Indiana Jones: Otimači izgubljenog kovčega

Indiana Jones: Otimači izgubljenog kovčega 1981


Glasovitog arheologa i stručnjaka za okultno dr. Indianu Jones angažirala je američka vlada da pronađe Zavjetni kovčeg za koji se vjeruje da i dalje sadrži Deset Božjih zapovijedi. Nažalost, neprijateljski agenti također žele pronaći kovčeg kako bi zagospodarili svijetom, a Indy i njegova stara ljubav Marion prisiljeni su upustiti se u uzbudljivu pustolovinu, od mračnih džungli Južne Amerike do užurbanih tržnica Kaira kako bi se prvi domogli kovčega i spasili svijet.


Indiana Jones i ukleti hram

Indiana Jones i ukleti hram 1984


Vrijeme radnje je 1935. godina. Profesor, arheolog i legendarni junak poznat kao Indiana Jones ponovno se vraća u akciju u svojoj najnovijoj pustolovini. Ovaj put se udružuje s pjevačicom u noćnom klubu Wilhelminom "Willie" Scott i 12-godišnjim dječakom po imenu Short Round. Završe u malom siromašnom indijskom selu, čiji seljani vjeruju da je zao duh odveo svu njihovu djecu nakon što je ukraden sveti dragi kamen. Također otkrivaju strah i trepet koji okružuje hram pun zamki poznat kao Ukleti hram! Thuggeeji se ponovno pokušavaju uzdići vjerujući da će uz pomoć moći svih pet kamena Sankara vladati svijetom! Sada sve ovisi o Indiani, koji mora zaustaviti Thugeeje, spasiti izgubljenu djecu, osvojiti djevojku te osvojiti Ukleti hram.


Indiana Jones i kraljevstvo kristalne lubanje

Indiana Jones i kraljevstvo kristalne lubanje 2008


Tijekom Hladnoga rata sovjetski agenti motre profesora Jonesa kad mu mladi čovjek donese kodiranu poruku od ostarjelog i poludjelog kolege Henryja Oxleyja. Vođeni sjajnom Irinom Spalko, Sovjeti prate Jonesa i mladića Mutta u Peru. Uz pomoć Oxleyjeve poruke pronalaze legendarnu lubanju napravljenu od jednoga komada kvarca. Ako Jones uspije donijeti lubanju na pravo mjesto, sve će biti dobro, ali ako je Irina vrati na izvorište, dobit će moći koje bi mogle ugroziti Zapad.


Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 2001


Temeljen na popularnoj videoigri, film prati pustolovine Lare Croft (Angelina Jolie) koja putuje na egzotične lokacije u potrazi za blagom i artefaktima u katakombama drevnih grobnica i ruševinama drevnih carstava.


Lov na zeleni dijamant

Lov na zeleni dijamant 1984


Joan Wilder (K. Turner) autorica je popularnih ljubavnih romana čije junakinje proživljavaju sve ono što ona ne uspijeva u vlastitom životu - istinsko uzbuđenje i pravu ljubav. Međutim, stvari će se promijeniti nakon što Joaninu sestru Elaine (M. E. Trainor) u Kolumbiji otme zlikovac Ira (Z. Norman) tražeći za njezin život zemljovid s ucrtanim blagom.


U mraku katakombe

U mraku katakombe 2014


Tisuće i tisuće kilometara katakombi protežu se ispod pariških ulica. Kada skupina arheologa naiđe na nepoznate kosti, slučajno će otkriti tajnu Grada mrtvih. Putovanje kroz mrak katakombe odvest će ih u najskrivenije kutke ljudskoga uma…


Nacionalno blago: Knjiga tajni

Nacionalno blago: Knjiga tajni 2007


Lovac na blago, Benjamin Franklin Gates istražuje ubojstvo Abrahama Lincolna pokušavajući razotkriti tajnu koja se nalazi na 18 stranica koje nedostaju iz dnevnika ubojice, Johna Wilkesa Bootha.


Dragulj s Nila

Dragulj s Nila 1985


Joan Wilder (K. Turner) i Jack Colton (M. Douglas) uživaju na svojoj jahti nakon pustolovine sa zelenim dijamantom. Joan pokušava napisati pustolovni roman, ali je u spisateljskoj krizi. Egipatski vlastodržac Omar tad joj ponudi da napiše njegovu biografiju, kako bi pobila negativne napise američkih medija. Joan pristane, a Jack time nije nimalo zadovoljan. Kad se nađe u Egiptu, Joan shvati da su sve glasine o državnikovoj okrutnosti bile istinite i da je postala njegova zatočenica. Jack i Ralph (D. DeVito) pohrle joj u pomoć.


Allan Quatermain i Zlatni grad

Allan Quatermain i Zlatni grad 1986


Nakon što njegov brat nestaje bez traga u Africi dok je tragao za legendarnim "bijelim plemenom", Allan Quatemain (Richard Chamberlain) odlučuje krenuti u potragu za njim. Ubrzo otkriva izgubljeni Zlatni grad, kojim vlada zli lord Agon, a u čijim rudnicima rade bijeli robovi. Da li je i njegov brat završio kao roblje? Ovaj film je nastavak filma Blago kralja Solomona.


Blago kralja Solomona

Blago kralja Solomona 1985


Kad Jessie Houston (S. Stone) unajmi poznatog pustolova Allana Quatermaina (R. Chamberlain) da joj pomogne osloboditi njezinoga oca, profesora i znanstvenika arheologa iz ruku opasnih zlikovaca i ne sluti u kakve će brojne pustolovine zajedno upasti. Oca, naime, drže Turčin Dogati (J. Rhys-Davies) i njemački pukovnik Bockner (H. Lom) koji od njega traže da ih uz pomoć tajanstvenoga pisma uklesanog na drevnoj figurici odvede do prebogatih rudnika biblijskoga kralja Solomona. Na svom zadatku Jessie i Allan idu iz jedne opasnosti u drugu: jedno ih domorodačko pleme želi baciti krokodilima, pleme ljudoždera s njima ima vlastite planove.


Sakkara: Tajne grada mrtvih

Sakkara: Tajne grada mrtvih 2020


Nakon iskapanja grobnice koja je 4400 godina ležala netaknuta, egipatski arheolozi pokušavaju dešifrirati njezinu nevjerojatnu povijest.


Tajne ratnika od terakote

Tajne ratnika od terakote 2024


Grobnicu prvog kineskog cara čuvale su tisuće ratnika od terakote. Ovo je priča o njima ispričana pomoću arheoloških dokaza i rekonstrukcija događaja.


Time Team

Time Team 1994


Time Team is a British television series which has been aired on British Channel 4 from 1994. Created by television producer Tim Taylor and presented by actor Tony Robinson, each episode featured a team of specialists carrying out an archaeological dig over a period of three days, with Robinson explaining the process in layman's terms. This team of specialists changed throughout the series' run, although has consistently included professional archaeologists such as Mick Aston, Carenza Lewis, Francis Pryor and Phil Harding. The sites excavated over the show's run have ranged in date from the Palaeolithic right through to the Second World War.


Relic Hunter

Relic Hunter 1999


Sydney Fox is a professor and globe-trotting "relic hunter" who looks for ancient artifacts to return to museums and/or the descendants of the original owner. She is aided by her linguistic assistant Nigel and occasionally by her somewhat air-headed secretary Claudia. She often ends up battling rival hunters seeking out artifacts for the money.


Sacred Sites

Sacred Sites 2016


This docuseries uses scientific breakthroughs and archaeological research to bring new perspectives to some of the most remarkable, but mysterious, religious locations. Each episode focuses on a site, exploring fundamental questions about the landmarks and the people who constructed them. Exploring the sites allows the show to provide insight into the ancient civilizations and how their practices and struggles are reflected in the shrines and temples they constructed.


The Protector

The Protector 2018


The epic adventure of Hakan, a young shopkeeper whose modern world gets turned upside down when he learns he’s connected to a secret, ancient order, tasked with protecting Istanbul.


The Gift

The Gift 2019


A painter in Istanbul embarks on a personal journey as she unearths universal secrets about an Anatolian archaeological site and its link to her past.



Unearthed 2016


Unearthed decodes mysteries and combines scientific investigations with CGI animation to reveal the hidden secrets of iconic structures and monuments from around the globe to discover how they were designed, built, used, and in some cases, lost and rediscovered.


Secrets of the Castle

Secrets of the Castle 2014


How do you build a medieval castle from scratch? Domestic historian Ruth Goodman and archeologists Peter Ginn and Tom Pinfold make perhaps their most ambitious foray into the past as they head to France to take part in a build that has been underway since 1997. Our intrepid history adventurers join this magnificent construction at Guédelon Castle to recreate authentic medieval castle living from within its rising walls.


Ancient Apocalypse

Ancient Apocalypse 2022


Journalist Graham Hancock travels the globe hunting for evidence of mysterious, lost civilizations dating back to the last Ice Age.


Bible Secrets Revealed

Bible Secrets Revealed 2013


It is said to be one of the oldest books in the world. Has it been altered? If yes why? A remarkable journey back in time to see what the Old Testament and the New Testament is hiding from us.


King Solomon's Mines

King Solomon's Mines 2004


Renowned safari hunter Allan Quatermain is lured back into the unknown recesses of the African jungles to find a man who disappeared while searching for the fabled King Solomon's Mines--a destination of legendary riches from which no soul has ever returned alive.


The Celts: Blood, Iron and Sacrifice

The Celts: Blood, Iron and Sacrifice 2015


Three-part documentary series in which anthropologist professor Alice Roberts and archaeologist Neil Oliver go in search of the Celts - one of the world's most mysterious ancient civilisations.


The Rise and Fall of the Maya

The Rise and Fall of the Maya 2023


Despite decades of research, many mysteries remain about the ancient Maya. Now, archaeologists are unearthing new clues that transform long held ideas about how these people came to dominate vast areas of Mexico and Central America. Through immense lost monuments, ancient inscriptions and new forensic evidence, this series tracks the Maya from their earliest origins all the way to the present day, unlocking the dark secrets of the rise and fall of the Maya.


The Ancient Dogoo Girl

The Ancient Dogoo Girl 2009


The Ancient Dogoo Girl is a Japanese comedy tokusatsu series directed by Noboru Iguchi, director of The Machine Girl and RoboGeisha. The show airs on MBS every Wednesday night at 25:25 JST. The ending theme is Denki Groove's "Dareda!". In October 2010, Dogoo Girl premiered its sequel The Ancient Dogoo Girls. The show adds five more Dogoo Girls portrayed by Misaki Momose, Rina Takeda, Manami Nomoto, Maria Yoshikawa, and Haruka Dan. The theme song for the sequel is "Bakuha Seyo! Dogoon V".


Secrets of the Lost Ark

Secrets of the Lost Ark 2021


For centuries, explorers have searched for the Bible’s most sacred religious artefacts. One of the most mysterious of these objects is the famed Ark of the Covenant. The gold-plated wooden chest – one of the most instrumental symbols of faith and God's presence – was believed to house the two tablets bearing the Ten Commandments. The Ark’s exact whereabouts has long puzzled scholars. Where did it go? And why has it remained such a mystery?


Neanderthals - Meet Your Ancestors

Neanderthals - Meet Your Ancestors 2018


According to recent science the Neanderthals are not the knuckle-dragging apemen of popular imagination. In fact they are our distant ancestors. About 2% of the DNA of most people is of Neanderthal origin—and it continues to affect us today. Ella Al-Shamahi enlists the skills of Andy Serkis, the master of performance capture, and a group of experts to investigate Neanderthals.


Voyage of the Continents

Voyage of the Continents 2012


This extraordinary series is a sweeping account of the rise of Earth’s continents. They are the product of a grand waltz of plate tectonics and the continual evolution of Earth’s crust. As landmasses assemble and separate, they fuel volcanoes and spark earthquakes, building mountains and tearing valleys. We see the Earth, eons in the making, through the eyes of geologists and other scientists.


The Bible Unearthed

The Bible Unearthed 2005


The Bible is both a religious and historical work, but how much is myth and how much is history?