longer do without in their daily lives. But what humans don't know is that on the other side of the Network is the Digital World, a realm of light and darkness. Nor are they aware of the Digimon who live there. Fifth grader Taichi Yagami's mother and little sister Hikari went to Shibuya, and now they're aboard a runaway train. Taichi hurries to Shibuya to save his mother and sister, but the instant he heads toward the station platform... a strange phenomenon befalls the DigiDestined, and Taichi goes to the Digital World!


Frieren: Beyond Journey's End

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End 2023


After the party of heroes defeated the Demon King, they restored peace to the land and returned to lives of solitude. Generations pass, and the elven mage Frieren comes face to face with humanity’s mortality. She takes on a new apprentice and promises to fulfill old friends’ dying wishes. Can an elven mind make peace with the nature of life and death? Frieren embarks on her quest to find out.


Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles

Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles 2021


His past life and current life are intersecting--a boy with memories of two lives faces his destiny! After his mother was killed at an early age, the orphaned Rio fought his hardest to survive in the slums. One day, he awakens to the memories of Haruto Amakwa, who died in an accident while dreaming of being reunited with his childhood friend, and Rio realizing he has reincarnated in a world of swords and sorcery.


Cagaster of an Insect Cage

Cagaster of an Insect Cage 2020


At the end of the 21st century, a rare disease called “Cagaster” broke out, turning humans into huge insects. Two-thirds of the earth‘s population was devoured by these insects before humanity made a decision: they must exterminate the infected people. In the year 2125 – thirty years after the discovery of Cagaster – at the edge of the desert close to the “cage” of the insects, a young pest exterminator named Kidou finds a man close to death due to the wounds by insects. The man entrusts his daughter Ilie to Kidou and asks him to search for the girl‘s mother…


Chainsaw Man

Chainsaw Man 2022


Denji has a simple dream—to live a happy and peaceful life, spending time with a girl he likes. This is a far cry from reality, however, as Denji is forced by the yakuza into killing devils in order to pay off his crushing debts. Using his pet devil Pochita as a weapon, he is ready to do anything for a bit of cash.


Hell's Paradise

Hell's Paradise 2023


Gabimaru reigns as the strongest and most ruthless assassin in his village. But now finds himself on death row—with only one way out: retrieve the Elixir of Life from a sinister island. Longing for freedom, he accepts the challenge. But with fellow convicts vying for the same prize and demonic beasts lurking, how will Gabimaru survive this harrowing quest?


Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers 2001


Drawn from interviews with survivors of Easy Company, as well as their journals and letters, Band of Brothers chronicles the experiences of these men from paratrooper training in Georgia through the end of the war. As an elite rifle company parachuting into Normandy early on D-Day morning, participants in the Battle of the Bulge, and witness to the horrors of war, the men of Easy knew extraordinary bravery and extraordinary fear - and became the stuff of legend. Based on Stephen E. Ambrose's acclaimed book of the same name.


Record of Ragnarok

Record of Ragnarok 2021


Before eradicating humankind from the world, the gods give them one last chance to prove themselves worthy of survival. Let the Ragnarok battles begin.


Fox Spirit Matchmaker

Fox Spirit Matchmaker 2017


In a world where Spirits and Humans coexist and can fall in love with each other, the Spirits’s life expectancy being far superior to the Human’s one can only see their loved one dying before them. Even when that human is reborn, the previous memories of his past life is erased from his memory. However, it is said among Spirits that a certain “service” is spreading. This“service” is provided by the “Fox Spirit Matchmakers” who can revive the lost memories of their former lover. When the Spirits lose their lover, they can purchase the “service” of the “Fox Spirit Matchmakers” so that they could attempt to regain their former lover memories and start over a new love story. This story follows a young Fox Spirit Matchmaker who tries her best to restore lost memories and spread love.


Dragon Ball Z Kai

Dragon Ball Z Kai 2009


Rejoin Goku and his friends in a series of cosmic battles! Toei has redubbed, recut, and cleaned up the animation of the original 1989 animated series. The show's story arc has been refined to better follow the comic book series on which it is based. The show also features a new opening and ending. In the series, martial artist Goku, and his various friends, battle increasingly powerful enemies to defend the world against evil. Can Earth's defender defeat demons, aliens, and other villains?



RWBY 2013


The future-fantasy world of Remnant is filled with ravenous monsters, treacherous terrain, and more villains than you can shake a sniper-scythe at. Fortunately, Beacon Academy is training Huntsmen and Huntresses to battle the evils of the world, and Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang are ready for their first day of class.


Absolute Duo

Absolute Duo 2015


This is the story of Tooru Kokonoe who has enrolled at Kouryou Academy, a school which trains students in wielding Blaze, soul powered weapons to prepare them for the Dorn Agency's special peacekeeping corps. When Tooru is partnered with a mysterious girl: Julie Sigtuna, he finds he has to overcome many hurdles to ensure their teamwork and fighting skills are up to par for the duration of their training.



Gleipnir 2020


Shuichi Kagaya is an ordinary high school kid in a boring little town. But when a beautiful classmate is caught in a warehouse fire, he discovers a mysterious power: he can transform into a furry dog with an oversized revolver and a zipper down his back. He saves the girl’s life, sharing his secret with her. But she’s searching for the sister who killed her family, and she doesn’t care how degrading it gets: she will use Shuichi to accomplish her mission…


Sweet Combat

Sweet Combat 2018


As the eldest daughter of the Fang Conglomerate, Fang Yu was raised to become the sole successor of the company, yet she goes against her family's objections to pursue boxing and won the championship title at the young age of 18. On the other hand, Ming Tian comes from a poor family. He once stopped schooling for three years in order to work and he decided to apply for a sports scholarship despite not having any background whatsoever. Fang Yu was one of the first to see his talents and their relationship grows over time.



86 EIGHTY-SIX 2021


Called “Juggernaut,” these are the unmanned combat drones developed by the Republic of San Magnolia in answer to the attacks by the autonomous unmanned drones of the neighboring Empire of Giad, the “Legion”. But they’re only unmanned in name. In reality, they are piloted by the Eighty-sixers—those considered to be less than human and treated as mere tools. Determined to achieve his own mysterious ends, Shin, the captain of Spearhead Squadron, which is comprised of Eighty-sixers, continues to fight a hopeless war on a battlefield where only death awaits him.