Scott Pilgrim protiv svijeta

Scott Pilgrim protiv svijeta 2010


Upoznajte šarmantnog i nezaposlenog Scotta Pilgrima, 22-godišnjeg bas gitaristu garažnog benda Seks Bomb-Omb, koji je upravo upoznao djevojku iz svojih snova - i to doslovno. Dok se Scott približava Ramoni, mora se suočiti s galerijom opakih likova iz njene prošlosti, od plamtećih skateboardera do veganskih rock zvijezda. Osvojiti svoju pravu ljubav moći će tek ako ih sve uništi - prije kraja igre.


Nestao u noći

Nestao u noći 2022


Po dolasku u zabačenu kolibu u sekvoji, Kath i njezin dečko zatiču tajanstveni mlađi par koji je već tamo — najam je očito duplo rezerviran. Odluče dijeliti kabinu s tim strancima do sljedećeg jutra, ali njezin dečko nestaje s mladom ženom. Kath postaje opsjednuta traženjem objašnjenja za njihov iznenadni prekid — ali istina je mnogo čudnija nego što je mogla zamisliti.



Wüm 2023



No Tomorrow

No Tomorrow 2016


When a risk-averse, straight-arrowed, female procurement manager at an Amazon-like distribution center falls in love with a free-spirited man who lives life to the fullest because he believes the apocalypse is imminent, they embark on a quest together to fulfill their individual bucket lists, with comedic and poignant results.



DAFUQ? 2016


Just when you thought the trend of smug, hipster-halfwits attempting to try their hand at investigative online journalism couldn't get worse, along comes the DAFUQ? team.


Hipster Tour - Australia

Hipster Tour - Australia 2023


Travel with Christy Leung to Western Australia and Queensland, and enjoy breathtaking ocean views. Overcome her fears and go skydiving. Discover the desert on a 4-wheeler and explore the mysterious stone formations. Take on the jungle with ropes courses and get close to wildlife, including koalas, kangaroos, and quokkas. Indulge in fresh seafood and beer, and enjoy a picnic in the great outdoors.