Idioti budućnosti

Idioti budućnosti 2006


Ne baš bistri momak Joe zamrznut je i probudi se 2505. te otkrije kako je sada najpametniji čovjek na Zemlji. Nije mu se povećao IQ, nego je ostatak svijeta oglupio. Sada Joe mora vratiti evoluciju ljudske vrste na pravi put.


Mars napada

Mars napada 1996


'Dolazimo u miru' nije ono što mali zeleni s Marsa misle kad napadnu naš planet, naoružani neodoljivim oružjem i okrutnim smislom za humor. Ova glumačka postava puna holivudskih zvijezdi je žrtva vanzemaljske zabave i igara u ovom komedijskom omažu filmovima znanstvene fantastike 50-ih i 60-ih.



1776 1972



Tabu o homoseksualnosti u američkoj vojsci

Tabu o homoseksualnosti u američkoj vojsci 2011


Dokumentarac pripovijeda uznemirujuću, ali istinitu priču o zabrani homoseksualnosti u američkoj vojsci - od njezine provedbe, kroza strastvene proteste i debate sve do ukinuća zakona "ne pitaj, ne govori" 2011. godine. Napet, uzbudljiv i dirljiv, ovaj film ilustrira burnu evoluciju kontroverzne politike koja je poticala mržnju i netoleranciju u vojsci prisiljavajući homoseksualce i lezbijke da lažu i skrivaju svoju spolnu opredijeljenost.


Commander in Chief

Commander in Chief 2005


Mackenzie Allen has a lot on her plate -- she has twin teenagers, a 6-year-old at home and an ambitious husband at the office, and she is about to become the first female president of the United States. Before that happens, however; Mackenzie, who serves as vice president, has to decide whether or not to go against the dying wishes of the current president, who has asked her to step down and let someone "more appropriate" fill his shoes in the Oval Office. Not only does the president want her to resign, so does the entire party that elected her in the first place. But when the moment of truth arrives, Mackenzie isn't willing to be a mere footnote in history. Instead of allowing her detractors to keep her down, she decides to trust her instincts and accept the most powerful job in the world.


Chief of Staff

Chief of Staff 2019


As a chief of staff in the National Assembly, Jang Tae-jun influences power behind the scenes while pursuing his own ambitions to rise to the top.