Patke selice 2023
Nakon što obitelj pataka selica sleti na svoje jezerce s uzbudljivim pričama o dalekim mjestima, obitelj Mallard kreće na obiteljsko putovanje od Nove Engleske do New Yorka do tropske Jamajke.
Nakon što obitelj pataka selica sleti na svoje jezerce s uzbudljivim pričama o dalekim mjestima, obitelj Mallard kreće na obiteljsko putovanje od Nove Engleske do New Yorka do tropske Jamajke.
U ovoj animiranoj komediji susrećemo se s likom simpatičnog gusana po imenu Peng. Peng je umišljen, svojevoljni neženja, kojeg ne zanima tradicija njegove vrste, ni obiteljske vrijednosti, a djeca su mu toliko odbojna da čak odbija predvoditi jato mlađih naraštaja u skoroj selidbi na jug. Voli svoju slobodu i živi u trenutku, bez brige i pameti. Uvjeren da o svemu zna najbolje te da je u svemu bolji od drugih, vrijeme provodi odvajajući se od jata i izvodeći lude akrobacije u letu. Prilikom jedna takve vratolomije, Peng se zanese, doživljava nezgodu te pada u jato pačića. Pritom nehotice razdvaja brata i sestru, 16 dana stare Chao i Chi, od ostalih njihove vrste. Ozlijeđenog krila, zaglavio je na tlu i u toplije krajeve mora pješice. Kao da to nije bilo dovoljno, na taj put sada mora s patkama. On, gusan, s patkama! Štoviše, djecom patkama! Vidno nezadovoljan razvojem situacije, ni ne sluti da se upušta u avanturu života. Krilo mu je već slomljeno, a moglo bi biti i srce.
In the near future a new phenomenon starts happening all over the world with powerful flashes of light occurring in the ocean and people from the past mysteriously reappearing. Called "beforeigners," these people come from three separate time periods: the Stone Age, the Viking era and late 19th century. A couple of years later, Alfhildr – who comes from the Viking Age – has to partner up with a burned-out police officer, Lars Haaland, to investigate the murder of a beforeigner. The pair begins to unravel a larger conspiracy behind the origin of the mysterious mass arrivals.
There are seven billion humans on Earth, spread across the whole planet. Scientific evidence suggests that most of us can trace our origins to one tiny group of people who left Africa around 70,000 years ago. In this five-part series, Dr Alice Roberts follows the archaeological and genetic footprints of our ancient ancestors to find out how their journeys transformed our species into the humans we are today, and how Homo Sapiens came to dominate the planet.
After winning the lottery, the Habib family move into Sydney's richest suburb to live the Australian dream, but their poshy next door neighbours are not all to happy about it.
The story of the international refugee crisis, depicting a world where greed, violence and exploitation compete with hopes and dreams amid a constant fight for survival.
A young bat and his friends struggle to find his colony and free it from an ancient and unjust punishment.
Follow three groups of animals – caribou, zebra, and elephants – as they face the immense challenges of migration in places around the world.
Four men with dubious plans move to a farm in the countryside. More or less against their will, they end up as the founders of Norway's first halal dairy farm.
Intimate story of love and sacrifice of an Andalusian immigrant lady in Catalonia from the 60's
Explores the transformative impact of Black migration on American culture and society. From the waves of Black Americans to the North—and back South—over the last century to the growing number of immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean today, movement is a defining feature of the Black experience.
The previously untold history of Britain's mixed-race community and the many love stories that created it.
What drives people to start a new life thousands of kilometers from their homeland? Some follow their dreams, others came out of necessity. They have one thing in common: they all leave their homeland. What does that do to a person? Various immigrants tell their stories.