Grad lopova

Grad lopova 2010


Doug MacRay vođa je nemilosrdne bande pljačkaša banaka. Bez stvarnih veza, Doug ne strahuje da će izgubiti nekog bliskog sebi. Međutim, sve se mijenja pri posljednjoj pljački kad za taoca uzmu direktoricu banke, Claire.


Kȏd 8

Kȏd 8 2019


U gradu u kojem su ljudi sa supermoćima izopćeni jedan marljivi radnik pomisli da svoje zabranjene sposobnosti iskoristi da zaradi novac i tako spasi bolesnu majku.



Samaritanac 2022


Trinaestogodišnji Sam Cleary sumnja da je njegov misteriozni povučeni susjed gospodin Smith zapravo legendarni samaritanski osvetnik, koji je navodno umro prije 20 godina. S porastom kriminala i gradom na rubu kaosa, Sam sebi daje za zadatak uvjeriti svog susjeda da se prestane skrivati ​​kako bi spasio grad od propasti.


The Highwaymen

The Highwaymen 2019


Hollywood voli dobre anti-heroje, i vrlo često, filmovi o Bonnie Parker i Clyde Darrow teže romantizirati zloglasni kriminalistički duo. The Highwaymen nije takva vrsta filma. Umjesto toga, ovdje pratimo Teksaške rangere koji su ih doveli pred lice pravde, a igraju ih Kevin Costner i Woody Harrelson.


Gangsterska petorka

Gangsterska petorka 2004


Profesor G. H. Dorr (T. Hanks) unajmljuje sobu kod pobožne afroameričke udovice Munson (I. P. Hall) uz dogovor da u podrumu kuće može vježbati sa svojim kolegama glazbenicima. No, to je zapravo krinka, jer su oni članovi bande koju je on okupio kako bi iz tog podruma iskopali tunel do obližnje kockarnice koja je na brodu, ali urede i blagajnu ima na obali, te se tako domogli velike svote novca. Već i samo prerušavanje karikiranih likova izaziva niz komičnih situacija koje se potenciraju od trenutka kada udovica nasluti što se zapravo zbiva i kada postaje takva opasnost za gangstere da je moraju ubiti, što je mnogo teži zadatak no što se u prvi tren čini.


Pasji svijet

Pasji svijet 2021


U bliskoj budućnosti Taranto je grad duhova u koji se nitko ne usudi ući. Najsiromašniji su prepušteni borbi za preživljavanje, dok se bande natječu za teritorij. Dva 13-godišnja siročića, odrasla zajedno, sanjaju o tome da se pridruže jednoj od bandi.



Westside 2015


The story of legendary safe cracker and career criminal Ted West and his firecracker of a wife, Rita. Combining real events and the rich folklore of the West family and associates, this is rollicking history, and a tempestuous romance, set at a time of great social upheaval.


Get Smart

Get Smart 1965


Get Smart is an American comedy television series that satirizes the secret agent genre. Created by Mel Brooks with Buck Henry, the show stars Don Adams, Barbara Feldon, and Edward Platt. Henry said they created the show by request of Daniel Melnick, who was a partner, along with Leonard Stern and David Susskind, of the show's production company, Talent Associates, to capitalize on "the two biggest things in the entertainment world today"—James Bond and Inspector Clouseau. Brooks said: "It's an insane combination of James Bond and Mel Brooks comedy." This is the only Mel Brooks production to feature a laugh track. The success of the show eventually spawned the follow-up films The Nude Bomb and Get Smart, Again!, as well as a 1995 revival series and a 2008 film remake. In 2010, TV Guide ranked Get Smart's opening title sequence at No. 2 on its list of TV's Top 10 Credits Sequences, as selected by readers.


Gerry Hutch: AKA The Monk

Gerry Hutch: AKA The Monk 2025


With unprecedented access to archive footage and extensive new background research this is the up-to-date story of Gerry Hutch by some of those who know his life best.


Triads: The Chinese Mafia Conquering the World

Triads: The Chinese Mafia Conquering the World 2023


Founded in the 17th century, the triads have built their myth around fighting China's enemies. Who are they? What role do they play in Chinese culture and history? What business are they involved in? What are their strategies?



Bullshit 2024


Inspired by actual events - the dramatic story of a group of lost youth in late 70s and early 80s Copenhagen. They find community and belonging in the biker gang 'Bullshit' – but end up in brutal conflict.



Vegas 2021


A business owner is thrust into New Zealand's dark underbelly after a million-dollar drug deal goes wrong on a blood-stained night, setting off a chain of events between dangerous factions.


Mafia Connection

Mafia Connection 2022


Mafia Connection exposes old and new mafia organizations threating Italy.