Društvena mreža

Društvena mreža 2010


Jedne noći 2003. harvardski student i genij kompjuterskog programiranja Mark Zuckerberg sjeda za kompjuter i počinje raditi na novoj ideji. Šest godina i 500.000.000 prijatelja poslije, on je najmlađi milijarder u povijesti… Svako doba ima svoje vizionare čiji genij mijenja svijet, ali to se rijetko događa bez borbe oko toga što se točno dogodilo i tko je sve prisustvovao stvaralačkom trenutku.


Društvena dilema

Društvena dilema 2020


Ovaj hibrid dokumentarno-dramskog filma istražuje opasan utjecaj društvenih mreža na ljude, a tehnološki stručnjaci oglašavaju uzbunu za vlastite kreacije.


Belle: Zmaj i pjegava princeza

Belle: Zmaj i pjegava princeza 2021


Suzu je sramežljiva srednjoškolka koja živi u ruralnom selu. Godinama je samo sjena same sebe. Ali kada uđe u "U", masivni virtualni svijet, bježi u svoju online personu kao Belle, svjetski poznata pjevačica. Jednog dana njezin koncert prekida monstruozno stvorenje koje proganjaju osvetnici. Kako njihov lov eskalira, Suzu kreće u emocionalnu i epsku potragu kako bi otkrila identitet tajanstvene "zvijeri" i otkrila njezino pravo ja u svijetu u kojem možete biti bilo tko.



Andy 2017



The Circle

The Circle 2020


Status and strategy collide in this social experiment and competition show where online players flirt, befriend and catfish their way toward $100,000.



Betas 2013


In Silicon Valley, the right algorithm can make you a king. And these four friends think they've finally cracked the code.



SHUT UP 2023


A crime suspense drama that follows four female college students who live in the same dormitory. After discovering one of their friends has fallen unexpectedly pregnant, and that the man who impregnated her is treating her badly, they hatch a plan to steal 1 million yen out of revenge.


Fantasy Girlfriend

Fantasy Girlfriend 2015


28-year-old Keisuke has never had a girlfriend but posts about life with his fantasy girlfriend, Haru, on social networks. Then one day, his “ideal girl” Haru appears and she somehow behaves in the way that he fantasises. Keisuke gradually experiences a taste of romance. But is this situation imaginary? Or a reality?



Dopamine 2019


Are you spending hours of your day swiping left and right on Tinder? It’s normal as the app was created to be addictive by activating dopamine in your brain with every swipe drawing you in further.


Marriage Hunting

Marriage Hunting 2013


Drama about a group of people who desperately want to get married and to find the other half go to various parties. The main character, Hasumi Rika is professionally fulfilled woman of about forty, which, however, still lives at home with her mother.


Niall Ferguson's NetWorld

Niall Ferguson's NetWorld 2020


In this groundbreaking new series hosted by Niall Ferguson and based on his bestselling book The Square and the Tower, Ferguson visits network theorists, social scientists and data analysts to explore the history of social networks. From the Reformation and 17th century witch-hunting, through the American Revolution and to the nightmare visions of Orwell’s 1984, Ferguson explores the intersection of social media, technology and the spread of cultural movements. Reviewing classic experiments and cutting-edge research, Ferguson demonstrates how human behavior, disruptive technology and profit can energize ideas and communication, ultimately changing the world.