Uboga stvorenja

Uboga stvorenja 2023


Priča o mladoj ženi koju je vratio u život briljantni i neortodoksni znanstvenik dr. Godwin Baxter. Pod Baxterovom zaštitom, Bella je željna učenja. Gladna svjetovnosti koja joj nedostaje, Bella odlučuje istražiti svijet i bježi s Duncanom Wedderburnom, uglađenim i razvratnim odvjetnikom, u vrtložnu avanturu po kontinentima. Slobodna od predrasuda svog vremena, Bella ostaje postojana u svojoj namjeri i zalaže se za jednakost i seksualno oslobođenje.


Čudesni Spider Man 2

Čudesni Spider Man 2 2014


Super je biti Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield). Za Petera Parkera ne postoji bolji osjećaj od onoga kada se njiše između nebodera, kada ga svi prihvaćaju kao junaka i kada vrijeme provodi s Gwen (Emma Stone). Ali biti Spider-Man nije nimalo lak zadatak... jer samo Spider-Man može zaštiti svoje sugrađane od užasavajućih neprijatelja koji prijete gradu. S dolaskom Electra (Jamie Foxx), Peter će se morati suočiti sa zlotvorom puno moćnijim od njega samog. A kada se u grad vrati i njegov stari prijatelj Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan), Peter će shvatiti da sve njegove neprijatelje povezuje jedna stvar: korporacija OsCorp.


Čudesni Spider-Man

Čudesni Spider-Man 2012


Nakon što je Petera Parkera ugrizao genetski modificirani pauk, on dobiva nove paukolike moći i kreće spašavati grad od spletki tajanstvenog gmazovskog neprijatelja.



Logan 2017


Loganovi pokušaji da se povuče od svijeta i svojih dužnosti uništeni su kad se pojavi tajanstvena žena s molbom da na sigurno odvede jednu posebnu djevojčicu...


Nindža kornjače

Nindža kornjače 2014


Kad se New York nađe u nevolji, četvorica braće ratnika koja vole pizzu moraju ga spasiti. Uz pomoć odlučne novinarke April O’Neil i mudrog majstora Splintera, ovi se nevjerojatni junaci suočavaju sa svojim najvećim neprijateljem, zlim Shredderom.


Idioti budućnosti

Idioti budućnosti 2006


Ne baš bistri momak Joe zamrznut je i probudi se 2505. te otkrije kako je sada najpametniji čovjek na Zemlji. Nije mu se povećao IQ, nego je ostatak svijeta oglupio. Sada Joe mora vratiti evoluciju ljudske vrste na pravi put.



Akira 1988


Tajni vojni projekt ugrožava Neo-Tokio kada člana motorističke bande pretvori u razularenog psihičkog psihopata kojeg samo dva tinejdžera i skupina vidovnjaka mogu zaustaviti.


Alien: Savez

Alien: Savez 2017


Posada broda Covenant, na putu je prema drugoj strani galaktike, gdje otkrivaju ono za što misle da je nepoznati raj, ali je to zapravo mračan i opasan svijet. Međutim, kada otkriju mračnu tajnu koju skriva nepoznati svijet, morat će isplanirati put za bijeg.



Robocop 1987


U nedalekoj budućnosti Detroit je postao grad kriminala. Jedna multinacionalna tvrtka ima ugovor s gradskom upravom o nadzoru rada policije. U toj je tvrtki odjel koji smišlja i izrađuje strojeve za borbu protiv kriminala. Najprije konstruiraju jednu vrstu radio-dirigiranog tenka bez vozača no taj zbog pogreške ubija i nevine ljude. Mladi i poduzetni Morton želio bi konstruirati policajca-robota koji će se boriti s kriminalcima. Prilika mu se pruži kad najboljeg policajca Murphyja ubiju zločinci. Upotrijebivši dijelove Murphyjeva tijela, Morton predvodi konstrukciju Robocopa, robotske varijante Murphyja. Morton se nada da će time poniziti i Jonesa koji je naručio onaj neuspjeli stroj za ubijanje. Robocop, vođen Mortonovim zapovijedima, savršeno funkcionira u borbi s kriminalcima. I premda su u njegovom "mozgu" izbrisane sve Murphyjeve svjesne uspomene, u njegovoj podsvijesti još postoji informacija da ga je ubio Clarence - kriminalac s jakim vezama u tvrtki koja nadzire policiju.


Prazni čovjek

Prazni čovjek 2020


Nakon što grupa tinejdžera iz malog gradića na američkom Srednjem zapadu počne misteriozno nestajati, mještani vjeruju da je to djelo urbane legende poznate kao Prazni čovjek. Dok umirovljeni policajac istražuje i pokušava naći smisao u tim pričama, otkriva tajnu skupinu i njihov pokušaj da prizovu stravično, mistično biće. Uskoro će njegov život, ali i životi onih koji su mu bliski, biti u velikoj opasnosti.



Val 2008


U tijeku tjedna projekta, srednjoškolski profesor Reiner Wenger smisli pokus kojim bi učenicima objasnio kako djeluje totalitarizam. I krene igranje uloga s tragičnim rezultatima. U nekoliko dana, ono što je krenulo s disciplinom i zajedništvom postaje pravi pokret: VAL.


Mladi Frankenstein

Mladi Frankenstein 1974


Mladi neurokirurg, dr. Frankenstein (Gene Wilder), naslijedio je dvorac od svog djeda, poznatog i slavnog dr. Victora von Frankensteina. Legenda o poznatom pretku prati ga od malena i on se svoga prezimena srami. Odlazi u djedov dvorac, gdje nalazi smješnog grbavca po imenu Igor (Marty Feldman), lijepu asistenticu u labaratoriju, Ingu (Teri Garr) i staru čangrizavu domaćicu, frau Blucher (Cloris Leachman). Mladi Frankenstein smatra da je istraživački rad njegovog djeda obična besmislica, ali kada nađe knjigu koju je ostavio ludi doktor i u kojoj je potanko opisan eksperiment oživljavanja mrtvih, mijenja svoje mišljenje. Sve izmiče kontroli kada u čudovište usadi mozak luđaka.


It's Not Rocket Science!

It's Not Rocket Science! 1993


C'est pas sorcier is a French educational television program that originally aired from November 5, 1994 to present.


Stranger Things

Stranger Things 2016


When a young boy vanishes, a small town uncovers a mystery involving secret experiments, terrifying supernatural forces, and one strange little girl.



Génial! 2010


Two teams composed of a known personality and a contestant chosen from the public battle to guess the outcomes of astonishing scientific experiments.



MythBusters 2003


MythBusters is a science entertainment television program created and produced by Australia's Beyond Television Productions for the Discovery Channel. The show's hosts, special effects experts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, use elements of the scientific method to test the validity of rumors, myths, movie scenes, adages, Internet videos, and news stories.


Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast 2012


Detective Catherine Chandler is a smart, no-nonsense homicide detective. When she was a teenager, she witnessed the murder of her mother at the hands of two gunmen and herself was saved by someone – or something. Years have passed and while investigating a murder, Catherine discovers a clue that leads her to Vincent Keller, who was reportedly killed in 2002. Catherine learns that Vincent is actually still alive and that it was he who saved her many years before. For mysterious reasons that have forced him to live outside of traditional society, Vincent has been in hiding for the past 10 years to guard his secret – when he is enraged, he becomes a terrifying beast, unable to control his super-strength and heightened senses.


Married at First Sight

Married at First Sight 2014


The cart comes way before the horse in the reality series "Married at First Sight." Based on a hit Danish format, "Married..." features people who agree to participate in an extreme experiment: Each covenants legal marriage with a complete stranger. Specialists -- including a spiritualist, a relationship coach and a sociologist -- use scientific matchmaking methods to determine each couple, who will not have met or had contact with each other until the wedding day. The series then documents the relationships, including honeymoons and other relatable events of married life. After several weeks, each couple must decide whether to remain together or go their individual ways.


Orphan Black

Orphan Black 2013


A streetwise hustler is pulled into a compelling conspiracy after witnessing the suicide of a girl who looks just like her.


Clone High

Clone High 2002


A group of high-school teens are the products of government employees' secret experiment. They are the genetic clones of famous historical figures who have been dug up, re-created anew. Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, JFK, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln and more are juxtaposed as teenagers dealing with teen issues in the 20th century.



Oz 1997


The daily lives of prisoners in Emerald City, an experimental unit of the Oswald Maximum Security Prison where ingroups - Muslims, Latinos, Italians, Aryans - stick close to their mutual friends and terrorize their mutual enemies.


60 Days In

60 Days In 2016


An unprecedented look at life behind bars at Indiana's Clark County Jail as seven innocent volunteers are sent to live among its general population for 60 days without officers, fellow inmates, or staff knowing their secret.


Pinky and the Brain

Pinky and the Brain 1995


Pinky and Brain are genetically enhanced laboratory mice who reside in a cage in the Acme Labs research facility. Brain is self-centered and scheming; Pinky is good-natured but feebleminded. In each episode, Brain devises a new plan to take over the world, which ultimately ends in failure, usually due to Pinky's idiocy, the impossibility of Brain's plan, Brain's own arrogance, or just circumstances beyond their control.


Beakman's World

Beakman's World 1992


Beakman's World is an educational children's television show. The program is based on the Universal Press Syndicate syndicated comic strip You Can with Beakman and Jax created by Jok Church. The series premiered September 18, 1992 on The Learning Channel cable network and in national syndication. On September 18, 1993 it moved from national syndication to CBS Saturday morning children’s lineup. At the peak of its popularity, it was seen in nearly 90 countries around the world. The series was canceled in 1998. Reruns returned to national syndication in September 2006, after which it was transferred to local stations such as KICU. The show debuted a year prior to Bill Nye the Science Guy, which covered similar topics. The show's host, Paul Zaloom, still performs as Beakman in live appearances around the globe.


Persons Unknown

Persons Unknown 2010


A group of strangers must come together to solve the puzzle of their lives.


Dead at 21

Dead at 21 1994


Dead at 21 is a television series broadcast by MTV in 1994. The series ran for eleven thirty-minute episodes with a two-part final episode. The series was created by Jon Sherman, and written by Sherman, P.K. Simonds and Manny Coto.


The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch 2020


The investigation of the world’s most mysterious hot spot for UFO and “High Strangeness” phenomena with astrophysicist Dr. Travis Taylor who joins real estate tycoon Brandon Fugal, along with his team of scientists and researchers on Utah’s notorious Skinwalker Ranch. The team utilizes cutting edge technology to investigate the 512-acre property to uncover the possibly “otherworldly” perpetrators behind it all. With everything from mysterious animal deaths to hidden underground workings and possible gateways that open to other dimensions, witness the close encounters that go beyond conventional explanation, as the team risks everything to finally reveal the ultimate secret of Skinwalker Ranch.


Kyle XY

Kyle XY 2006


A suburban family that takes in a mysterious teen naive to the world around him. As Kyle begins to show signs of brilliance, solving the mystery of his origin and potential abilities becomes the family's mission.


Dark Matters: Twisted But True

Dark Matters: Twisted But True 2011


Dark Matters: Twisted But True is a television series featured on the Science Channel. Hosted by actor John Noble of Fringe and Lord of the Rings, the show takes the viewer inside the laboratory to profile strange science and expose some of history's most bizarre experiments. This show uses narration and reenactments to portray the stories in this show. A new season of episodes, under the title Dark Matters: Extra Twisted, premiered on January 23, 2013. The episodes revisit previous stories with "deeper insight and new information."



Proefkonijnen 2011


Proefkonijnen is a Dutch science entertainment television program.